The following classes are available globally.
An authenticator to authenticate the user with Application Pin
See moreDeclaration
public class AppPinAuthenticator
LogLevel is a representation of Log’s type of log entry.\nAvailable LogLevels are: * none: no log entry is displayed on the debug console or log file * verbose: verbose level of log entry is displayed on the debug console or log file. * info: information level of log entry is displayed on the debug console or log file. * network: network level of log entry is displayed on the debug console or log file. All network traffics going in and out are through FRAuth SDK will be displayed with detailed information of request and response. * warning: warning level of log entry is displayed on the debug console or log file. Any minor issue, or error that would not impact the SDK’s functionality will be displayed. * error: error level of log entry is displayed on the debug console or log file. Any severe issue, or major error that would impact the SDK’s functionality will be displayed. * all: All types of log entry will be displayed on the debug console or log file.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRLogLevel) public class LogLevel : NSObject, OptionSet
Log is a class responsible for Logging functionalities of FRCore SDK. Log can also be used in the application layer which then be displayed through FRCore SDK, and through OSLog with FRCore SDK’s system label and LogLevel.
By default, Log uses OSLog to display the log entry in the debug console, and in the log system of iOS; however, when OS_ACTIVITY_MODE is disabled in the environment variable, Log then uses default system print() method to display the log entry in the console only.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRDefulatLog) public class Log : NSObject
@objc public class FRSecurityConfiguration : NSObject
This class implements FRURLSessionHandlerProtocol protocol to handle HTTP redirect (default implementation) and perform no SSL Pinning
See moreDeclaration
open class FRURLSessionHandler : NSObject, FRURLSessionHandlerProtocol
This class implements URLSessionTaskDelegate protocol to handle HTTP redirect and SSL Pinning
See moreDeclaration
public class FRURLSessionSSLPinningHandler : FRURLSessionHandler
RequestInterceptorRegistry is responsible to maintain, and manage an array of
See moreRequestInterceptor
for FRCore’s network layerDeclaration
open class RequestInterceptorRegistry
This class is responsible to handle REST API request, and acts as HTTP client for SDK Core
See moreDeclaration
@objc public class RestClient : NSObject
AptDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use SuspiciousFilesExistenceDetector and SuspiciousFilesAccessibleDetector instead") public class AptDetector : JailbreakDetector
BashDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use SuspiciousFilesExistenceDetector and SuspiciousFilesAccessibleDetector instead") public class BashDetector : JailbreakDetector
CydiaDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use SuspiciousFilesExistenceDetector and SuspiciousFilesAccessibleDetector instead") public class CydiaDetector : JailbreakDetector
CydiaSubstrateDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use SuspiciousFilesExistenceDetector and SuspiciousFilesAccessibleDetector instead") public class CydiaSubstrateDetector : JailbreakDetector
DyldDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
public class DyldDetector : JailbreakDetector
JailbreakDetector is responsible to analyze and provide possibilities in score whether the device is suspicious for Jailbreak or not
See moreDeclaration
@objc public class FRJailbreakDetector : NSObject
PrivateFileWritableDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use RestrictedDirectoriesWritableDetector instead") public class PrivateFileWritableDetector : JailbreakDetector
RestrictedDirectoriesWritableDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
public class RestrictedDirectoriesWritableDetector : JailbreakDetector
SSHDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use SuspiciousFilesExistenceDetector and SuspiciousFilesAccessibleDetector instead") public class SSHDetector : JailbreakDetector
SandboxDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
public class SandboxDetector : JailbreakDetector
SuspiciousFilesAccessibleDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
public class SuspiciousFilesAccessibleDetector : JailbreakDetector
SuspiciousFilesExistenceDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
public class SuspiciousFilesExistenceDetector : JailbreakDetector
SuspiciousObjCClassesDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
public class SuspiciousObjCClassesDetector : JailbreakDetector
SymbolicLinkDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
public class SymbolicLinkDetector : JailbreakDetector
URLSchemeDetector is a JailbreakDetector class, and is used as one of default JailbreakDetector’s detectors to determine whether the device is Jailbroken or not
See moreDeclaration
public class URLSchemeDetector : JailbreakDetector