Class ReplicationDomainCfgDefn

    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static ReplicationDomainCfgDefn getInstance()
        Get the Replication Domain configuration definition singleton.
        Returns the Replication Domain configuration definition singleton.
      • getBaseDnPropertyDefinition

        public DnPropertyDefinition getBaseDnPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "base-dn" property definition.

        Specifies the base DN of the replicated data.

        Returns the "base-dn" property definition.
      • getBootstrapReplicationServerPropertyDefinition

        public HostPortPropertyDefinition getBootstrapReplicationServerPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "bootstrap-replication-server" property definition.

        The addresses of one or more replication servers within the topology which this server should connect to in order to discover the rest of the topology.

        Addresses must be specified using the replication port of the remote replication servers using the syntax "hostname:repl-port". When using an IPv6 address as the hostname, put brackets around the address as in "[IPv6Address]:repl-port".

        Returns the "bootstrap-replication-server" property definition.
      • getChangetimeHeartbeatIntervalPropertyDefinition

        public DurationPropertyDefinition getChangetimeHeartbeatIntervalPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "changetime-heartbeat-interval" property definition.

        Specifies the heartbeat interval that the directory server will use when sending its local change time to the Replication Server.

        The directory server sends a regular heartbeat to the Replication within the specified interval. The heartbeat indicates the change time of the directory server to the Replication Server.

        Returns the "changetime-heartbeat-interval" property definition.
      • getEclIncludePropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getEclIncludePropertyDefinition()
        Get the "ecl-include" property definition.

        Specifies a list of attributes which should be published with every change log entry, regardless of whether the attribute itself has changed.

        The list of attributes may include wild cards such as "*" and "+" as well as object class references prefixed with an at sign, for example "@person". The included attributes will be published using the "includedAttributes" operational attribute as a single LDIF value rather like the "changes" attribute. For modify and modifyDN operations the included attributes will be taken from the entry before any changes were applied.

        Returns the "ecl-include" property definition.
      • getEclIncludeForDeletesPropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getEclIncludeForDeletesPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "ecl-include-for-deletes" property definition.

        Specifies a list of attributes which should be published with every delete operation change log entry, in addition to those specified by the "ecl-include" property.

        This property provides a means for applications to archive entries after they have been deleted. See the description of the "ecl-include" property for further information about how the included attributes are published.

        Returns the "ecl-include-for-deletes" property definition.
      • getEnabledPropertyDefinition

        public BooleanPropertyDefinition getEnabledPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "enabled" property definition.

        Indicates whether the Replication Domain is enabled in the server.

        If a Replication Domain is not enabled, then its contents will not be replicated.

        Returns the "enabled" property definition.
      • getFractionalExcludePropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getFractionalExcludePropertyDefinition()
        Get the "fractional-exclude" property definition.

        Allows to exclude some attributes to replicate to this server.

        If fractional-exclude configuration attribute is used, attributes specified in this attribute will be ignored (not added/modified/deleted) when an operation performed from another directory server is being replayed in the local server. Note that the usage of this configuration attribute is mutually exclusive with the usage of the fractional-include attribute.

        Returns the "fractional-exclude" property definition.
      • getFractionalIncludePropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getFractionalIncludePropertyDefinition()
        Get the "fractional-include" property definition.

        Allows to include some attributes to replicate to this server.

        If fractional-include configuration attribute is used, only attributes specified in this attribute will be added/modified/deleted when an operation performed from another directory server is being replayed in the local server. Note that the usage of this configuration attribute is mutually exclusive with the usage of the fractional-exclude attribute.

        Returns the "fractional-include" property definition.
      • getGroupIdPropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getGroupIdPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "group-id" property definition.

        Specifies the unique identifier of the group in which the directory server belongs.

        Directory servers are typically grouped according to their physical location, such as a rack or data center. Servers will prefer connecting to other servers within the same group.

        Returns the "group-id" property definition.
      • getGroupIdFailoverOrderPropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getGroupIdFailoverOrderPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "group-id-failover-order" property definition.

        Comma separated list of group-ids, highest priority first, controlling how the server successively fail over between groups.

        Servers pertaining to the group ID of the current server are first tried. If none respond, then servers pertaining to the first group ID in the list are tried. If none respond, then servers pertaining to the second group ID in the list are tried, etc. Finally, when no servers from the listed groups respond, then all the remaining servers are considered.

        Returns the "group-id-failover-order" property definition.
      • getHeartbeatIntervalPropertyDefinition

        public DurationPropertyDefinition getHeartbeatIntervalPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "heartbeat-interval" property definition.

        Specifies the heartbeat interval that the directory server will use when communicating with Replication Servers.

        The directory server expects a regular heartbeat coming from the Replication Server within the specified interval. If a heartbeat is not received within the interval, the Directory Server closes its connection and connects to another Replication Server.

        Returns the "heartbeat-interval" property definition.
      • getInitializationWindowSizePropertyDefinition

        public IntegerPropertyDefinition getInitializationWindowSizePropertyDefinition()
        Get the "initialization-window-size" property definition.

        Specifies the window size that this directory server may use when communicating with remote Directory Servers for initialization.

        Returns the "initialization-window-size" property definition.
      • getIsolationPolicyPropertyDefinition

        public EnumPropertyDefinition<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfgDefn.IsolationPolicy> getIsolationPolicyPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "isolation-policy" property definition.

        Specifies the behavior of the directory server when writing to replicated data while none of the configured Replication Servers are available.

        Returns the "isolation-policy" property definition.
      • getLogChangenumberPropertyDefinition

        public BooleanPropertyDefinition getLogChangenumberPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "log-changenumber" property definition.

        Indicates if this server logs the ChangeNumber in access log.

        This boolean indicates if the domain should log the ChangeNumber of replicated operations in the access log.

        Returns the "log-changenumber" property definition.
      • getReferralsUrlPropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getReferralsUrlPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "referrals-url" property definition.

        The URLs other LDAP servers should use to refer to the local server.

        URLs used by peer servers in the topology to refer to the local server through LDAP referrals. If this attribute is not defined, every URLs available to access this server will be used. If defined, only URLs specified here will be used.

        Returns the "referrals-url" property definition.
      • getReplicationPurgeDelayPropertyDefinition

        public DurationPropertyDefinition getReplicationPurgeDelayPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "replication-purge-delay" property definition.

        Minimum lifetime of changelog data and old replication meta-data in directory entries. Changelog data and replication meta-data older than this setting is eligible to be removed.

        After the purge delay has passed, the server removes old changelog data over time when it applies new updates. Replication meta-data is stored in changed directory entries. The server removes old replication meta-data either when the entry is next modified, or by a dedicated purge task, whichever happens first. The server temporarily stops removing old data when it has been unable to process updates for an extended period of time. For example, the server stops removing data when the server is offline, and when it cannot access other servers due to a network partition. Once old data is removed, the server can no longer use it for replication. Changelog and replication meta-data older than the purge delay must therefore be considered stale. Backups must be newer than the purge delay, including the time it takes to restore a backup.

        Returns the "replication-purge-delay" property definition.
      • getSolveConflictsPropertyDefinition

        public BooleanPropertyDefinition getSolveConflictsPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "solve-conflicts" property definition.

        Indicates if this server solves conflict.

        This boolean indicates if this domain keeps the historical meta-data necessary to solve conflicts. When set to false the server will not maintain historical meta-data and will therefore not be able to solve conflict. This should therefore be done only if the replication is used in a single master type of deployment.

        Returns the "solve-conflicts" property definition.
      • getSourceAddressPropertyDefinition

        public HostPropertyDefinition getSourceAddressPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "source-address" property definition.

        If specified, the server will bind to the address before connecting to the remote server.

        The address must be one assigned to an existing network interface.

        Returns the "source-address" property definition.