Class CommonAuditAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn

An interface for querying the Common Audit Access Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.

Common Audit Access Log Publishers publish access events to commons audit.

  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static CommonAuditAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn getInstance()
      Get the Common Audit Access Log Publisher configuration definition singleton.
      Returns the Common Audit Access Log Publisher configuration definition singleton.
    • getEnabledPropertyDefinition

      public BooleanPropertyDefinition getEnabledPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "enabled" property definition.

      Indicates whether the Common Audit Access Log Publisher is enabled for use.

      Returns the "enabled" property definition.
    • getFilteringPolicyPropertyDefinition

      public EnumPropertyDefinition<AccessLogPublisherCfgDefn.FilteringPolicy> getFilteringPolicyPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "filtering-policy" property definition.

      Specifies how filtering criteria should be applied to log records.

      Returns the "filtering-policy" property definition.
    • getJavaClassPropertyDefinition

      public ClassPropertyDefinition getJavaClassPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "java-class" property definition.

      The fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Common Audit Access Log Publisher implementation.

      Returns the "java-class" property definition.
    • getLogControlsPropertyDefinition

      public BooleanPropertyDefinition getLogControlsPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "log-controls" property definition.

      Specifies whether controls with criticality and values will be included in operation log records.

      Returns the "log-controls" property definition.
    • getSuppressInternalOperationsPropertyDefinition

      public BooleanPropertyDefinition getSuppressInternalOperationsPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "suppress-internal-operations" property definition.

      Indicates whether internal operations (for example, operations that are initiated by plugins) should be logged along with the operations that are requested by users.

      Returns the "suppress-internal-operations" property definition.
    • getSuppressSynchronizationOperationsPropertyDefinition

      public BooleanPropertyDefinition getSuppressSynchronizationOperationsPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "suppress-synchronization-operations" property definition.

      Indicates whether access messages that are generated by synchronization operations should be suppressed.

      Returns the "suppress-synchronization-operations" property definition.
    • getAccessLogFilteringCriteriaRelationDefinition

      Get the "access-log-filtering-criteria" relation definition.
      Returns the "access-log-filtering-criteria" relation definition.