Interface Connection

    • Method Detail

      • action

        ActionResponse action​(Context context,
                              ActionRequest request)
                       throws ResourceException
        Performs an action against a specific resource, or set of resources. Bulk updates are an example of an action request.
        context - The request context, such as associated principal.
        request - The action request.
        A JSON object containing the result of the action, the content of which is specified by the action.
        ResourceException - If the action could not be performed.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this connection does not support action requests.
        IllegalStateException - If this connection has already been closed, i.e. if isClosed() == true.
      • actionAsync

        Promise<ActionResponse,​ResourceException> actionAsync​(Context context,
                                                                    ActionRequest request)
        Asynchronously performs an action against a specific resource, or set of resources. Bulk updates are an example of an action request.
        context - The request context, such as associated principal.
        request - The action request.
        A future representing the result of the request.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this connection does not support action requests.
        IllegalStateException - If this connection has already been closed, i.e. if isClosed() == true.
      • close

        void close()
        Releases any resources associated with this connection. For physical connections to a server this will mean that the underlying socket is closed.

        Other connection implementations may behave differently. For example, a pooled connection will be released and returned to its connection pool.

        Calling close on a connection that is already closed has no effect.

        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
      • isClosed

        boolean isClosed()
        Indicates whether or not this connection has been explicitly closed by calling close. This method will not return true if a fatal error has occurred on the connection unless close has been called.
        true if this connection has been explicitly closed by calling close, or false otherwise.
      • isValid

        boolean isValid()
        Returns true if this connection has not been closed and no fatal errors have been detected. This method is guaranteed to return false only when it is called after the method close has been called.
        true if this connection is valid, false otherwise.
      • patchAsync

        Promise<ResourceResponse,​ResourceException> patchAsync​(Context context,
                                                                     PatchRequest request)
        Asynchronously updates a JSON resource by applying a set of changes to its existing content.
        context - The request context, such as associated principal.
        request - The patch request.
        A future representing the result of the request.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this connection does not support patch requests.
        IllegalStateException - If this connection has already been closed, i.e. if isClosed() == true.
      • query

        QueryResponse query​(Context context,
                            QueryRequest request,
                            QueryResourceHandler handler)
                     throws ResourceException
        Searches for all JSON resources matching a user specified set of criteria, and returns a Promise that will be completed with the results of the search.

        Result processing happens-before this method returns to the caller.

        context - The request context, such as associated principal.
        request - The query request.
        handler - A query resource handler which can be used to process matching resources as they are received.
        The query result.
        ResourceException - If the query could not be performed.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this connection does not support query requests.
        IllegalStateException - If this connection has already been closed, i.e. if isClosed() == true.
      • query

        QueryResponse query​(Context context,
                            QueryRequest request,
                            Collection<? super ResourceResponse> results)
                     throws ResourceException
        Searches for all JSON resources matching a user specified set of criteria, and places the results in the provided collection.
        context - The request context, such as associated principal.
        request - The query request.
        results - A collection into which matching resources will be added as they are received.
        The query result.
        ResourceException - If the query could not be performed.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this connection does not support query requests.
        IllegalStateException - If this connection has already been closed, i.e. if isClosed() == true.
      • queryAsync

        Promise<QueryResponse,​ResourceException> queryAsync​(Context context,
                                                                  QueryRequest request,
                                                                  QueryResourceHandler handler)
        Asynchronously searches for all JSON resources matching a user specified set of criteria, and returns a Promise that will be completed with the results of the search.

        Result processing happens-before the returned future completes.

        context - The request context, such as associated principal.
        request - The create request.
        handler - A non-null query resource handler which should be used to process matching resources as they are received.
        A future representing the result of the request.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this connection does not support query requests.
        IllegalStateException - If this connection has already been closed, i.e. if isClosed() == true.
      • updateAsync

        Promise<ResourceResponse,​ResourceException> updateAsync​(Context context,
                                                                      UpdateRequest request)
        Asynchronously updates a JSON resource by replacing its existing content with new content.
        context - The request context, such as associated principal.
        request - The update request.
        A future representing the result of the request.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this connection does not support update requests.
        IllegalStateException - If this connection has already been closed, i.e. if isClosed() == true.