Class EcJWK

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class EcJWK
    extends JWK
    implements EllipticCurveJwk
    This class implements an Elliptical Curve Json Web Key storage and manipulation class.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EcJWK

        public EcJWK​(ECPublicKey publicKey,
                     String use,
                     String kid)
        Use the builder instead.
        Creates a public EcJWK.
        publicKey - The public key for the JWK
        use - The value of the use JWK parameter
        kid - The key id of the JWK
      • EcJWK

        public EcJWK​(ECPublicKey publicKey,
                     ECPrivateKey privateKey,
                     String use,
                     String kid)
        Use the builder instead.
        Creates a public and private EcJWK.
        publicKey - The public key for the JWK
        privateKey - The private key for the JWK
        use - The value of the use JWK parameter
        kid - The key id of the JWK
      • EcJWK

        public EcJWK​(String use,
                     String alg,
                     String kid,
                     String x,
                     String y,
                     String curve,
                     String x5u,
                     String x5t,
                     List<String> x5c)
        Use the builder instead.
        Creates a public EcJWK.
        use - The value of the use JWK parameter
        alg - The value of the alg JWK parameter
        kid - The key id of the JWK
        x - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point x coordinate
        y - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point y coordinate
        curve - The known curve to use. For example "NIST P-256".
        x5u - the x509 url for the key
        x5t - the x509 thumbnail for the key
        x5c - the x509 chain as a list of Base64 encoded strings
      • EcJWK

        public EcJWK​(String use,
                     String alg,
                     String kid,
                     String x,
                     String y,
                     String d,
                     String curve,
                     String x5u,
                     String x5t,
                     List<String> x5c)
        Use the builder instead.
        Creates a public and private EcJWK.
        use - The value of the use JWK parameter
        alg - The value of the alg JWK parameter
        kid - The key id of the JWK
        x - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point x coordinate
        y - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point y coordinate
        d - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the d value for the elliptical curve private key
        curve - The known curve to use. For example "NIST P-256".
        x5u - the x509 url for the key
        x5t - the x509 thumbnail for the key
        x5c - the x509 chain as a list of Base64 encoded strings
    • Method Detail

      • builder

        public static EcJWK.Builder builder​(SupportedEllipticCurve curve,
                                            String x,
                                            String y)
        Get the builder.
        curve - The known curve to use. For example "NIST P-256".
        x - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point x coordinate
        y - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point y coordinate
        the EC JWK builder
      • builder

        public static EcJWK.Builder builder​(String curve,
                                            String x,
                                            String y)
        Get the builder.
        curve - The known curve to use. For example "NIST P-256".
        x - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point x coordinate
        y - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point y coordinate
        the EC JWK builder
      • builder

        public static EcJWK.Builder builder​(ECPublicKey publicKey)
        Get the builder.
        publicKey - The public key for the JWK
        the EC JWK builder
      • getX

        public String getX()
        Gets the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point x coordinate.
        unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point x coordinate
      • getY

        public String getY()
        Gets the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point y coordinate.
        the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point y coordinate
      • getD

        public String getD()
        Gets the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the d value for the elliptical curve private key.
        the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the d value for the elliptical curve private key
      • getCurve

        public String getCurve()
        replaced by getEllipticCurve().
        Gets the known curve to use. For example "NIST P-256".
        the known curve of the JWK
      • parse

        public static EcJWK parse​(String json)
        Parses a JWK from a string json object.
        json - string json object
        a EcJWK object
      • parse

        public static EcJWK parse​(JsonValue json)
        Parses a JWK from a JsonValue json object.
        json - JsonValue json object
        a EcJWK object
      • toJsonValue

        public JsonValue toJsonValue()
        Description copied from class: JWK
        Returns a json representation of the JWK.
        toJsonValue in class JWK
        A JSON representation.
      • toPublicKey

        public PublicKey toPublicKey()
        Description copied from interface: EllipticCurveJwk
        Converts the public claims in the JWK into a public key. Note that the public key returned may not be an ECPublicKey. For instance, on Java 11 an OkpJWK may return a XECPrivateKey.
        Specified by:
        toPublicKey in interface EllipticCurveJwk
        the public key.
      • toECPrivateKey

        public ECPrivateKey toECPrivateKey()
        Converts the JWK to a ECPrivateKey.
        an ECPrivateKey
      • decodeCoordinate

        public static BigInteger decodeCoordinate​(String encodedCoordinate)
        Decode the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of an elliptical curve point.
        encodedCoordinate - the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of a the elliptical curve point
        the elliptical curve point
      • encodeCoordinate

        public static String encodeCoordinate​(int fieldSize,
                                              BigInteger coordinate)
        Base64url encode the unsigned big-endian representation of an elliptical curve point.
        fieldSize - the EC field size in bits.
        coordinate - the elliptical curve point
        the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point
      • isPrivate

        public boolean isPrivate()
        Description copied from class: JWK
        Indicates if any private key attributes are present in the JWK.
        isPrivate in class JWK
        true if this JWK contains any private key attributes.
      • getPublicJwkBuilder

        protected Optional<JWK.Builder<?>> getPublicJwkBuilder()
        Description copied from class: JWK
        Return a builder with all the values set for representing the public components of the JWK. Common JWK attributes will be added in JWK.toPublicJwk().
        Specified by:
        getPublicJwkBuilder in class JWK
        The builder.