Interface TemplateVisitor<T,C>

Type Parameters:
T - operation return type
C - contextual parameter
All Known Implementing Classes:
HasPropertyVisitor, SubstitutionVisitor

public interface TemplateVisitor<T,C>
A TemplateVisitor represents an operation applied to a Template.

All of the visit methods defaults to visitAny(Object) that throws an UnsupportedOperationException by default. It simplifies the visitor implementation if some common behaviour need to be implemented.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default T
    visitAny(C context)
    Fallback method if the visitor does not implement the other visit methods.
    default T
    visitEmpty(C context)
    Visit an empty template with the given context object.
    default T
    visitProperty(C context, Template property, Template defaultValue)
    Visit a property template with the given context object.
    default T
    visitSequence(C context, List<Template> sequence)
    Visit a sequence of templates with the given context object.
    default T
    visitText(C context, String text)
    Visit a textual template with the given context object.
  • Method Details

    • visitText

      default T visitText(C context, String text)
      Visit a textual template with the given context object.
      context - the contextual object (can be null)
      text - the text contained in the visited textual template
      the result of the operation on the template
    • visitEmpty

      default T visitEmpty(C context)
      Visit an empty template with the given context object.
      context - the contextual object (can be null)
      the result of the operation on the template
    • visitProperty

      default T visitProperty(C context, Template property, Template defaultValue)
      Visit a property template with the given context object.
      context - the contextual object (can be null)
      property - the template that defines the property's name
      defaultValue - the template that defines the property's default value
      the result of the operation on the template
    • visitSequence

      default T visitSequence(C context, List<Template> sequence)
      Visit a sequence of templates with the given context object.
      context - the contextual object (can be null)
      sequence - the (never null) list of templates within this sequence
      the result of the operation on the template
    • visitAny

      default T visitAny(C context)
      Fallback method if the visitor does not implement the other visit methods.
      context - the contextual object (can be null)
      the result of the operation on the template