Package com.sun.identity.xacml.context.impl

@Supported package com.sun.identity.xacml.context.impl
Defines XACML Context implementations.
  • Classes
    The Action element specifies information about the action requested in the Request context by listing a sequence of Attribute elements associated with the action.
    The Attribute element specifies information about the action/subject/resource requested in the Request context by listing a sequence of Attribute elements associated with the action.
    The Decision element is a container of one or more Decisions issued by policy decision point
    The Environment element specifies information about the environment requested in the Request context by listing a sequence of Attribute elements associated with the environment.
    The Request element is the top-level element in the XACML context schema.
    The Resource element specifies information about the resource to which access is requested by listing a sequence of Attribute elements associated with the resource.
    The StatusCode element is a container of one or more StatusCodes issuded by authorization authority.
    The StatusCode element is a container of one or more Statuss issuded by authorization authority.
    The Status element is a container of one or more Statuss issuded by authorization authority.
    The StatusMessage element is a container of one or more StatusMessages issuded by authorization authority.
    The Subject element specifies information about a subject of the Request context by listing a sequence of Attribute elements associated with the subject.