Package com.sun.identity.idm

@Supported package com.sun.identity.idm
Provides classes for accessing the Identity Repository interfaces.
  • Class
    This class represents an Identity which needs to be managed by Access Manager.
    The class AMIdentityRepository represents an object to access the repositories in which user/role/group and other identity data is configured.
    Represents the event listener interface that consumers of this API should implement and register with the IdentityStore to receive notifications.
    The class IdOperation defines the types of operations supported on managed identities, and provides static constants for these operation.
    This interface defines the methods which need to be implemented by plugins.
    An exception type thrown when an IdRepo is asked to create an object with a name that is already used.
    The exception class whose instance is thrown if there is any error during the operation of objects of the com.sun.identity.sms package.
    Factory interface for creating instances of IdRepo.
    The exception class whose instance is thrown if there is any error during the operation of objects of the com.sun.identity.sms package.
    Provides methods that can be called by IdRepo plugins to notify change events.
    The exception class whose instance is thrown if there is any error during the operation of objects of the com.sun.identity.sms package.
    This is a helper class which is used in the IdentityStore search method.
    This is a helper class which can be in conjunction with the IdSearchControl class to make simple modifications to the basic search performed by each plugin.
    This class IdSearchResults provides to obtain the search results.
    The class IdType defines the types of supported identities, and provides static constants for these identities.
    The class defines some static utilities used by other components like policy and auth
    The exception class whose instance is thrown if there is any error related with password issue.