Class DirectoryServerPlugin<T extends PluginCfg>

    • Constructor Detail

      • DirectoryServerPlugin

        protected DirectoryServerPlugin()
        Creates a new instance of this Directory Server plugin. Every plugin must implement a default constructor (it is the only one that will be used to create plugins defined in the configuration), and every plugin constructor must call super() as its first action.
    • Method Detail

      • getServerContext

        protected ServerContext getServerContext()
        Returns the server context.
        the server context.
      • isConfigurationAcceptable

        public boolean isConfigurationAcceptable​(T configuration,
                                                 List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
        Indicates whether the provided configuration is acceptable for this plugin. It should be possible to call this method on an uninitialized plugin instance in order to determine whether the plugin would be able to use the provided configuration.
        configuration - The plugin configuration for which to make the determination.
        unacceptableReasons - A list that may be used to hold the reasons that the provided configuration is not acceptable.
        true if the provided configuration is acceptable for this plugin, or false if not.
      • initializeInternal

        public final void initializeInternal​(ServerContext serverContext,
                                             Dn pluginDN,
                                             Set<PluginType> pluginTypes,
                                             boolean invokeForInternalOps)
        Performs any initialization that should be done for all types of plugins regardless of type. This should only be called by the core Directory Server code during the course of loading a plugin.
        serverContext - The server context.
        pluginDN - The configuration entry name of this plugin.
        pluginTypes - The set of plugin types for which this plugin is registered.
        invokeForInternalOps - Indicates whether this plugin should be invoked for internal operations.
      • initializePlugin

        public abstract void initializePlugin​(Set<PluginType> pluginTypes,
                                              T configuration)
                                       throws ConfigException,
        Performs any initialization necessary for this plugin. This will be called as soon as the plugin has been loaded and before it is registered with the server.
        pluginTypes - The set of plugin types that indicate the ways in which this plugin will be invoked.
        configuration - The configuration for this plugin.
        ConfigException - If the provided entry does not contain a valid configuration for this plugin.
        InitializationException - If a problem occurs while initializing the plugin that is not related to the server configuration.
      • finalizePlugin

        public void finalizePlugin()
        Performs any necessary finalization for this plugin. This will be called just after the plugin has been deregistered with the server but before it has been unloaded.
      • getPluginEntryDN

        public final Dn getPluginEntryDN()
        Retrieves the DN of the configuration entry for this plugin.
        The DN of the configuration entry for this plugin.
      • getPluginTypes

        public final Set<PluginType> getPluginTypes()
        Retrieves the plugin types for which this plugin is registered. This set must not be modified.
        The plugin types for which this plugin is registered.
      • invokeForInternalOperations

        public final boolean invokeForInternalOperations()
        Indicates whether this plugin should be invoked for internal operations.
        true if this plugin should be invoked for internal operations, or false if not.
      • setInvokeForInternalOperations

        public final void setInvokeForInternalOperations​(boolean invokeForInternalOps)
        Specifies whether this plugin should be invoked for internal operations.
        invokeForInternalOps - Indicates whether this plugin should be invoked for internal operations.
      • doStartup

        public PluginResult.Startup doStartup()
        Performs any processing that should be done when the Directory Server is in the process of starting. This method will be called after virtually all other initialization has been performed but before the connection handlers are started.
        The result of the startup plugin processing.
      • doShutdown

        public void doShutdown​(LocalizableMessage reason)
        Performs any processing that should be done when the Directory Server is in the process of performing a graceful shutdown. This method will be called early in the shutdown process after the connection handlers are stopped but before other finalization is performed.
        reason - The human-readable reason for the shutdown.
      • doPostConnect

        public PluginResult.PostConnect doPostConnect​(ClientConnection clientConnection)
        Performs any processing that should be done when the Directory Server accepts a new connection from a client. This method will be called after additional verification is performed to ensure that the connection should be accepted.
        clientConnection - The client connection that has been accepted.
        The result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostDisconnect

        public PluginResult.PostDisconnect doPostDisconnect​(ClientConnection clientConnection,
                                                            DisconnectReason disconnectReason,
                                                            LocalizableMessage message)
        Performs any processing that should be done whenever a client connection is closed (regardless of whether the closure is initiated by the client or the server).
        clientConnection - The client connection that has been closed.
        disconnectReason - The disconnect reason for the closure.
        message - A message providing additional information about the closure, or null if there is none.
        The result of the plugin processing.
      • doLDIFImport

        public PluginResult.ImportLDIF doLDIFImport​(LDIFImportConfig importConfig,
                                                    Entry entry)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done during an LDIF import operation immediately after reading an entry and confirming that it should be imported based on the provided configuration.
        importConfig - The configuration used for the LDIF import.
        entry - The entry that has been read to the LDIF file.
        The result of the plugin processing.
      • doLDIFImportEnd

        public void doLDIFImportEnd​(LDIFImportConfig importConfig)
        Terminates an import session. Performs any necessary processing that should be done at the end of an LDIF import session based on the provided configuration.
        importConfig - The configuration used for the LDIF import.
      • doLDIFImportBegin

        public void doLDIFImportBegin​(LDIFImportConfig importConfig)
        Starts an import session. Performs any necessary processing that should be done at the beginning of an LDIF import session based on the provided configuration.
        importConfig - The configuration used for the LDIF import.
      • doPreParse

        public PluginResult.PreParse doPreParse​(PreParseAbandonOperation abandonOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done before the Directory Server parses the elements of an abandon request.
        abandonOperation - The abandon operation that has been requested.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostOperation

        public PluginResult.PostOperation doPostOperation​(PostOperationAbandonOperation abandonOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed processing for an abandon operation.
        abandonOperation - The abandon operation for which processing has completed.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPreParse

        public PluginResult.PreParse doPreParse​(PreParseAddOperation addOperation)
                                         throws CancelledResultException
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done before the Directory Server parses the elements of an add request.
        addOperation - The add operation that has been requested.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
        CancelledResultException - if this operation should be cancelled.
      • doPreOperation

        public PluginResult.PreOperation doPreOperation​(PreOperationAddOperation addOperation)
                                                 throws CancelledResultException
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done just before the Directory Server performs the core processing for an add operation. This method is not called when processing synchronization operations.
        addOperation - The add operation to be processed.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
        CancelledResultException - if this operation should be cancelled.
      • doPostOperation

        public PluginResult.PostOperation doPostOperation​(PostOperationAddOperation addOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed the core processing for an add operation but before the response has been sent to the client.
        addOperation - The add operation for which processing has completed but no response has yet been sent.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostResponse

        public PluginResult.PostResponse doPostResponse​(PostResponseAddOperation addOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed all processing for an add operation and has sent the response to the client.
        addOperation - The add operation for which processing has completed and the response has been sent to the client.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostCommit

        public void doPostCommit​(PostCommitAddOperation addOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has committed an add operation.
        addOperation - The add operation that has just been committed.
      • doPostSynchronization

        public void doPostSynchronization​(PostSynchronizationAddOperation addOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed processing for an add operation performed via synchronization.
        addOperation - The synchronized add operation for which processing has been completed.
      • doPreParse

        public PluginResult.PreParse doPreParse​(PreParseBindOperation bindOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done before the Directory Server parses the elements of a bind request.
        bindOperation - The bind operation that has been requested.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPreOperation

        public PluginResult.PreOperation doPreOperation​(PreOperationBindOperation bindOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done just before the Directory Server performs the core processing for a bind operation.
        bindOperation - The bind operation to be processed.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostOperation

        public PluginResult.PostOperation doPostOperation​(PostOperationBindOperation bindOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed the core processing for a bind operation but before the response has been sent to the client.
        bindOperation - The bind operation for which processing has completed but no response has yet been sent.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostResponse

        public PluginResult.PostResponse doPostResponse​(PostResponseBindOperation bindOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed all processing for a bind operation and has sent the response to the client.
        bindOperation - The bind operation for which processing has completed and the response has been sent to the client.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPreParse

        public PluginResult.PreParse doPreParse​(PreParseCompareOperation compareOperation)
                                         throws CancelledResultException
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done before the Directory Server parses the elements of a compare request.
        compareOperation - The compare operation that has been requested.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
        CancelledResultException - if this operation should be cancelled.
      • doPostOperation

        public PluginResult.PostOperation doPostOperation​(PostOperationCompareOperation compareOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed the core processing for a compare operation but before the response has been sent to the client.
        compareOperation - The compare operation for which processing has completed but no response has yet been sent.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostResponse

        public PluginResult.PostResponse doPostResponse​(PostResponseCompareOperation compareOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed all processing for a compare operation and has sent the response to the client.
        compareOperation - The compare operation for which processing has completed and the response has been sent to the client.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPreParse

        public PluginResult.PreParse doPreParse​(PreParseDeleteOperation deleteOperation)
                                         throws CancelledResultException
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done before the Directory Server parses the elements of a delete request.
        deleteOperation - The delete operation that has been requested.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
        CancelledResultException - if this operation should be cancelled.
      • doPreOperation

        public PluginResult.PreOperation doPreOperation​(PreOperationDeleteOperation deleteOperation)
                                                 throws CancelledResultException
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done just before the Directory Server performs the core processing for a delete operation. This method is not called when processing synchronization operations.
        deleteOperation - The delete operation to be processed.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
        CancelledResultException - if this operation should be cancelled.
      • doPostOperation

        public PluginResult.PostOperation doPostOperation​(PostOperationDeleteOperation deleteOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed the core processing for a delete operation but before the response has been sent to the client.
        deleteOperation - The delete operation for which processing has completed but no response has yet been sent.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostResponse

        public PluginResult.PostResponse doPostResponse​(PostResponseDeleteOperation deleteOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed all processing for a delete operation and has sent the response to the client.
        deleteOperation - The delete operation for which processing has completed and the response has been sent to the client.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostCommit

        public void doPostCommit​(PostCommitDeleteOperation deleteOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has committed a delete operation.
        deleteOperation - The delete operation that has just been committed.
      • doPostSynchronization

        public void doPostSynchronization​(PostSynchronizationDeleteOperation deleteOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed processing for a delete operation performed via synchronization.
        deleteOperation - The synchronized delete operation for which processing has been completed.
      • doPreParse

        public PluginResult.PreParse doPreParse​(PreParseExtendedOperation extendedOperation)
                                         throws CancelledResultException
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done before the Directory Server parses the elements of an extended request.
        extendedOperation - The extended operation that has been requested.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
        CancelledResultException - if this operation should be cancelled.
      • doPostOperation

        public PluginResult.PostOperation doPostOperation​(PostOperationExtendedOperation extendedOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed the core processing for an extended operation but before the response has been sent to the client.
        extendedOperation - The extended operation for which processing has completed but no response has yet been sent.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostResponse

        public PluginResult.PostResponse doPostResponse​(PostResponseExtendedOperation extendedOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed all processing for an extended operation and has sent the response to the client.
        extendedOperation - The extended operation for which processing has completed and the response has been sent to the client.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPreParse

        public PluginResult.PreParse doPreParse​(PreParseModifyOperation modifyOperation)
                                         throws CancelledResultException
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done before the Directory Server parses the elements of a modify request.
        modifyOperation - The modify operation that has been requested.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
        CancelledResultException - if this operation should be cancelled.
      • doPreOperation

        public PluginResult.PreOperation doPreOperation​(PreOperationModifyOperation modifyOperation)
                                                 throws CancelledResultException
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done just before the Directory Server performs the core processing for a modify operation. This method is not called when processing synchronization operations.
        modifyOperation - The modify operation to be processed.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
        CancelledResultException - if this operation should be cancelled.
      • doPostOperation

        public PluginResult.PostOperation doPostOperation​(PostOperationModifyOperation modifyOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed the core processing for a modify operation but before the response has been sent to the client.
        modifyOperation - The modify operation for which processing has completed but no response has yet been sent.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostResponse

        public PluginResult.PostResponse doPostResponse​(PostResponseModifyOperation modifyOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed all processing for a modify operation and has sent the response to the client.
        modifyOperation - The modify operation for which processing has completed and the response has been sent to the client.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostCommit

        public void doPostCommit​(PostCommitModifyOperation modifyOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has committed a modify operation.
        modifyOperation - The modify operation that has just been committed.
      • doPostSynchronization

        public void doPostSynchronization​(PostSynchronizationModifyOperation modifyOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed processing for a modify operation performed via synchronization.
        modifyOperation - The synchronized modify operation for which processing has been completed.
      • doPreParse

        public PluginResult.PreParse doPreParse​(PreParseModifyDNOperation modifyDNOperation)
                                         throws CancelledResultException
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done before the Directory Server parses the elements of a modify DN request.
        modifyDNOperation - The modify DN operation that has been requested.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
        CancelledResultException - if this operation should be cancelled.
      • doPreOperation

        public PluginResult.PreOperation doPreOperation​(PreOperationModifyDNOperation modifyDNOperation)
                                                 throws CancelledResultException
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done just before the Directory Server performs the core processing for a modify DN operation. This method is not called when processing synchronization operations.
        modifyDNOperation - The modify DN operation to be processed.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
        CancelledResultException - if this operation should be cancelled.
      • processSubordinateModifyDN

        public PluginResult.SubordinateModifyDN processSubordinateModifyDN​(SubordinateModifyDNOperation modifyDNOperation,
                                                                           Dn oldEntryDn,
                                                                           Dn newEntryDn)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done whenever a subordinate entry is moved or renamed as part of a modify DN operation. Note that if the entry is to be changed in any way, the new entry should be directly modified, and the changes made should also be added to the provided list of modifications.

        NOTE: At the present time, OpenDS does not provide support for altering entries subordinate to the target of a modify DN operation. While this may be available in the future, current plugins should not attempt to alter the new or old entries in any way, nor should they attempt to add any modifications to the provided list.
        modifyDNOperation - The modify DN operation with which the subordinate entry is associated.
        oldEntryDn - The name of the subordinate entry prior to the move/rename operation.
        newEntryDn - The name of the subordinate entry after the move/rename operation.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • processSubordinateDelete

        public PluginResult.SubordinateDelete processSubordinateDelete​(DeleteOperation deleteOperation,
                                                                       Dn entryDn,
                                                                       boolean isCommited)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done whenever a subordinate entry is deleted as part of subtree delete operation.
        deleteOperation - The delete operation with which the subordinate entry is associated.
        entryDn - The name of the subordinate entry being deleted.
        isCommited - true when a subtree delete cannot be done in a single isolated transaction. Each subordinate has already been deleted at the time this method is invoked. false when a subtree delete can be done in a single isolated transaction. All the subordinate entries will effectively be deleted at once during the transaction commit. At which point, the deletion become effective only at the time of the doPostOperation(PostOperationDeleteOperation) invocation.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostOperation

        public PluginResult.PostOperation doPostOperation​(PostOperationModifyDNOperation modifyDNOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed the core processing for a modify DN operation but before the response has been sent to the client.
        modifyDNOperation - The modify DN operation for which processing has completed but no response has yet been sent.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostResponse

        public PluginResult.PostResponse doPostResponse​(PostResponseModifyDNOperation modifyDNOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed all processing for a modify DN operation and has sent the response to the client.
        modifyDNOperation - The modifyDN operation for which processing has completed and the response has been sent to the client.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostCommit

        public void doPostCommit​(PostCommitModifyDNOperation modifyDNOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has committed a modify DN operation.
        modifyDNOperation - The modify DN operation that has just been committed.
      • doPostSynchronization

        public void doPostSynchronization​(PostSynchronizationModifyDNOperation modifyDNOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed processing for a modify DN operation performed via synchronization.
        modifyDNOperation - The synchronized modify DN operation for which processing has been completed.
      • doPreParse

        public PluginResult.PreParse doPreParse​(PreParseSearchOperation searchOperation)
                                         throws CancelledResultException
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done before the Directory Server parses the elements of a search request.
        searchOperation - The search operation that has been requested.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
        CancelledResultException - if this operation should be cancelled.
      • processSearchEntry

        public PluginResult.IntermediateResponse processSearchEntry​(InProgressSearchOperation searchOperation,
                                                                    SearchResultEntry searchEntry)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done before a search result entry is sent to a client. This will be called after it has been verified that the entry does actually match the search criteria and after access control has been enforced to ensure that the entry should be sent and/or to strip out attributes/values that the user should not see.
        searchOperation - The search operation with which the search entry is associated.
        searchEntry - The search result entry that is to be sent to the client. Its contents may be altered by the plugin if necessary.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • processSearchReference

        public PluginResult.IntermediateResponse processSearchReference​(InProgressSearchOperation searchOperation,
                                                                        SearchResultReference searchReference)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done before a search result reference is sent to a client.
        searchOperation - The search operation with which the search result reference is associated.
        searchReference - The search result reference that is to be sent to the client. Its contents may be altered by the plugin if necessary.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostOperation

        public PluginResult.PostOperation doPostOperation​(PostOperationSearchOperation searchOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed the core processing for a search operation but before the response has been sent to the client.
        searchOperation - The search operation for which processing has completed but no response has yet been sent.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostResponse

        public PluginResult.PostResponse doPostResponse​(PostResponseSearchOperation searchOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed all processing for a search operation and has sent the response to the client.
        searchOperation - The search operation for which processing has completed and the response has been sent to the client.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPreParse

        public PluginResult.PreParse doPreParse​(PreParseUnbindOperation unbindOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done before the Directory Server parses the elements of an unbind request.
        unbindOperation - The unbind operation that has been requested.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • doPostOperation

        public PluginResult.PostOperation doPostOperation​(PostOperationUnbindOperation unbindOperation)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done after the Directory Server has completed processing for an unbind operation.
        unbindOperation - The unbind operation for which processing has completed.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.
      • processIntermediateResponse

        public PluginResult.IntermediateResponse processIntermediateResponse​(InProgressOperation operation,
                                                                             IntermediateResponse intermediateResponse)
        Performs any necessary processing that should be done before an intermediate response message is sent to a client.
        operation - The operation with which the intermediate operation is associated.
        intermediateResponse - The intermediate response to be sent to the client.
        Information about the result of the plugin processing.