Interface LdifBackendCfg

  • All Superinterfaces:
    BackendCfg, Configuration, LocalBackendCfg

    public interface LdifBackendCfg
    extends LocalBackendCfg
    A server-side interface for querying LDIF Backend settings.

    The LDIF Backend provides a mechanism for interacting with data stored in an LDIF file.

    • Method Detail

      • addLdifChangeListener

        void addLdifChangeListener​(ConfigurationChangeListener<LdifBackendCfg> listener)
        Register to be notified when this LDIF Backend is changed.
        listener - The LDIF Backend configuration change listener.
      • removeLdifChangeListener

        void removeLdifChangeListener​(ConfigurationChangeListener<LdifBackendCfg> listener)
        Deregister an existing LDIF Backend configuration change listener.
        listener - The LDIF Backend configuration change listener.
      • getBaseDn

        SortedSet<Dn> getBaseDn()
        Gets the "base-dn" property.

        Specifies the base DN(s) for the data that the backend handles.

        A single backend may be responsible for one or more base DNs. Note that no two backends may have the same base DN although one backend may have a base DN that is below a base DN provided by another backend (similar to the use of sub-suffixes in the Sun Java System Directory Server). If any of the base DNs is subordinate to a base DN for another backend, then all base DNs for that backend must be subordinate to that same base DN.

        Returns an unmodifiable set containing the values of the "base-dn" property.
      • isIsPrivateBackend

        boolean isIsPrivateBackend()
        Gets the "is-private-backend" property.

        Indicates whether the backend should be considered a private backend, which indicates that it is used for storing operational data rather than user-defined information.

        Default value: false

        Returns the value of the "is-private-backend" property.
      • getJavaClass

        String getJavaClass()
        Gets the "java-class" property.

        Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the backend implementation.

        Default value: org.opends.server.backends.LDIFBackend

        Specified by:
        getJavaClass in interface BackendCfg
        Returns the value of the "java-class" property.
      • getLdifFile

        String getLdifFile()
        Gets the "ldif-file" property.

        Specifies the path to the LDIF file containing the data for this backend.

        Returns the value of the "ldif-file" property.
      • getWritabilityMode

        LocalBackendCfgDefn.WritabilityMode getWritabilityMode()
        Gets the "writability-mode" property.

        Specifies the behavior that the backend should use when processing write operations.

        Default value: enabled

        Specified by:
        getWritabilityMode in interface LocalBackendCfg
        Returns the value of the "writability-mode" property.