The following structures are available globally.
Helper struct to generate and sign the keys
See moreDeclaration
public struct CryptoKey
Public and private keypair struct
See moreDeclaration
public struct KeyPair
ECPrimeRandomKey is a representation of Elliptic Curve Key on iOS’ Secure Enclave to generate hardware-backed security key and to perform encryption, decryption, and signing operations using the key.
See moreDeclaration
public struct ECPrimeRandomKey
KeychainService class represents and is responsible internal Keychain Service operation such as storing, retrieving, and deleting String/Bool/Data/Certificate/Key/Identity data with Apple’s Keychain Service
See moreDeclaration
public struct KeychainService
KeychainOptions represent available options for Keychain Service
See moreDeclaration
public struct KeychainOptions
SecuredKey is a representation of Secure Enclave keypair and performing PKI using Secure Enclave
See moreDeclaration
public struct SecuredKey
Generic representation of API request specifically designed by, and used by ForgeRock iOS SDK core
See moreDeclaration
public struct Request
Action is a representation of behaviour of each Request that ForgeRock SDK generates. Action is used for
to easily identify what type ofRequest
is currently being made and for developers to easily understand and take appropriate modification on the givenRequest
object inRequestInterceptor
Currently, ForgeRock SDK makes following Requests with corresponding Actions:
See more1. START_AUTHENTICATE - Initial Request made: '/json/realms/{realm}/authenticate' 2. AUTHENTICATE - Any subsequent Request made: '/json/realms/{realm}/authenticate' 3. RESUME_AUTHENTICATE - Resume /authenticate request made with 'suspendedId': '/json/realms/{realm}/authenticate' 4. AUTHORIZE - A '/oauth2/realms/{realm}/authorize' request for exchanging SSO Token to Authorization code 5. EXCHANGE_TOKEN - OAuth2 token exchange request with Authorization Code: '/oauth2/realms/{realm}/access_token' 6. REFRESH_TOKEN - OAuth2 token renewal request with given 'refresh_token': '/oauth2/realms/{realm}/access_token' 7. REVOKE_TOKEN - OAuth2 token revocation with given 'access_token' or 'refresh_token': '/oauth2/realms/{realm}/token/revoke' 8. LOGOUT - AM Session logout request to revoke SSO Token: '/json/realms/{realm}/sessions?_action=logout' 9. PUSH_REGISTER - AM Push registration for Authenticator SDK: '/json/push/sns/message?_action=register' 10. PUSH_AUTHENTICATE - AM Push authentication for Authenticator SDK: '/json/push/sns/message?_action=authenticate' 11. USER_INFO - OIDC OAuth2 userinfo request: '/oauth2/realms/{realm}/userinfo' 12. END_SESSION - OIDC end session request: '/oauth2/realms/{realm}/connect/endSession'
public struct Action
This struct is a representation of FRAuth’s API request response data structure, and is responsible to handle response serialization
See moreDeclaration
public struct Response