Class PrometheusEndpointCfgDefn

public final class PrometheusEndpointCfgDefn extends ManagedObjectDefinition<PrometheusEndpointCfgClient,PrometheusEndpointCfg>
An interface for querying the Prometheus HTTP Endpoint managed object definition meta information.

The Prometheus HTTP Endpoint exposes OpenDJ's monitoring metrics using Prometheus text format.

  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static PrometheusEndpointCfgDefn getInstance()
      Get the Prometheus HTTP Endpoint configuration definition singleton.
      Returns the Prometheus HTTP Endpoint configuration definition singleton.
    • createClientConfiguration

      public PrometheusEndpointCfgClient createClientConfiguration(ManagedObject<? extends PrometheusEndpointCfgClient> impl)
      Description copied from class: ManagedObjectDefinition
      Creates a client configuration view of the provided managed object. Modifications made to the underlying managed object will be reflected in the client configuration view and vice versa.
      Specified by:
      createClientConfiguration in class ManagedObjectDefinition<PrometheusEndpointCfgClient,PrometheusEndpointCfg>
      impl - The managed object.
      Returns a client configuration view of the provided managed object.
    • createServerConfiguration

      public PrometheusEndpointCfg createServerConfiguration(ServerManagedObject<? extends PrometheusEndpointCfg> impl)
      Description copied from class: ManagedObjectDefinition
      Creates a server configuration view of the provided server managed object.
      Specified by:
      createServerConfiguration in class ManagedObjectDefinition<PrometheusEndpointCfgClient,PrometheusEndpointCfg>
      impl - The server managed object.
      Returns a server configuration view of the provided server managed object.
    • getServerConfigurationClass

      public Class<PrometheusEndpointCfg> getServerConfigurationClass()
      Description copied from class: ManagedObjectDefinition
      Gets the server configuration class instance associated with this managed object definition.
      Specified by:
      getServerConfigurationClass in class ManagedObjectDefinition<PrometheusEndpointCfgClient,PrometheusEndpointCfg>
      Returns the server configuration class instance associated with this managed object definition.
    • getAuthorizationMechanismPropertyDefinition

      Get the "authorization-mechanism" property definition.

      The HTTP authorization mechanisms supported by this Prometheus HTTP Endpoint.

      Returns the "authorization-mechanism" property definition.
    • getBasePathPropertyDefinition

      public StringPropertyDefinition getBasePathPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "base-path" property definition.

      All HTTP requests matching the base path or subordinate to it will be routed to the HTTP endpoint unless a more specific HTTP endpoint is found.

      Returns the "base-path" property definition.
    • getEnabledPropertyDefinition

      public BooleanPropertyDefinition getEnabledPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "enabled" property definition.

      Indicates whether the Prometheus HTTP Endpoint is enabled.

      Returns the "enabled" property definition.
    • getExcludedMetricPatternPropertyDefinition

      public StringPropertyDefinition getExcludedMetricPatternPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "excluded-metric-pattern" property definition.

      Zero or more regular expressions identifying metrics that should not be published. The metric name prefix must not be included in the filter. Exclusion patterns take precedence over inclusion patterns.

      Returns the "excluded-metric-pattern" property definition.
    • getIncludedMetricPatternPropertyDefinition

      public StringPropertyDefinition getIncludedMetricPatternPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "included-metric-pattern" property definition.

      Zero or more regular expressions identifying metrics that should be published. The metric name prefix must not be included in the filter. Exclusion patterns take precedence over inclusion patterns.

      Returns the "included-metric-pattern" property definition.
    • getJavaClassPropertyDefinition

      public ClassPropertyDefinition getJavaClassPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "java-class" property definition.

      Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Prometheus HTTP Endpoint implementation.

      Returns the "java-class" property definition.
    • getLegacyFormatPropertyDefinition

      public BooleanPropertyDefinition getLegacyFormatPropertyDefinition()
      Get the "legacy-format" property definition.

      Change the output format between one that is compliant with the Prometheus text format and one that is compatible with the (non-compliant) legacy format used before OpenDJ 7.5.

      The legacy format used before OpenDJ 7.5 is not compliant with the Prometheus text format 0.0.4 and cannot be consumed by some third party tools including the OpenTelemetry Collector.

      Returns the "legacy-format" property definition.