class |
AddMsg |
This class is used to exchange Add operation between LDAP servers and replication servers.
class |
ChangeStatusMsg |
This message is used by the replica to tell the replication server he is changing his status (new status field used),
or by the replication server to request that the replica changes his status (requested status field used).
class |
ChangeTimeHeartbeatMsg |
Class that define messages sent by a replication domain (DS) to the replication server to let the RS know the DS
current change time.
class |
DeleteMsg |
Object used when sending delete information to replication servers.
class |
DoneMsg |
This message is part of the replication protocol.
class |
EntryMsg |
This message is part of the replication protocol.
class |
ErrorMsg |
This message is part of the replication protocol.
class |
ExtendedStartMsg |
Added in protocol V10 to exchange additional information during handshake.
class |
HeartbeatMsg |
This message is sent at regular intervals by the replication server when it is sending no other messages.
class |
InitializationMsg |
This is an abstract class of messages of the replication protocol for message that needs to contain information about
the server that send them and the destination servers to which they should be sent.
class |
InitializeRcvAckMsg |
This message is used by Replicas to update the send window of the peer replica.
class |
InitializeRequestMsg |
This message is part of the replication protocol.
class |
InitializeTargetMsg |
This message is part of the replication protocol.
class |
LDAPUpdateMsg |
Abstract class that must be extended to define a message used for sending Updates between servers.
class |
ModifyCommonMsg |
This class holds every common code for the modify messages (mod, moddn).
class |
ModifyDNMsg |
Message used to send Modify DN information.
class |
ModifyMsg |
Message used to send Modify information.
class |
MonitorMsg |
The monitor message is sent by a RS to either a DS or a RS.
class |
MonitorRequestMsg |
This message is part of the replication protocol.
class |
ReplicaOfflineMsg |
Class that define messages sent by a replica (DS) to the replication server (RS) to let the RS know the date at which
a replica went offline.
class |
ReplServerStartDSMsg |
Message sent by a replication server to a directory server in reply to the ServerStartMsg.
class |
ReplServerStartMsg |
Message sent by a replication server to another replication server at Startup.
class |
ResetGenerationIdMsg |
This message is used by an LDAP server to communicate to the topology that the generation must be reset for the
class |
ServerStartMsg |
This message is used by LDAP server when they first connect.
class |
StartMsg |
This abstract message class is the superclass for start messages used by LDAP servers and Replication servers to
initiate their communications.
class |
StartSessionMsg |
This message is used by DS to confirm a RS he wants to connect to him (open a session).
class |
StopEncryptionMsg |
Internal message to signal the stop of encryption.
class |
StopMsg |
This message is part of the replication protocol.
class |
TopologyMsg |
This class defines a message that is sent:
By a RS to the other RSs in the topology, containing:
every DSs directly connected to the RS in the DS infos
every connected RSs (including the sending RS) in the RS infos
By a RS to his connected DSs, containing.
class |
UpdateMsg |
Abstract class that must be extended to define a message used for sending Updates between servers.
class |
WindowMsg |
This message is used by LDAP server or by Replication Servers to update the send window of the remote entities.
class |
WindowProbeMsg |
This message is used by LDAP or Replication Server that have been out of credit for a while and want to check if the
remote servers is able to accept more messages.