Class TreeMapEntry

    • Constructor Detail

      • TreeMapEntry

        public TreeMapEntry()
        Creates an entry with an empty (root) distinguished name and no attributes.
      • TreeMapEntry

        public TreeMapEntry​(Dn name)
        Creates an empty entry using the provided distinguished name and no attributes.
        name - The distinguished name of this entry.
        NullPointerException - If name was null.
      • TreeMapEntry

        public TreeMapEntry​(String name)
        Creates an empty entry using the provided distinguished name decoded using the default schema.
        name - The distinguished name of this entry.
        LocalizedIllegalArgumentException - If name could not be decoded using the default schema.
        NullPointerException - If name was null.
      • TreeMapEntry

        public TreeMapEntry​(String... ldifLines)
        Creates a new entry using the provided lines of LDIF decoded using the default schema.
        ldifLines - Lines of LDIF containing the an LDIF add change record or an LDIF entry record.
        LocalizedIllegalArgumentException - If ldifLines was empty, or contained invalid LDIF, or could not be decoded using the default schema.
        NullPointerException - If ldifLines was null .
    • Method Detail

      • deepCopyOfEntry

        public static TreeMapEntry deepCopyOfEntry​(Entry entry)
        Creates an entry having the same distinguished name, attributes, and object classes of the provided entry. This constructor performs a deep copy of entry and will copy each attribute as a LinkedAttribute.

        A shallow copy factory method is provided by shallowCopyOfEntry(Entry).

        entry - The entry to be copied.
        A deep copy of entry.
        NullPointerException - If entry was null.
        See Also:
      • shallowCopyOfEntry

        public static TreeMapEntry shallowCopyOfEntry​(Entry entry)
        Creates an entry having the same distinguished name, attributes, and object classes of the provided entry. This constructor performs a shallow copy of entry and will not copy the attributes contained in entry.

        A deep copy factory method is provided by deepCopyOfEntry(Entry)

        entry - The entry to be copied.
        A shallow copy of entry.
        NullPointerException - If entry was null.
        See Also:
      • containsAnyAttributes

        public boolean containsAnyAttributes​(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
        Description copied from interface: Entry
        Returns true if this entry contains any non-empty attributes having an attribute description which is a sub-type of the provided attribute description.

        NOTE: this method performs the matching defined for an LDAP search presence filter. For example, given the attribute description "name" then this method will return true if the entry contains "name", "name;option", "cn", or "cn;option". This method is NOT suitable for schema checking, which uses different matching semantics. Specifically, an entry which MUST contain "name" is not valid if it contains "cn", but not "name". See RFC 4512 - Attribute Description Hierarchies.

        attributeDescription - The name of the attribute whose presence in this entry is to be tested.
        true if this entry contains any non-empty attributes having an attribute description which is a sub-type of the provided attribute description.
      • getAllAttributes

        public Iterable<Attribute> getAllAttributes​(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
        Description copied from interface: Entry
        Returns an Iterable containing all the attributes in this entry having an attribute description which is a sub-type of the provided attribute description. The returned Iterable may be used to remove attributes if permitted by this entry.
        attributeDescription - The name of the attributes to be returned.
        An Iterable containing the matching attributes.