Package com.sun.identity.saml2.protocol

@Supported package com.sun.identity.saml2.protocol
SAMLv2 Protocol Classes.
  • Class
    This class represents the Artifact element in SAMLv2 protocol schema.
    The ArtifactResolve message is used to request that a SAML protocol message be returned in an ArtifactResponse message by specifying an artifact that represents the SAML protocol message.
    The ArtifactResopnse message has the complex type ArtifactResponseType.
    This class represents the AssertionIDRequestType complex type.
    This class represents the AttributeQueryType complex type.
    This class represents the AuthnQueryType complex type.
    The AuthnRequest interface defines methods for properties required by an authentication request.
    The interface Extensions defines methods for adding protcol message extension elements.
    This interface contains methods for the GetComplete Element in the SAMLv2 Protocol Schema.
    This interface defines methods to set/retrieve single identity provider information trusted by the request issuer to authenticate the presenter.
    This interface specifies the identity providers trusted by the requester to authenticate the presenter.
    This class represents the LogoutRequest element in SAML protocol schema.
    This class represents the LogoutResponse element in SAML protocol schema.
    This class represents the ManageNameIDRequestType complex type.
    This class represents the ManageNameIDResponse element declaration.
    This class represents the ManageNameIDRequestType complex type.
    This class represents the NameIDMappingResponseType complex type.
    This interface defines methods to retrieve name identifier related properties.
    Java content class for NewEncryptedID element declaration.
    This interface identifies the new identifier in an ManageNameIDRequest message.
    This is the factory class to obtain object instances for concrete elements in the protocol schema.
    This interface defines methods for setting and retrieving attributes and elements associated with a SAML request message used in SAML protocols.
    Java content class for RequestedAuthnContext element declaration.
    This interface identifies the requester in an AuthnRequest message.
    The Response message element is used when a response consists of a list of zero or more assertions that satisfy the request.
    This interface defines methods to retrieve Identity Providers and context/limitations related to proxying of the request message.
    This class represents the SessionIndex element in SAML protocol schema.
    This class represents the StatusType complex type in SAML protocol schema.
    This class represents the StatusCodeType complex type in SAML protocol schema.
    This class represents the StatusDetailType complex type in SAML protocol schema.
    This class represents the StatusMessage element in SAML protocol schema.
    This class represents the StatusResponseType complex type in SAML protocol schema.
    This class represents the SubjectQueryAbstractType complex type.