Class SslOptions


public final class SslOptions extends Object
Encapsulates options for configuring SSL based security as well as providing methods for building SSLEngines.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • isSslHostNameValidationEnabled

      public static boolean isSslHostNameValidationEnabled()
      Returns whether server host name validation against the SSL certificate's subject must be performed.
      true If the host name must be validated, false otherwise.
    • newClientSslEngine

      public static SSLEngine newClientSslEngine(SslOptions sslOptions, String host, int port)
      Creates a new SSLEngine configured to be used by a client application. Provide a host and port in order to perform host name verification.
      sslOptions - SslOptions to use to configure the SSLEngine.
      host - The non-authoritative name of the peer host.
      port - The non-authoritative peer port.
      A new SSLEngine which has been configured with the settings contained in this SslOptions
    • newServerSslEngine

      public static SSLEngine newServerSslEngine(SslOptions sslOptions)
      Creates a new SSLEngine configured to be used by a server application.
      sslOptions - SslOptions to use to configure the SSLEngine.
      A new SSLEngine which has been configured with the settings contained in this SslOptions
    • supportedCipherSuites

      public static List<String> supportedCipherSuites()
      Returns a List of TLS cipher suites names reported as supported by the running JVM.
      a List of TLS cipher suites names reported as supported by the running JVM
    • supportedProtocols

      public static List<String> supportedProtocols()
      Returns a List of TLS protocol names reported as supported by the running JVM.
      a List of TLS protocol names reported as supported by the running JVM
    • newSslOptions

      public static SslOptions newSslOptions(KeyManager keyManager, TrustManager trustManager) throws KeyManagementException
      Creates a new SslOptions for the provided key manager and trust manager.
      keyManager - The key manager, which may be null indicating that no certificates will be used.
      trustManager - The trust manager, which may be null. In the latter case, only certificates signed by the authorities associated with the installed security providers of this JVM are accepted.
      A new SslOptions instance.
      KeyManagementException - If the key manager or trust manager could not be used for some reason.
    • newSslOptions

      public static SslOptions newSslOptions(KeyManager[] keyManagers, TrustManager[] trustManagers) throws KeyManagementException
      Creates a new SslOptions for the provided key managers and trust managers.
      keyManagers - The key managers, which may be null indicating that no certificates will be used.
      trustManagers - The trust manager, which may be null. In the latter case, only certificates signed by the authorities associated with the installed security providers of this JVM are accepted.
      A new SslOptions instance.
      KeyManagementException - If the key managers or trust managers could not be used for some reason.
    • copyOfSslOptions

      public static SslOptions copyOfSslOptions(SslOptions sslOptions)
      Creates a copy of the provided SslOptions.
      sslOptions - The SslOptions
      A new SslOptions instance.
    • clientAuthPolicy

      public SslOptions.ClientAuthPolicy clientAuthPolicy()
      Returns the client authentication policy. This option is only useful in server mode.
      The SslOptions.ClientAuthPolicy option.
    • enabledProtocols

      public String[] enabledProtocols()
      Returns the names of the protocol versions which are currently enabled for secure connections with the Directory Server.
      an array of protocols or null if the default protocols are to be used.
    • enabledCipherSuites

      public String[] enabledCipherSuites()
      Returns the names of the cipher suites which are currently enabled for secure connections with the Directory Server.
      an array of cipher-suite or null if the default cipher-suites are to be used.
    • keyManagers

      public KeyManager[] keyManagers()
      Return the key managers which can be used to secure connections or null if no certificates are used.
      The key managers or null if there are none.
    • trustManagers

      public TrustManager[] trustManagers()
      Return the trust managers or null. In the latter case, only certificates signed by the authorities associated with the installed security providers of this JVM are accepted.
      The trust managers or null if there are none.
    • sslContext

      public SSLContext sslContext()
      Returns the SSLContext that should be used when installing the SSL layer.
      The SSLContext that should be used when installing the SSL layer.
    • clientAuthPolicy

      public SslOptions clientAuthPolicy(SslOptions.ClientAuthPolicy clientAuthPolicy)
      Sets the client auth policy. This option is only useful in server mode.
      clientAuthPolicy - The client auth policy.
      this SslOptions.
      See Also:
    • enabledCipherSuites

      public SslOptions enabledCipherSuites(Collection<String> cipherSuites)
      Adds the cipher suites enabled for secure connections with the Directory Server. The suites must be supported by the SSLContext specified during construction. Following a successful call to this method, only the suites listed in the protocols parameter are enabled for use.
      cipherSuites - Names of all the cipher-suites to enable or null to use the default ones.
      This SslOptions.
    • enabledCipherSuites

      public SslOptions enabledCipherSuites(String... cipherSuites)
      Adds the cipher suites enabled for secure connections with the Directory Server. The suites must be supported by the SSLContext specified during construction. Following a successful call to this method, only the suites listed in the protocols parameter are enabled for use.
      cipherSuites - Names of all the cipher-suites to enable or null to use the default ones.
      This SslOptions.
    • enabledProtocols

      public SslOptions enabledProtocols(Collection<String> protocols)
      Adds the protocol versions enabled for secure connections with the Directory Server. The protocols must be supported by the SSLContext specified during construction.
      protocols - Names of all the protocols to enable or null to use the default ones.
      This SslOptions.
    • enabledProtocols

      public SslOptions enabledProtocols(String... protocols)
      Adds the protocol versions enabled for secure connections with the Directory Server. The protocols must be supported by the SSLContext specified during construction.
      protocols - Names of all the protocols to enable or null to use the default ones.
      This SslOptions.