1. Use the menu at the top of the page to sort the list of applications by modified date or by application name, or use the search feature to locate an application by name.
    OAuth, OIDC, and SAML applications are listed in the order in which they were last modified, by default, with the most recently modified at the top of the list.
    This image displays an example of the Applications page for an application owner.
  2. On the Applications page, you can:
    • View information about an application. Click the expandable icon associated with it.

      For more information, see Viewing application information.

    • Add a new SAML, OAuth, or OIDC application to PingCentral. Click Add Application, select a template, and follow the wizard prompts.
      For more information, see Adding applications.
      Note: Administrators can also assign you as the owner of an application, in which case the application would display on the Applications page.
    • Promote applications to development or production environments. Click the expandable icon associated with the application you want to promote and click the Promote tab.

      For more information, see Promote Applications.

    • To update applications, click the expandable icon associated with the application you want to update and click the Pencil icon. All of the editable information displays on one page. Update it as necessary.

      For more information, see Updating applications.

    • Delete an application from PingCentral, click its associated Delete icon.
      Note: Although the application will no longer be available in PingCentral, it will still exist in PingAccess or PingFederate. Ask your administrator to delete it from PingAccess or PingFederate, as necessary.