Interface ServiceConfigValidatorV2

All Known Implementing Classes:
PurposeMappingValidator, SingleAliasPurposeMappingValidator

@SupportedAll public interface ServiceConfigValidatorV2
This interface provides a means to validate an entire ServiceConfig's attribute values together. It should be used when a Schema or SubSchema has AttributeSchemas whose valid values depend on other attributes in the config.

It can be expected that instances of this class will be instantiated via a dependency injection framework, and so dependencies can be used via an @Inject-annotated constructor or setters.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    validate(Realm realm, String serviceName, List<String> configPath, Map<String,Set<String>> attributes)
    Implement this method to perform the validation of the attributes.
  • Method Details

    • validate

      void validate(Realm realm, String serviceName, List<String> configPath, Map<String,Set<String>> attributes) throws ServiceConfigException, ServiceErrorException
      Implement this method to perform the validation of the attributes.
      realm - The realm the config is in, or null if it is not in a realm.
      serviceName - The name of the service to be validated.
      configPath - The names of the service config. The last element in the list will be the name of this config. In the case of service-level (non-SubSchema) config, this will be an empty list.
      attributes - The map of attribute names to values. This map will contain the default values for attributes where a value is not defined in this instance.
      ServiceConfigException - If the configuration is not valid, throw an SMSException, with a description of why it is invalid.
      ServiceErrorException - If an exception occurred when trying to validate the config.