Class JwkSetHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JwkSetHandler
    extends Object
    implements Handler
    Creates a JwkSetHandler to store the cryptographic keys.
          "type": "JwkSetHandler",
          "config": {
              "secretsProvider"     :     Secrets Provider         [REQUIRED - The provider used to resolve
                                                                               the secret.]
              "purposes" [{                array of objects        [REQUIRED]
                "secretId"            :     expression               [REQUIRED - the secret ID.]
                "keyUsage"            :     expression<enum>         [REQUIRED - the key usage of the Secret ID.]
              "exposePrivateSecrets"  :     boolean                [OPTIONAL - If set to true, include the private and
                                                                               symmetric keys in the generated JWK. Be
                                                                               aware of the security considerations of
                                                                               enabling this setting. Defaults to false.]
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • handle

        public Promise<Response,​NeverThrowsException> handle​(Context context,
                                                                   Request request)
        Description copied from interface: Handler
        Returns a Promise representing the asynchronous Response of the given request. If any (asynchronous) processing goes wrong, the promise still contains a Response (probably from the 4xx or 5xx status code family).

        A handler that doesn't hand-off the processing to another downstream handler is responsible for creating the response.

        The returned Promise contains the response returned from the server as-is. This is responsibility of the handler to produce the appropriate error response (404, 500, ...) in case of processing error.

        Note: As of Promise 2.0 implementation, it is not permitted to throw any runtime exception here. Doing so produce unexpected behaviour (most likely a server-side hang of the processing thread).

        Specified by:
        handle in interface Handler
        context - The request context.
        request - The request.
        A Promise representing the response to be returned to the caller.