For more information, see About SCIM and Configuring SCIM in the Zscaler Internet Access documentation.

  1. Sign on to Zscaler Internet Access as an administrator.
  2. Go to Administration → Settings → Company Profile and note your Company ID.

    You'll use this as your organization ID in step 5.

  3. Go to Administration > Authentication > Authentication Settings.
  4. On the Authentication Profile tab, in the Authentication Type section, select SAML. Click Configure SAML.
  5. Configure SAML and enable provisioning:
    1. In the Configure SAML window, select Enable SCIM-Based Provisioning.
    2. In the Base URL field, enter https://scim.<Zscaler_cloud_name>.net/<organization_ID>/scim.

      You can find the your cloud name in the URL that you use to sign on to the Zscaler Internet Access service. For example, if you sign on to, then your cloud name is

    3. Note the Bearer Token. Click Save.

      You will use the Bearer Token value in Creating a provisioning connection.

  6. Click Save.
  7. Activate the change as shown in Saving and Activating Changes in the Admin Portal in the Zscaler Internet Access documentation.