Class EncryptedThenSignedJwt

All Implemented Interfaces:
Jwt, Payload
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class EncryptedThenSignedJwt extends SignedJwt
An implementation of a JWS with a nested JWE as its payload.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • EncryptedThenSignedJwt

      public EncryptedThenSignedJwt(JwsHeader header, EncryptedJwt nestedJwe, SigningHandler signingHandler)
      Constructs a fresh, new SignedEncryptedJwt from the given JwsHeader and nested Encrypted JWT.

      The specified private key will be used in the creation of the JWS signature.

      header - The JwsHeader containing the header parameters of the JWS.
      nestedJwe - The nested Encrypted JWT that will be the payload of this JWS.
      signingHandler - The SigningHandler instance used to sign the JWS.
    • EncryptedThenSignedJwt

      public EncryptedThenSignedJwt(JwsHeader header, EncryptedJwt nestedJwe, byte[] signingInput, byte[] signature)
      Constructs a reconstructed SignedEncryptedJwt from its constituent parts, the JwsHeader, nested Encrypted JWT, signing input and signature.

      For use when a signed nested encrypted JWT has been reconstructed from its base64url encoded string representation and the signature needs verifying.

      header - The JwsHeader containing the header parameters of the JWS.
      nestedJwe - The nested Encrypted JWT that is the payload of the JWS.
      signingInput - The original data that was signed, being the base64url encoding of the JWS header and payload concatenated using a "." character.
      signature - The resulting signature of signing the signing input.
  • Method Details

    • getClaimsSet

      public JwtClaimsSet getClaimsSet()
      Gets the claims set object for the nested Encrypted JWT that is the payload of this JWS.
      Specified by:
      getClaimsSet in interface Jwt
      getClaimsSet in class SignedJwt
      The JWTs Claims Set.
      See Also:
    • decrypt

      @Deprecated public void decrypt(Key privateKey)
      Decrypts the JWE so that it Claims Set can be accessed.

      The same private key must be given here that is the pair to the public key that was used to encrypt the JWT.

      privateKey - The private key pair to the public key that encrypted the JWT.
    • decrypt

      public Promise<? extends EncryptedJwt,JweDecryptionCheckedException> decrypt(SecretsProvider secretsProvider, Purpose<? extends CryptoKey> decryptionPurpose)
      Decrypts the inner encrypted JWE so that the payload can be accessed. If decryption is successful then a promise to the now-decrypted inner JWT is returned, otherwise the promise resolves to a JweDecryptionCheckedException.
      secretsProvider - the secrets provider to retrieve candidate keys to decrypt the JWT.
      decryptionPurpose - the purpose for which decryption is being performed. This purpose should typically be for a DataDecryptionKey, KeyDecryptionKey, or a KeyAgreementKey.
      a promise to either the decrypted inner JWT or a decryption failure exception.
    • decrypt

      Decrypts the inner encrypted JWE so that the payload can be accessed. If decryption is successful then a promise to the now-decrypted inner JWT is returned, otherwise the promise resolves to a JweDecryptionCheckedException.
      secretsReference - the reference to valid keys to decrypt the JWT.
      a promise to either the decrypted inner JWT or a decryption failure exception.
    • getJweHeader

      public JweHeader getJweHeader()
      Get the header of the encapsulated EncryptedJwt.
      The JWE header.
    • getEncryptedJwt

      public EncryptedJwt getEncryptedJwt()
      Gets the encrypted JWT.
      the nested JWE.
    • copy

      public EncryptedThenSignedJwt copy()
      Description copied from interface: Jwt
      Create a copy of the current JWT.
      Specified by:
      copy in interface Jwt
      Specified by:
      copy in interface Payload
      copy in class SignedJwt
      a copy of the JWT.