Class Pkcs11KeyManagerProviderCfgDefn

    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static Pkcs11KeyManagerProviderCfgDefn getInstance()
        Get the PKCS#11 Key Manager Provider configuration definition singleton.
        Returns the PKCS#11 Key Manager Provider configuration definition singleton.
      • getEnabledPropertyDefinition

        public BooleanPropertyDefinition getEnabledPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "enabled" property definition.

        Indicates whether the PKCS#11 Key Manager Provider is enabled for use.

        Returns the "enabled" property definition.
      • getJavaClassPropertyDefinition

        public ClassPropertyDefinition getJavaClassPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "java-class" property definition.

        The fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the PKCS#11 Key Manager Provider implementation.

        Returns the "java-class" property definition.
      • getKeyStorePinPropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getKeyStorePinPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "key-store-pin" property definition.

        Specifies the clear-text PIN needed to access the PKCS#11 Key Manager Provider .

        Returns the "key-store-pin" property definition.
      • getKeyStoreTypePropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getKeyStoreTypePropertyDefinition()
        Get the "key-store-type" property definition.

        The type of the PKCS#11 key manager.

        . If no type is specified, the default value of "PKCS11" will be used.

        Returns the "key-store-type" property definition.
      • getPkcs11ProviderArgPropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getPkcs11ProviderArgPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "pkcs11-provider-arg" property definition.

        The argument passed to configure the PKCS#11 provider.

        The provider argument is often a path to a properties file which contains the detailed configuration of the provider.

        Returns the "pkcs11-provider-arg" property definition.
      • getPkcs11ProviderClassPropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getPkcs11ProviderClassPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "pkcs11-provider-class" property definition.

        The class of the PKCS#11 provider.

        The main Java class implementing the PKCS#11 provider, such as "".

        Returns the "pkcs11-provider-class" property definition.
      • getPkcs11ProviderNamePropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getPkcs11ProviderNamePropertyDefinition()
        Get the "pkcs11-provider-name" property definition.

        The name of the PKCS#11 provider.

        The provider name is usually the name used in the file's "security.provider" list, such as "SunPKCS11".

        Returns the "pkcs11-provider-name" property definition.