Interface Identity

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Identity
Models an identity. Makes no guarantee that the underlying identity actually exists.
  • Method Details

    • asUniversalId

      UniversalId asUniversalId()
      Return the universal id which represents this identity
      The universal id which represents this identity
    • getSSOToken

      SSOToken getSSOToken()
      Get the SSOToken which should be used to authorize operations against this identity.
      The token to use for authorization
    • getAttributes

      Map<String,Set<String>> getAttributes() throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      Returns all attributes and values of this identity. This method is only valid for Identity objects of type User, Agent, Group, and Role.
      Map of attribute-values
      IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid
    • getAttributes

      Map<String,Set<String>> getAttributes(Set<String> attrNames) throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      Returns requested attributes and values of this object.

      This method is only valid for Identity object of type User, Agent, Group, and Role.

      attrNames - Set of attribute names to be read
      Map of attribute-values
      IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid
    • getAttribute

      Set<String> getAttribute(String attrName) throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      Returns the values of the requested attribute. Returns an empty set, if the attribute is not set in the object.

      This method is only valid for Identity objects of type User, Agent, Group, and Role.

      attrName - Name of attribute
      Set of attribute values
      IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid
    • isExists

      boolean isExists() throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      This method determines if the identity exists and returns true or false.

      This method is only valid for Identity objects of type User and Agent.

      true if the identity exists or false otherwise
      IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid