Class Reference<C extends ConfigurationClient,​S extends Configuration>

  • Type Parameters:
    C - The type of client managed object configuration that this reference refers to.
    S - The type of server managed object configuration that this reference refers to.

    public final class Reference<C extends ConfigurationClient,​S extends Configuration>
    extends Object
    A reference to another managed object.
    • Method Detail

      • parseDn

        public static <C extends ConfigurationClient,​S extends ConfigurationReference<C,​S> parseDn​(ManagedObjectPath<?,​?> path,
                                                                                                                 InstantiableRelationDefinition<C,​S> relationDef,
                                                                                                                 String dnAsString)
        Parses a DN string value as a reference using the provided managed object path and relation definition.
        Type Parameters:
        C - The type of client managed object configuration that this reference refers to.
        S - The type of server managed object configuration that this reference refers to.
        path - The path of the referenced managed object's parent.
        relationDef - The instantiable relation in the parent which contains the referenced managed object.
        dnAsString - The DN string value.
        Returns the new reference based on the provided DN string value.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the DN string value could not be decoded as a DN or if the provided DN did not correspond to the provided path and relation.
      • parseName

        public static <C extends ConfigurationClient,​S extends ConfigurationReference<C,​S> parseName​(ManagedObjectPath<?,​?> p,
                                                                                                                   InstantiableRelationDefinition<C,​S> rd,
                                                                                                                   String s)
        Parses a name as a reference using the provided managed object path and relation definition.
        Type Parameters:
        C - The type of client managed object configuration that this reference refers to.
        S - The type of server managed object configuration that this reference refers to.
        p - The path of the referenced managed object's parent.
        rd - The instantiable relation in the parent which contains the referenced managed object.
        s - The name of the referenced managed object.
        Returns the new reference based on the provided name.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the relation is not associated with the provided parent's definition, or if the provided name is empty.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Gets the name of the referenced managed object.
        Returns the name of the referenced managed object.
      • getNormalizedName

        public String getNormalizedName()
        Gets the normalized name of the referenced managed object.
        Returns the normalized name of the referenced managed object.
      • toDn

        public Dn toDn()
        Gets the DN of the referenced managed object.
        Returns the DN of the referenced managed object.