Class LdifBackendCfgDefn

public final class LdifBackendCfgDefn extends ManagedObjectDefinition<LdifBackendCfgClient,LdifBackendCfg>
An interface for querying the LDIF Backend managed object definition meta information.

The LDIF Backend provides a mechanism for interacting with data stored in an LDIF file.

  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static LdifBackendCfgDefn getInstance()
      Get the LDIF Backend configuration definition singleton.
      Returns the LDIF Backend configuration definition singleton.
    • createClientConfiguration

      public LdifBackendCfgClient createClientConfiguration(ManagedObject<? extends LdifBackendCfgClient> impl)
      Description copied from class: ManagedObjectDefinition
      Creates a client configuration view of the provided managed object. Modifications made to the underlying managed object will be reflected in the client configuration view and vice versa.
      Specified by:
      createClientConfiguration in class ManagedObjectDefinition<LdifBackendCfgClient,LdifBackendCfg>
      impl - The managed object.
      Returns a client configuration view of the provided managed object.
    • createServerConfiguration

      public LdifBackendCfg createServerConfiguration(ServerManagedObject<? extends LdifBackendCfg> impl)
      Description copied from class: ManagedObjectDefinition
      Creates a server configuration view of the provided server managed object.
      Specified by:
      createServerConfiguration in class ManagedObjectDefinition<LdifBackendCfgClient,LdifBackendCfg>
      impl - The server managed object.
      Returns a server configuration view of the provided server managed object.
    • getServerConfigurationClass

      public Class<LdifBackendCfg> getServerConfigurationClass()
      Description copied from class: ManagedObjectDefinition
      Gets the server configuration class instance associated with this managed object definition.
      Specified by:
      getServerConfigurationClass in class ManagedObjectDefinition<LdifBackendCfgClient,LdifBackendCfg>
      Returns the server configuration class instance associated with this managed object definition.
    • getBackendIdPropertyDefinition

      public StringPropertyDefinition getBackendIdPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "backend-id" property definition.

      Specifies a name to identify the associated backend.

      The name must be unique among all backends in the server. The backend ID may not be altered after the backend is created in the server.

      Returns the "backend-id" property definition.
    • getBaseDnPropertyDefinition

      public DnPropertyDefinition getBaseDnPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "base-dn" property definition.

      Specifies the base DN(s) for the data that the backend handles.

      A single backend may be responsible for one or more base DNs. Note that no two backends may have the same base DN although one backend may have a base DN that is below a base DN provided by another backend (similar to the use of sub-suffixes in the Sun Java System Directory Server). If any of the base DNs is subordinate to a base DN for another backend, then all base DNs for that backend must be subordinate to that same base DN.

      Returns the "base-dn" property definition.
    • getEnabledPropertyDefinition

      public BooleanPropertyDefinition getEnabledPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "enabled" property definition.

      Indicates whether the backend is enabled in the server.

      If a backend is not enabled, then its contents are not accessible when processing operations.

      Returns the "enabled" property definition.
    • getIsPrivateBackendPropertyDefinition

      public BooleanPropertyDefinition getIsPrivateBackendPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "is-private-backend" property definition.

      Indicates whether the backend should be considered a private backend, which indicates that it is used for storing operational data rather than user-defined information.

      Returns the "is-private-backend" property definition.
    • getJavaClassPropertyDefinition

      public ClassPropertyDefinition getJavaClassPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "java-class" property definition.

      Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the backend implementation.

      Returns the "java-class" property definition.
    • getLdifFilePropertyDefinition

      public StringPropertyDefinition getLdifFilePropertyDefinition()
      Get the "ldif-file" property definition.

      Specifies the path to the LDIF file containing the data for this backend.

      Returns the "ldif-file" property definition.
    • getWritabilityModePropertyDefinition

      public EnumPropertyDefinition<LocalBackendCfgDefn.WritabilityMode> getWritabilityModePropertyDefinition()
      Get the "writability-mode" property definition.

      Specifies the behavior that the backend should use when processing write operations.

      Returns the "writability-mode" property definition.