Class ServiceSchema

All Implemented Interfaces:

@SupportedAll public class ServiceSchema extends Object implements org.forgerock.openam.core.sms.AttributeSchemaProvider
The class ServiceSchema provides interfaces to manage the schema information of a service. The schema for a service can be one of the following types: GLOBAL, ORGANIZATION, DYNAMIC, USER, and POLICY.
  • Field Details


      public static final String INHERITANCE_SINGLE
      This is the schema inheritance of "single", i.e. there is only one instance, this is the default value
      See Also:

      public static final String INHERITANCE_MULTIPLE
      This is the schema inheritance of "multiple", i.e. the service can have multiple instances
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getServiceName

      public String getServiceName()
      Returns the name of the service.
      the name of the schema
    • getVersion

      public String getVersion()
      Returns the version of the service.
      version of the service schema
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of the schema.
      the name of the schema
    • getServiceType

      public SchemaType getServiceType()
      Returns the schema type.
      the schema type.
    • getI18NKey

      public String getI18NKey()
      Returns the I18N key that points to the description of the service. If this schema is a sub schema and does not contain an i18nKey, then the value defaults to the i18nKey of the service.
      the I18N key that points to the description of this schema or the description of the service
    • getI18NKeyWithoutDefault

      public String getI18NKeyWithoutDefault()
      Returns the I18N key that points to the description of the schema, or null if not present.
      the I18N key that points to the description of this schema
    • supportsMultipleConfigurations

      public boolean supportsMultipleConfigurations()
      Returns true if service schema supports multiple configurations; false otherwise
      true if service schema supports multiple configurations; false otherwise
    • getInheritance

      public String getInheritance()
      Get the inheritance of this schema.

      The inheritance of a schema relate to that instance having a single instance or multiple instances.


      the inheritance
    • setI18Nkey

      public void setI18Nkey(String key) throws SMSException, SSOException
      Sets the value of the I18N key in the service schema.
      key - Value to be set for the I18N key of the service schema.
      SMSException - if there is a problem setting the value in the data store.
      SSOException - If the user has an invalid SSO token.
    • setInheritance

      public void setInheritance(String value) throws SMSException, SSOException
      Set the value of inheritance attribute in service schema.
      value - New value of inheritance attribute.
      SMSException - if there is a problem setting the value in the data store.
      SSOException - if the user has an invalid single sign on token.
    • getPropertiesViewBeanURL

      public String getPropertiesViewBeanURL()
      Returns the view bean URL for this service
      file name that contains I18N messages
    • getStatusAttribute

      public String getStatusAttribute()
      Returns the name of the status attribute, as defined in the Service schema
      String name of status attribute
    • isExportable

      public boolean isExportable()
      Returns true if the service configuration created can be exported to other organizations.
      true if service configurations for this schema can be exported to other organizations; false otherwise.
    • setExportable

      public void setExportable(boolean exportable)
      Sets the exportable nature of the service configurations created for this schema. Setting it to true allows the configurations to be exported to other organizations and a value of false disables exporting of configuration data.
      exportable - true if service configurations for this schema can be exported to other organizations; false otherwise.
    • getI18NFileName

      public String getI18NFileName()
      Returns the I18N properties file name for the service schema.
      the I18N properties file name for the service schema
    • setI18NFileName

      public void setI18NFileName(String url) throws SMSException, SSOException
      Sets the I18N properties file name for the service schema
      url - properties file name
      SMSException - if an error occurred while trying to perform the operation
      SSOException - if the single sign on token is invalid or expired
    • getResourceName

      public String getResourceName()
      Returns the name for the service schema when used in a CREST representation.
    • isHiddenInConfigUI

      public boolean isHiddenInConfigUI()
      Should this service schema be hidden in the Configuration UI.
      True if it should be hidden.
    • isRestEnabled

      public boolean isRestEnabled()
      Should the service be enabled for REST.
      True if the service is enabled for REST.
    • getSectionFileName

      public Optional<String> getSectionFileName()
      Get the section file for this service schema. This will typically be the path to a resource, refer to ClassLoader.getResource(String) for more information.
      An optional section file for the service schema.
    • isRealmCloneable

      public boolean isRealmCloneable()
      During the creation of a new organisation/realm the services assigned to the parent realm are copied to the child realm. This will include the sub configs for that service, which in some cases are realm specific and will fail validation if copied. The schemas of these sub configs should set realmCloneable to no to avoid being copied.
      true if the config is cloneable between realms.
    • setResourceName

      public void setResourceName(String name) throws SMSException, SSOException
      Sets the CREST resource name for the service schema.
      name - resource name.
      SMSException - if an error occurred while trying to perform the operation
      SSOException - if the single sign on token is invalid or expired
    • getAttributeSchemaNames

      public Set<String> getAttributeSchemaNames()
      Returns the names of the schema attributes defined for the service. It does not return the schema attributes defined for the sub-schema.
      the names of schema attributes defined for the service
    • getSearchableAttributeNames

      public Set<String> getSearchableAttributeNames()
      Returns the names of the schema attributes defined for the service which are searchable. It does not return the schema attributes defined for the sub-schema.
      the names of schema attributes defined for the service which are searchable attributes.
    • getAttributeSchema

      public AttributeSchema getAttributeSchema(String attributeName)
      Returns the schema for an attribute given the name of the attribute, defined for this service. It returns only the attribute schema defined at the top level for the service and not from the sub-schema.
      attributeName - the name of the schema attribute
      the schema for the attribute
    • getInternalAttributeSchema

      public org.forgerock.openam.core.sms.AttributeSchemaProvider.Schema getInternalAttributeSchema(String attributeName)
      attributeName - The name of the attribute to return, maybe null.
      A representation of the attribute AttributeSchemaProvider.Schema.
    • getAllAttributeSchema

      public Set<org.forgerock.openam.core.sms.AttributeSchemaProvider.Schema> getAllAttributeSchema()
    • getAttributeSchemas

      public Set<AttributeSchema> getAttributeSchemas()
      Returns the attribute schemas defined for the service. It does not return the schema attributes defined for the sub-schema.
      attribute schemas defined for the service
    • getServiceAttributeNames

      public Set<String> getServiceAttributeNames()
      Returns the attribute schemas defined for the service that is not a status attribute and is not a service attribute. It does not return the schema attributes defined for the sub-schema.
      attribute schemas defined for the service
    • validateAndInheritDefaults

      public validateAndInheritDefaults( attrMap, boolean inherit, defaults) throws SMSException
      Validates the attrMap against the attributes defined in this schema of the service. It will throw an exception if the map contains any attribute not listed in the schema. It will also pick up default values for any attributes not in the map but which are listed in the schema, if the boolean inherit is set to true.
      attrMap - map of attributes
      inherit - if true, then inherit the default values
      Map of validated attributes with default values
      SMSException - if invalid attribute names are present in the attrMap.
    • validateAndInheritDefaults

      public validateAndInheritDefaults( attrMap, String orgName, boolean inherit, defaults) throws SMSException
      Validates the attrMap against the attributes defined in this schema of the service for the given organization. It will throw an exception if the map contains any attribute not listed in the schema. It will also pick up default values for any attributes not in the map but which are listed in the schema, if the boolean inherit is set to true.
      attrMap - map of attributes
      inherit - if true, then inherit the default values
      Map of validated attributes with default values
      SMSException - if invalid attribute names are present in the attrMap.
    • addAttributeSchema

      public void addAttributeSchema(InputStream xmlAttrSchema) throws SSOException, SMSException
      Adds the attribute schema to this service. The schema is defined in XML input stream that follows the SMS DTD.
      xmlAttrSchema - the XML format of the attribute schema
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation
      SSOException - if the single sign on token is invalid or expired
    • removeAttributeSchema

      public void removeAttributeSchema(String attrName) throws SSOException, SMSException
      Removes the attribute schema from this service.
      attrName - the name of the attribute schema
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation
      SSOException - if the single sign on token is invalid or expired
    • getAttributeDefaults

      public getAttributeDefaults()
      Returns a map of all the attribute and their default values in this schema.
      Map of Attribute Names and Sets of their default values as defined in the Schema
    • getAttributeExamples

      public Map<String,Set<String>> getAttributeExamples()
      Returns a map of all the attribute and their example values in this schema.
      Map of Attribute Names and Sets of their example values as defined in the Schema
    • getReadOnlyAttributeDefaults

      public Map getReadOnlyAttributeDefaults()
      Returns an unmodifiable map of all the attribute and their default values in this schema.
      Map of Attribute Names and Sets of their default values as defined in the Schema
    • removeAttributeDefaults

      public void removeAttributeDefaults(Set<String> attrs) throws SMSException, SSOException
      Removes the default values of attributes in the schema.
      attrs - A set of the names of AttributeSchema.
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation
      SSOException - if the single sign on token is invalid or expired
    • getSubSchemaNames

      public Set<String> getSubSchemaNames()
      Returns the names of sub-schemas for the service.
      the names of service's sub-schemas
    • getSubSchema

      public ServiceSchema getSubSchema(String subSchemaName) throws SMSException
      Returns ServiceSchema object given the name of the service's sub-schema.
      subSchemaName - the name of the service's sub-schema
      ServiceSchema object
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation
    • addSubSchema

      public void addSubSchema(InputStream xmlSubSchema) throws SSOException, SMSException
      Adds the service's sub-schema given the XML input stream that follows the SMS DTD.
      xmlSubSchema - the XML format of the sub-schema
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation
      SSOException - if the single sign on token is invalid or expired
    • addSubSchema

      public void addSubSchema(Document xmlSubSchema) throws SSOException, SMSException
      Adds the service's sub-schema given the XML document that follows the SMS DTD.
      xmlSubSchema - the XML format of the sub-schema.
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation.
      SSOException - if the single sign on token is invalid or expired.
    • replaceSubSchema

      public void replaceSubSchema(String subSchemaName, Document xmlSubSchema) throws SSOException, SMSException
      Replaces the service's sub-schema given the XML document that follows the SMS DTD.
      subSchemaName - the name of the service's sub-schema
      xmlSubSchema - the XML format of the sub-schema.
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation.
      SSOException - if the single sign on token is invalid or expired.
    • removeSubSchema

      public void removeSubSchema(String subSchemaName) throws SSOException, SMSException
      Removes the service's sub-schema from the service.
      subSchemaName - the name of the service's sub-schema
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation
      SSOException - if the single sign on token is invalid or expired
    • validateAttributes

      public boolean validateAttributes(Map<String,Set<String>> attributeSet) throws SMSException
      Determines whether each attribute in the attribute set is valid. Iterates though the set checking each element to see if there is a validator that needs to execute.
      attributeSet - the Map where key is the attribute name and value is the Set of attribute values
      true if all attributes are valid
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation
    • validateAttributes

      public boolean validateAttributes(Map<String,Set<String>> attributeSet, String orgName) throws SMSException
      Determines whether each attribute in the attribute set is valid for the given organization. Iterates though the set checking each element to see if there is a validator that needs to execute.
      attributeSet - the Map where key is the attribute name and value is the Set of attribute values
      orgName - organization name
      true if all attributes are valid
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation
    • validateAttributes

      public boolean validateAttributes(Map<String,Set<String>> attributeSet, String orgName, boolean encodePassword) throws SMSException
      Determines whether each attribute in the attribute set is valid for the given organization. Iterates through the set checking each element to see if there is a validator that needs to execute.
      attributeSet - the Map where key is the attribute name and value is the Set of attribute values
      orgName - organization name
      encodePassword - encode any password attributes present in the attributeSet
      true if all attributes are valid
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation
    • validateAttributes

      public boolean validateAttributes(List<String> configPath, Map<String,Set<String>> attributeSet) throws SMSException
      Determines whether each attribute in the attribute set is valid. Iterates though the set checking each element to see if there is a validator that needs to execute.
      configPath - The path of config names to the config instance - the ID of the instance should be the last entry in the list.
      attributeSet - the Map where key is the attribute name and value is the Set of attribute values
      true if all attributes are valid
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation
    • validateAttributes

      public boolean validateAttributes(List<String> configPath, Map<String,Set<String>> attributeSet, String orgName) throws SMSException
      Determines whether each attribute in the attribute set is valid for the given organization. Iterates though the set checking each element to see if there is a validator that needs to execute.
      configPath - The path of config names to the config instance - the ID of the instance should be the last entry in the list.
      attributeSet - the Map where key is the attribute name and value is the Set of attribute values
      orgName - organization name
      true if all attributes are valid
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns string representation of the schema.
      toString in class Object
      string representation of the schema.
    • getSchemaNode

      public Node getSchemaNode()
      Returns the Node of this schema element. Used by Policy component's ServiceType to get ActionSchema.
      the Node of this schema element. Used by Policy component's ServiceType to get ActionSchema.
    • replaceAttributeSchema

      public void replaceAttributeSchema(String attrName, Node attributeSchemaNode) throws SSOException, SMSException
      Removes the attribute schema from this service.
      attrName - the name of the attribute schema
      SMSException - if an error occurred while performing the operation
      SSOException - if the single sign on token is invalid or expired