Class UpgradeUtils


@Supported public class UpgradeUtils extends Object
This class contains utilities to upgrade the service schema configuration to be compatible with OpenAM.
  • Method Details

    • createService

      @Supported public static void createService(String fileName) throws UpgradeException
      Creates a new service schema in the configuration store. The service xml file passed should follow the SMS DTD.
      fileName - Name of the service schema XML to be loaded.
      UpgradeException - if there is an error creating a service.
    • addAttributeToSubSchema

      @Supported public static void addAttributeToSubSchema(String serviceName, String subSchemaName, String schemaType, String attributeSchemaFile) throws UpgradeException
      Adds new attribute schema to a sub schema in an existing service.
      serviceName - the service name.
      subSchemaName - the sub schema name.
      schemaType - the schema type.
      attributeSchemaFile - XML file containing attribute schema definition.
      UpgradeException - if there is an error adding the attribute schema.
    • addAttributeDefaultValues

      @Supported public static void addAttributeDefaultValues(String serviceName, String subSchemaName, String schemaType, String attributeName, Set defaultValues) throws UpgradeException
      Adds default values to an existing attribute. The existing values in the attribute will be updated with new values.
      serviceName - name of the service
      subSchemaName - name of the subschema
      schemaType - the schemaType
      attributeName - name of the attribute
      defaultValues - a set of values to be added to the attribute
      UpgradeException - If there is an error.
    • addAttributeToSchema

      @Supported public static void addAttributeToSchema(String serviceName, String subSchemaName, String schemaType, Node attributeSchemaNode, SSOToken adminToken) throws UpgradeException
      Adds new attribute schema to an existing service.
      serviceName - the service name.
      schemaType - the schema type.
      attributeSchemaNode - attribute to add
      adminToken - admin SSOToken
      UpgradeException - if there is an error adding the attribute schema.
    • addAttributeToSchema

      @Supported public static void addAttributeToSchema(ServiceSchema serviceSchema, Node attributeSchemaNode) throws UpgradeException
      Adds new attribute schema to an existing service.
      serviceSchema - The underlying service schema.
      attributeSchemaNode - The attribute is add
      UpgradeException - if there is an error adding the attribute schema.
    • removeAttributeSchema

      @Supported public static void removeAttributeSchema(String serviceName, String subSchemaName, String schemaType, String attributeName, SSOToken adminToken) throws UpgradeException
      Remove an attribute schema from an existing service.
      serviceName - the service name.
      subSchemaName - name of the subschema
      schemaType - the schema type.
      attributeName - attribute to remove
      adminToken - admin SSOToken
      UpgradeException - if there is an error removing the attribute schema.
    • removeAttributeSchema

      @Supported public static void removeAttributeSchema(ServiceSchema serviceSchema, String attributeName) throws UpgradeException
      Removes attribute schema from an existing service.
      serviceSchema - The underlying service schema.
      attributeName - The attribute is remove
      UpgradeException - if there is an error removing the attribute schema.
    • replaceAttributeSchema

      @Supported public static void replaceAttributeSchema(String serviceName, String subSchemaName, String schemaType, String attributeName, SSOToken adminToken, Node attributeSchemaNode) throws UpgradeException
      Replace an attribute schema from an existing service with the new one
      serviceName - the service name.
      subSchemaName - name of the subschema
      schemaType - the schema type.
      attributeName - attribute to update
      adminToken - admin SSOToken
      attributeSchemaNode - The attribute to update
      UpgradeException - if there is an error updating the attribute schema.
    • replaceAttributeSchema

      @Supported public static void replaceAttributeSchema(ServiceSchema serviceSchema, String attributeName, Node attributeSchemaNode) throws UpgradeException
      Replace an attribute schema from an existing service with the new one
      serviceSchema - The underlying service schema.
      attributeName - attribute to update
      attributeSchemaNode - The attribute to update
      UpgradeException - if there is an error updating the attribute schema.