Interface ReplicationServiceDiscoveryMechanismCfgClient

    • Method Detail

      • getBindDn

        ValueOrExpression<Dn> getBindDn()
        Gets the "bind-dn" property.

        The bind DN for periodically reading replication server configurations

        The bind DN must be present on all replication servers and directory servers, it must be able to read the server configuration.

        Default value is undefined

        Returns the value of the "bind-dn" property.
      • setBindDn

        void setBindDn​(ValueOrExpression<Dn> value)
                throws PropertyException
        Sets the "bind-dn" property.

        The bind DN for periodically reading replication server configurations

        The bind DN must be present on all replication servers and directory servers, it must be able to read the server configuration.

        value - The value of the "bind-dn" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • getBindPassword

        ValueOrExpression<String> getBindPassword()
        Gets the "bind-password" property.

        The clear-text bind password for periodically reading replication server configurations.

        The bind password must be the same on all replication and directory servers.

        Default value is undefined

        Returns the value of the "bind-password" property.
      • setBindPassword

        void setBindPassword​(ValueOrExpression<String> value)
                      throws PropertyException
        Sets the "bind-password" property.

        The clear-text bind password for periodically reading replication server configurations.

        The bind password must be the same on all replication and directory servers.

        value - The value of the "bind-password" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • getBootstrapReplicationServer

        SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<com.forgerock.opendj.util.HostPort>> getBootstrapReplicationServer()
        Gets the "bootstrap-replication-server" property.

        The addresses of one or more replication servers within the topology which this server should connect to in order to discover the rest of the topology.

        Addresses must be specified using the administration port of the remote replication servers using the syntax "hostname:admin-port". When using an IPv6 address as the hostname, put brackets around the address as in "[IPv6Address]:admin-port".

        Returns the values of the "bootstrap-replication-server" property.
      • setBootstrapReplicationServer

        void setBootstrapReplicationServer​(Collection<ValueOrExpression<com.forgerock.opendj.util.HostPort>> values)
                                    throws PropertyException
        Sets the "bootstrap-replication-server" property.

        The addresses of one or more replication servers within the topology which this server should connect to in order to discover the rest of the topology.

        Addresses must be specified using the administration port of the remote replication servers using the syntax "hostname:admin-port". When using an IPv6 address as the hostname, put brackets around the address as in "[IPv6Address]:admin-port".

        values - The values of the "bootstrap-replication-server" property.
        PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
      • getDiscoveryInterval

        ValueOrExpression<Long> getDiscoveryInterval()
        Gets the "discovery-interval" property.

        Interval between two replication server configuration discovery queries.

        Specifies how frequently to query a replication server configuration in order to discover information about available directory server replicas.

        Default value: 60s

        Returns the value of the "discovery-interval" property.
      • setDiscoveryInterval

        void setDiscoveryInterval​(ValueOrExpression<Long> value)
                           throws PropertyException
        Sets the "discovery-interval" property.

        Interval between two replication server configuration discovery queries.

        Specifies how frequently to query a replication server configuration in order to discover information about available directory server replicas.

        value - The value of the "discovery-interval" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • getJavaClass

        ValueOrExpression<String> getJavaClass()
        Gets the "java-class" property.

        Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism implementation.

        Default value: org.opends.server.discovery.ReplicationServiceDiscoveryMechanism

        Specified by:
        getJavaClass in interface ServiceDiscoveryMechanismCfgClient
        Returns the value of the "java-class" property.
      • getKeyManagerProvider

        ValueOrExpression<String> getKeyManagerProvider()
        Gets the "key-manager-provider" property.

        Specifies the name of the key manager that should be used with this Replication Service Discovery Mechanism.

        Default value is undefined

        Returns the value of the "key-manager-provider" property.
      • setKeyManagerProvider

        void setKeyManagerProvider​(ValueOrExpression<String> value)
                            throws PropertyException
        Sets the "key-manager-provider" property.

        Specifies the name of the key manager that should be used with this Replication Service Discovery Mechanism.

        value - The value of the "key-manager-provider" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • getPrimaryGroupId

        ValueOrExpression<String> getPrimaryGroupId()
        Gets the "primary-group-id" property.

        Replication domain group ID of preferred directory server replicas.

        Directory server replicas with this replication domain group ID will be preferred over other directory server replicas. Secondary server replicas will only be used when all primary server replicas become unavailable.

        Returns the value of the "primary-group-id" property.
      • setPrimaryGroupId

        void setPrimaryGroupId​(ValueOrExpression<String> value)
                        throws PropertyException
        Sets the "primary-group-id" property.

        Replication domain group ID of preferred directory server replicas.

        Directory server replicas with this replication domain group ID will be preferred over other directory server replicas. Secondary server replicas will only be used when all primary server replicas become unavailable.

        value - The value of the "primary-group-id" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • getSslCertNickname

        SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getSslCertNickname()
        Gets the "ssl-cert-nickname" property.

        Specifies the nicknames (also called the aliases) of the keys or key pairs that the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism should use when performing SSL communication.

        The property can be used multiple times (referencing different nicknames) when server certificates with different public key algorithms are used in parallel (for example, RSA, DSA, and ECC-based algorithms). When a nickname refers to an asymmetric (public/private) key pair, the nickname for the public key certificate and associated private key entry must match exactly. A single nickname is used to retrieve both the public key and the private key. This is only applicable when the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism is configured to use SSL.

        Returns the values of the "ssl-cert-nickname" property.
      • setSslCertNickname

        void setSslCertNickname​(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values)
                         throws PropertyException
        Sets the "ssl-cert-nickname" property.

        Specifies the nicknames (also called the aliases) of the keys or key pairs that the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism should use when performing SSL communication.

        The property can be used multiple times (referencing different nicknames) when server certificates with different public key algorithms are used in parallel (for example, RSA, DSA, and ECC-based algorithms). When a nickname refers to an asymmetric (public/private) key pair, the nickname for the public key certificate and associated private key entry must match exactly. A single nickname is used to retrieve both the public key and the private key. This is only applicable when the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism is configured to use SSL.

        values - The values of the "ssl-cert-nickname" property.
        PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
      • getSslCipherSuite

        SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getSslCipherSuite()
        Gets the "ssl-cipher-suite" property.

        Specifies the names of the SSL cipher suites that are allowed for use in SSL or TLS communication.

        Returns the values of the "ssl-cipher-suite" property.
      • setSslCipherSuite

        void setSslCipherSuite​(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values)
                        throws PropertyException
        Sets the "ssl-cipher-suite" property.

        Specifies the names of the SSL cipher suites that are allowed for use in SSL or TLS communication.

        values - The values of the "ssl-cipher-suite" property.
        PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
      • getSslProtocol

        SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getSslProtocol()
        Gets the "ssl-protocol" property.

        Specifies the names of the SSL protocols that are allowed for use in SSL or TLS communication.

        Returns the values of the "ssl-protocol" property.
      • setSslProtocol

        void setSslProtocol​(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values)
                     throws PropertyException
        Sets the "ssl-protocol" property.

        Specifies the names of the SSL protocols that are allowed for use in SSL or TLS communication.

        values - The values of the "ssl-protocol" property.
        PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
      • getTrustManagerProvider

        ValueOrExpression<String> getTrustManagerProvider()
        Gets the "trust-manager-provider" property.

        Specifies the name of the trust manager that should be used with the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism.

        Default value is undefined

        Returns the value of the "trust-manager-provider" property.
      • setTrustManagerProvider

        void setTrustManagerProvider​(ValueOrExpression<String> value)
                              throws PropertyException
        Sets the "trust-manager-provider" property.

        Specifies the name of the trust manager that should be used with the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism.

        value - The value of the "trust-manager-provider" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • isUseSaslExternal

        ValueOrExpression<Boolean> isUseSaslExternal()
        Gets the "use-sasl-external" property.

        Indicates whether the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism should use certificate based authentication when communicating with backend servers.

        If enabled, the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism will use mutual TLS when connecting to backend servers. Once the TLS handshake has completed, a SASL/External LDAP bind request will be sent in order to associate the TLS client certificate with an LDAP account on the remote backend server. A key manager provider containing the client certificate must be configured in order to use this feature.

        Default value: false

        Returns the value of the "use-sasl-external" property.
      • setUseSaslExternal

        void setUseSaslExternal​(ValueOrExpression<Boolean> value)
                         throws PropertyException
        Sets the "use-sasl-external" property.

        Indicates whether the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism should use certificate based authentication when communicating with backend servers.

        If enabled, the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism will use mutual TLS when connecting to backend servers. Once the TLS handshake has completed, a SASL/External LDAP bind request will be sent in order to associate the TLS client certificate with an LDAP account on the remote backend server. A key manager provider containing the client certificate must be configured in order to use this feature.

        value - The value of the "use-sasl-external" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • isUseSsl

        ValueOrExpression<Boolean> isUseSsl()
        Gets the "use-ssl" property.

        Indicates whether the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism should use SSL.

        If enabled, the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism will use SSL to encrypt communication with the clients.

        Default value: false

        Returns the value of the "use-ssl" property.
      • setUseSsl

        void setUseSsl​(ValueOrExpression<Boolean> value)
                throws PropertyException
        Sets the "use-ssl" property.

        Indicates whether the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism should use SSL.

        If enabled, the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism will use SSL to encrypt communication with the clients.

        value - The value of the "use-ssl" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • isUseStartTls

        ValueOrExpression<Boolean> isUseStartTls()
        Gets the "use-start-tls" property.

        Indicates whether the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism should use Start TLS.

        If enabled, the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism will use Start TLS to encrypt communication with remote servers.

        Default value: false

        Returns the value of the "use-start-tls" property.
      • setUseStartTls

        void setUseStartTls​(ValueOrExpression<Boolean> value)
                     throws PropertyException
        Sets the "use-start-tls" property.

        Indicates whether the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism should use Start TLS.

        If enabled, the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism will use Start TLS to encrypt communication with remote servers.

        value - The value of the "use-start-tls" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.