Class Asn1Reader

    • Method Detail

      • elementAvailable

        public boolean elementAvailable()
                                 throws IOException
        Indicates whether the next element can be read without blocking.
        true if a complete element is available or false otherwise.
        DecodeException - If the available data was not valid ASN.1.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • hasNextElement

        public boolean hasNextElement()
                               throws IOException
        Indicates whether the current stream, sequence, or set contains another element. Note that this method may return true even if a previous call to elementAvailable() returned false, indicating that the current set or sequence contains another element but an attempt to read that element may block. This method will block if there is not enough data available to make the determination (typically only the next element's type is required).
        true if the current stream, sequence, or set contains another element, or false if the end of the stream, sequence, or set has been reached.
        DecodeException - If the available data was not valid ASN.1.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • peekLength

        public int peekLength()
                       throws IOException
        Returns the data length of the next element without actually reading it.
        The data length of the next element, zero or positive.
        DecodeException - When EOF is reached when trying to read the length bytes or when the length bytes do not form a valid ASN.1 encoding.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • peekType

        public byte peekType()
                      throws IOException
        Returns the type of the next element without actually reading it.
        The type of the next element, or -1 if the end of the stream, sequence, or set has been reached.
        DecodeException - If the available data was not valid ASN.1.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readAsn1Element

        public ByteString readAsn1Element()
                                   throws IOException
        Reads the next element and returns its full encoding, which includes tag and length bytes.
        The full encoding of the next element.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readBoolean

        public boolean readBoolean()
                            throws IOException
        Reads the next element as a boolean having the Universal Boolean ASN.1 type tag.
        The decoded boolean value.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as a boolean.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readBoolean

        public boolean readBoolean​(byte type)
                            throws IOException
        Reads the next element as a boolean having the provided type tag.
        type - The expected type tag of the element.
        The decoded boolean value.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as a boolean.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readEndExplicitTag

        public void readEndExplicitTag()
                                throws IOException
        Finishes reading an explicit tag and discards any unread elements.
        DecodeException - If an error occurs while advancing to the end of the explicit tag.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
        IllegalStateException - If there is no explicit tag being read.
      • readEndSequence

        public void readEndSequence()
                             throws IOException
        Finishes reading a sequence and discards any unread elements.
        DecodeException - If an error occurs while advancing to the end of the sequence.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
        IllegalStateException - If there is no sequence being read.
      • readEndSet

        public void readEndSet()
                        throws IOException
        Finishes reading a set and discards any unread elements.
        DecodeException - If an error occurs while advancing to the end of the set.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
        IllegalStateException - If there is no set being read.
      • readEnumerated

        public int readEnumerated()
                           throws IOException
        Reads the next element as an enumerated having the Universal Enumerated ASN.1 type tag.
        The decoded enumerated value.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as an enumerated value.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readEnumerated

        public int readEnumerated​(byte type)
                           throws IOException
        Reads the next element as an enumerated having the provided type tag.
        type - The expected type tag of the element.
        The decoded enumerated value.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as an enumerated value.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readInteger

        public long readInteger()
                         throws IOException
        Reads the next element as an integer having the Universal Integer ASN.1 type tag.
        The decoded integer value.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as an integer.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readInteger

        public long readInteger​(byte type)
                         throws IOException
        Reads the next element as an integer having the provided type tag.
        type - The expected type tag of the element.
        The decoded integer value.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as an integer.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readNull

        public void readNull()
                      throws IOException
        Reads the next element as a null element having the Universal Null ASN.1 type tag.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as a null element.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readNull

        public void readNull​(byte type)
                      throws IOException
        Reads the next element as a null element having the provided type tag.
        type - The expected type tag of the element.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as a null element.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readOctetString

        public ByteString readOctetString()
                                   throws IOException
        Reads the next element as an octet string having any tag.
        The decoded octet string represented using a ByteString.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as an octet string.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readOctetString

        public ByteString readOctetString​(byte type)
                                   throws IOException
        Reads the next element as an octet string having the provided type tag.
        type - The expected type tag of the element.
        The decoded octet string represented using a ByteString.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as an octet string.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readOctetString

        public ByteStringBuilder readOctetString​(byte type,
                                                 ByteStringBuilder builder)
                                          throws IOException
        Reads the next element as an octet string having the provided type tag and appends it to the provided ByteStringBuilder.
        type - The expected type tag of the element.
        builder - The ByteStringBuilder to append the octet string to.
        A reference to builder.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as an octet string.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readOctetStringAsString

        public String readOctetStringAsString()
                                       throws IOException
        Reads the next element as an octet string having the Universal Octet String ASN.1 type tag and decodes the value as a UTF-8 encoded string.
        The decoded octet string as a UTF-8 encoded string.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as an octet string.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readOctetStringAsString

        public String readOctetStringAsString​(byte type)
                                       throws IOException
        Reads the next element as an octet string having the provided type tag and decodes the value as a UTF-8 encoded string.
        type - The expected type tag of the element.
        The decoded octet string as a UTF-8 encoded string.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as an octet string.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readStartExplicitTag

        public void readStartExplicitTag()
                                  throws IOException
        Reads the next element as an explicit ignoring the ASN.1 type tag. All further reads will read the elements in the explicit tag until readEndExplicitTag() is called.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as an explicit tag.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readStartExplicitTag

        public void readStartExplicitTag​(byte type)
                                  throws IOException
        Reads the next element as an explicit tag having the provided tag type. All further reads will read the elements in the explicit tag until readEndExplicitTag() is called.
        type - The expected type tag of the element.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as an explicit tag.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readStartSequence

        public void readStartSequence()
                               throws IOException
        Reads the next element as a sequence having the Universal Sequence ASN.1 type tag. All further reads will read the elements in the sequence until readEndSequence() is called.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as a sequence.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readStartSequence

        public void readStartSequence​(byte type)
                               throws IOException
        Reads the next element as a sequence having the provided type tag. All further reads will read the elements in the sequence until readEndSequence() is called.
        type - The expected type tag of the element.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as a sequence.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readStartSet

        public void readStartSet()
                          throws IOException
        Reads the next element as a set having the Universal Set ASN.1 type tag. All further reads will read the elements in the set until readEndSet() is called.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as a set.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readStartSet

        public void readStartSet​(byte type)
                          throws IOException
        Reads the next element as a set having the provided type tag. All further reads will read the elements in the set until readEndSet() is called.
        type - The expected type tag of the element.
        DecodeException - If the element cannot be decoded as a set.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • skipElement

        public Asn1Reader skipElement()
                               throws IOException
        Skips the next element without decoding it.
        A reference to this ASN.1 reader.
        DecodeException - If the next element could not be skipped.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • skipElement

        public Asn1Reader skipElement​(byte type)
                               throws IOException
        Skips the next element having the provided type tag without decoding it.
        type - The expected type tag of the element.
        A reference to this ASN.1 reader.
        DecodeException - If the next element does not have the provided type tag.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.