Class ConsoleDebugLogPublisher

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConsoleDebugLogPublisher

        public ConsoleDebugLogPublisher​(PrintStream err)
        Constructs a new ConsoleDebugLogPublisher that writes debug messages to the given PrintStream.
        err - The PrintStream to write messages to.
    • Method Detail

      • initializeLogPublisher

        public void initializeLogPublisher​(DebugLogPublisherCfg config,
                                           ServerContext serverContext)
        Description copied from interface: LogPublisher
        Initializes this publisher provider based on the information in the provided debug publisher configuration.
        config - The publisher configuration that contains the information to use to initialize this publisher.
        serverContext - The server context.
      • close

        public void close()
        Description copied from interface: LogPublisher
        Close this publisher.
      • getDN

        public Dn getDN()
        Description copied from interface: LogPublisher
        Gets the DN of the configuration entry for this log publisher.
        The configuration entry DN.