Class BackendVlvIndexCfgDefn

public final class BackendVlvIndexCfgDefn extends ManagedObjectDefinition<BackendVlvIndexCfgClient,BackendVlvIndexCfg>
An interface for querying the Backend VLV Index managed object definition meta information.

Backend VLV Indexes are used to store information about a specific search request that makes it possible to efficiently process them using the VLV control.

  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static BackendVlvIndexCfgDefn getInstance()
      Get the Backend VLV Index configuration definition singleton.
      Returns the Backend VLV Index configuration definition singleton.
    • createClientConfiguration

      public BackendVlvIndexCfgClient createClientConfiguration(ManagedObject<? extends BackendVlvIndexCfgClient> impl)
      Description copied from class: ManagedObjectDefinition
      Creates a client configuration view of the provided managed object. Modifications made to the underlying managed object will be reflected in the client configuration view and vice versa.
      Specified by:
      createClientConfiguration in class ManagedObjectDefinition<BackendVlvIndexCfgClient,BackendVlvIndexCfg>
      impl - The managed object.
      Returns a client configuration view of the provided managed object.
    • createServerConfiguration

      public BackendVlvIndexCfg createServerConfiguration(ServerManagedObject<? extends BackendVlvIndexCfg> impl)
      Description copied from class: ManagedObjectDefinition
      Creates a server configuration view of the provided server managed object.
      Specified by:
      createServerConfiguration in class ManagedObjectDefinition<BackendVlvIndexCfgClient,BackendVlvIndexCfg>
      impl - The server managed object.
      Returns a server configuration view of the provided server managed object.
    • getServerConfigurationClass

      public Class<BackendVlvIndexCfg> getServerConfigurationClass()
      Description copied from class: ManagedObjectDefinition
      Gets the server configuration class instance associated with this managed object definition.
      Specified by:
      getServerConfigurationClass in class ManagedObjectDefinition<BackendVlvIndexCfgClient,BackendVlvIndexCfg>
      Returns the server configuration class instance associated with this managed object definition.
    • getBaseDnPropertyDefinition

      public DnPropertyDefinition getBaseDnPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "base-dn" property definition.

      Specifies the base DN used in the search query that is being indexed.

      Returns the "base-dn" property definition.
    • getFilterPropertyDefinition

      public StringPropertyDefinition getFilterPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "filter" property definition.

      Specifies the LDAP filter used in the query that is being indexed.

      Returns the "filter" property definition.
    • getNamePropertyDefinition

      public StringPropertyDefinition getNamePropertyDefinition()
      Get the "name" property definition.

      Specifies a unique name for this VLV index.

      Returns the "name" property definition.
    • getScopePropertyDefinition

      public EnumPropertyDefinition<BackendVlvIndexCfgDefn.Scope> getScopePropertyDefinition()
      Get the "scope" property definition.

      Specifies the LDAP scope of the query that is being indexed.

      Returns the "scope" property definition.
    • getSortOrderPropertyDefinition

      public StringPropertyDefinition getSortOrderPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "sort-order" property definition.

      Specifies the names of the attributes that are used to sort the entries for the query being indexed.

      Multiple attributes can be used to determine the sort order by listing the attribute names from highest to lowest precedence. Optionally, + or - can be prefixed to the attribute name to sort the attribute in ascending order or descending order respectively.

      Returns the "sort-order" property definition.