Web Agents 2024.3

Remove Web Agents Documentation

Remove Apache Web Agents Documentation

  1. Shut down Apache HTTP Server where the agent is installed.

  2. Run agentadmin --l to output a list of the installed web agent configuration instances.

    Note the ID of the Web Agents Documentation instance to remove.

  3. Run agentadmin --r, and specify the ID of the web agent configuration instance to remove. A warning is displayed. Type yes to proceed with removing the configuration instance.

    $ ./agentadmin --r agent_1
    Warning! This procedure will remove all Web Agents Documentation references from
    a Web server configuration. In case you are running Web Agents Documentation in a
    multi-virtualhost mode, an uninstallation must be carried out manually.
    Continue (yes/no): [no]: yes
    Removing agent_1 configuration…​
    Removing agent_1 configuration…​ Done.
  4. Start the Apache HTTP Server.

Remove IIS or ISAPI Web Agents Documentation

Remove a single instance of IIS or ISAPI Web Agents Documentation

Perform the steps in this procedure to remove :

  1. Log on to Windows as a user with administrator privileges.

  2. Run agentadmin.exe --l to output a list of the installed agent configuration instances.

    c:\web_agents\iis_agent\bin> agentadmin.exe --l
    agentadmin.exe --l
    Web Agent configuration instances:
    id:            agent_1
    configuration: c:\web_agents\iis_agent\bin\..\instances\agent_1
    server/site:   2.2.1

    Note the ID of the Web Agents Documentation instance to remove.

  3. Run agentadmin.exe --r, specifying the ID of the Web Agents Documentation instance to remove.

    c:\web_agents\iis_agent\bin> agentadmin.exe --r agent_1
    Removing agent_1 configuration…​
    Removing agent_1 configuration…​ Done.
    The --r option does not remove the agent libraries. To remove all agent instances and libraries, refer to Remove all instances of IIS or ISAPI Web Agents Documentation.

Remove all instances of IIS or ISAPI Web Agents Documentation

  1. Log on to Windows as a user with administrator privileges.

  2. Run agentadmin --g. A warning is displayed. Type yes to proceed with removing the configuration instance.

    c:\web_agents\iis_agent\bin> agentadmin.exe --g
    Warning! This procedure will remove all Web Agents Documentation references from
    IIS Server configuration.
    Continue (yes/no): [no]: yes
    Removing agent module from IIS Server configuration…​
    Removing agent module from IIS Server configuration…​ Done.

Remove NGINX Plus Web Agents Documentation

  1. Shut down the NGINX Plus server where the agent is installed.

  2. Run the agentadmin --l command to output a list of installed agent instances. For example:

    $ ./agentadmin --l
    OpenAM Web Agents Documentation configuration instances:
    id:            agent_1
    configuration: /web_agents/nginx31_agent/instances/agent_1
    server/site:   /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    id:            agent_2
    configuration: /web_agents/nginx31_agent/instances/agent_2
    server/site:   /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    id:            agent_3
    configuration: /web_agents/nginx31_agent/instances/agent_3
    server/site:   /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

    Note the ID of the Web Agents Documentation instance to remove.

  3. Run the agentadmin --r command, specifying the ID of the agent instance to remove. A warning is displayed. Type yes to remove the instance.

    $ ./agentadmin --r agent_1
    Warning! This procedure will remove the Web Agents Documentation configuration for agent_1
    but not references to it your NGINX server configuration file: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.
    Continue (yes/no): [no]: yes
    In order to complete the removal of the agent from your NGINX installation,
    remove the openam_agent_ directives for this agent
    from your NGINX configuration file: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    and, if this is the only agent in the installation,
    remove the load_module directive for the openam_agent_auth_module
    in the NGINX configuration file.
    Please press any key to continue.
    Removing agent_1 configuration…​ Done.
  4. Edit the NGINX Plus configuration file that contains the context protected by the removed web agent instance.

  5. Delete the openam_agent_ directives from the context.

    If this is the last agent in the NGINX Plus server, remove the directive that loads the openam_ngx_auth_module.so library.

  6. Restart the NGINX Plus server.