Class PluginResult.PostOperation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static final class PluginResult.PostOperation
    extends Object
    implements PluginResult.OperationResult
    Defines a post operation plugin result for core server operation processing consisting of either continue, skip further plugins, or stop operation processing with a result code, matched DN, referral URLs, and error message.
    • Method Detail

      • continueOperationProcessing

        public static PluginResult.PostOperation continueOperationProcessing()
        Defines a continue processing post operation plugin result.
        a continue processing post operation plugin result.
      • stopProcessing

        public static PluginResult.PostOperation stopProcessing​(ResultCode resultCode,
                                                                LocalizableMessage errorMessage,
                                                                Dn matchedDN,
                                                                List<String> referralURLs)
        Defines a new stop processing post operation plugin result.
        resultCode - The result code for this result.
        errorMessage - An message explaining why processing should stop.
        matchedDN - The matched DN for this result.
        referralURLs - The set of referral URLs for this result.
        a new stop processing post operation plugin result.
      • stopProcessing

        public static PluginResult.PostOperation stopProcessing​(ResultCode resultCode,
                                                                LocalizableMessage errorMessage)
        Constructs a new stop processing post operation plugin result.
        resultCode - The result code for this result.
        errorMessage - An message explaining why processing should stop.
        a new stop processing post operation plugin result.
      • continueProcessing

        public boolean continueProcessing()
        Description copied from interface: PluginResult.OperationResult
        Indicates whether processing on the associated operation should continue.
        Specified by:
        continueProcessing in interface PluginResult.OperationResult
        true if processing on the associated operation should continue, or false if it should stop.