Properties reference
This reference describes agent configuration properties.
When you create an agent profile, you choose whether to store the agent configuration in AM’s configuration store or locally to the agent installation. The local configuration file syntax is the same as that of a standard Java properties file.
Property files
The agent stores agent bootstrap and configuration properties in the file agent.conf
For IIS Web Agent, the file is located by default at
List of bootstrap properties
Property | Description | Function |
Encryption |
Debug |
Debug |
Agent profile |
Agent profile |
Agent profile |
Agent profile |
Miscellaneous |
Encryption |
Miscellaneous |
Encryption |
Connection pooling |
Fragment redirect |
Cookies |
Profile |
Encryption |
General |
Profile |
Audit |
Logs |
Logs |
Profile |
Logs |
Not-enforced |
Encryption |
Policy client service |
Policy client service |
POST data preservation |
Encryption |
Encryption |
Forward proxy |
Forward proxy |
Forward proxy |
Forward proxy |
Encryption |
Microsoft IIS server |
Miscellaneous |
Encryption |
Encryption |
Miscellaneous |
Profile |
Profile |
List of all properties
Property | Description (UI name) | Function |
Encryption |
Cookies |
Profile |
Headers |
Debug |
Debug |
Profile |
Logout redirect |
Profile |
Agent profile |
Agent profile |
Agent profile |
Agent profile |
Profile |
Login redirect |
Miscellaneous |
Login redirect |
Logout redirect |
Client identification |
Attribute processing |
Audit |
Audit |
Audit |
Login redirect |
Encryption |
Cross-domain single sign-on |
Client identification |
Client identification |
Not-enforced |
Not-enforced |
Advice handling |
Advice handling |
Profile |
Miscellaneous |
Continuous Security |
Continuous Security |
Cross-domain single sign-on |
Cookies |
Cookies |
Custom |
Profile |
Encryption |
Logout redirect |
Load balancing |
Load balancing |
Connection pooling |
Cookies |
Cookies |
Login redirect |
FQDN check |
Fragment redirect |
Cookies |
Logout redirect |
Cookies |
Profile |
Profile |
Encryption |
Load balancing |
Load balancing |
Load balancing |
POST data preservation |
Logout redirect |
Not-enforced |
Policy client service |
Cross-domain single sign-on |
General |
URL handling |
Cookies |
URL handling |
Not-enforced |
Policy client service |
FQDN check |
FQDN check |
Goto parameter |
Profile |
Profile |
JSON-formatted response |
General |
JSON-formatted response |
Not-enforced |
Ignore path info |
URL handling |
Not-enforced |
JSON-formatted response |
Profile |
JSON-formatted response |
Audit |
Logs |
Logs |
Profile |
Microsoft IIS server |
Logout redirect |
Logout redirect |
Logs |
Headers |
Not-enforced |
Not-enforced |
Not-enforced |
Not-enforced |
Encryption |
Profile |
Cookies |
Policy client service |
Policy client service |
Policy client service |
Policy client service |
POST data preservation |
Load balancing |
Load balancing |
POST data preservation |
Encryption |
Encryption |
Cookies |
Attribute processing |
Attribute processing |
Cookies |
Forward proxy |
Forward proxy |
Forward proxy |
Forward proxy |
Login URL |
Encryption |
Login redirect |
Login redirect |
Not-enforced |
Microsoft IIS server |
Microsoft IIS server |
Logout redirect |
General |
General |
Attribute processing |
Attribute processing |
Profile |
Cookies |
Miscellaneous |
Encryption |
Attribute processing |
Attribute processing |
Microsoft IIS server |
Policy client service |
POST data preservation |
Encryption |
Miscellaneous |
POST data preservation |
Miscellaneous |
Profile |
Policy client service |
Policy client service |
Profile |
Composite Advice Encode
A flag for whether to based64 URL-encode composite advices before sending them to custom login endpoints:
: Advices are encoded to increase the security, and protect against cross-site scripting attacks.
: Advices are not encoded
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Advice handling |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Composite Advice Handling
When true
, the agent sends composite advice in the query (GET request) instead of sending it through a POST request.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Advice handling |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Agent Profile Password
The password required by the agent profile and encrypted with the key specified in Agent Profile Password Encryption Key.
This property is provided in the agent-password.conf
To encrypt an agent profile password, run the agentadmin
command with the --p
When the agent can’t decrypt the password it writes a message to the logs.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Agent profile |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Agent Profile Realm
The AM realm where the agent profile is located. For example, /Customers
Realm names are case-sensitive. Failure to set the realm name exactly as configured in AM causes the agent to fail to recognize the realm.
Default: /
Property name |
Function |
Agent profile |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Agent Profile Password Encryption Key
The key used to encrypt the agent profile password in Agent Profile Password
This property is provided in the agent-key.conf
To create a encryption key, run the agentadmin
command with the --k
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Agent profile |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Attribute Multi-Value Separator
The separator between values in a multi-valued attribute. The separator applies to all attributes, such as profile, session, and response attributes.
In this example, the attribute HTTP_CUSTOM_TEL
has two values separated by a pipe ('|')':
HTTP_CUSTOM_TEL = 45354345|1234
Note: If you use custom code to construct a multi-valued attribute, make sure that the attribute is a string containing the individual values separated by this parameter.
Default: |
Property name |
Function |
Attribute processing |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Profile Attribute Fetch Mode
Map profile attributes to HTTP headers or HTTP cookies:
: Map to HTTP cookies
: Map to HTTP headers
Default: NONE
Property name |
Function |
Attribute processing |
Type |
Constrained Values: "http_header", "http_cookie", "none" |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Session Attribute Map
Map the value of a specified session attribute to one or more HTTP headers or HTTP cookies, depending on the value of Session Attribute Fetch Mode.
Map key: The name of an existing session attribute for the currently authenticated user.
Map value: The name of one or more HTTP headers or HTTP cookies.
If the HTTP header or HTTP cookie name does not exist, the agent creates it. If the session attribute name (key) does not exist, the agent does not create the HTTP header or HTTP cookie.
Underscores in header names can cause errors in some web containers. Either don’t use underscores in header names, or see your web container documentation for information about how they are managed. |
When an HTTP header name is used in a request header, it is prefixed by HTTP_
. The agents automatically changes lower case letters to upper case, and hyphens (-
) to underscores (_
). For example, CUSTOM-userid
The following example maps the value of the session attribute UserToken
to the HTTP header CUSTOM-userid
The following example maps the value of the session attribute UserId
to two HTTP headers:
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Attribute processing |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Response Attribute Map
Map the value of a specified response attribute to one or more HTTP headers or HTTP cookies, depending on the value of Response Attribute Fetch Mode.
Map key: The name of a response attribute returned by AM with a policy decision.
Map value: The name of one or more HTTP headers or HTTP cookies.
Consider the following points for cookies:
If an HTTP cookie with the mapped name does not exist, the agent creates it.
If an HTTP cookie with the mapped name already exists, the agent recreates it.
If an unauthenticated user attempts to access the protected page, the agent deletes HTTP cookies with the mapped name on the first request, and then creates them after login.
If the profile attribute name (key) does not exist, the agent does not create the HTTP cookie.
Consider the following points for response headers:
If a response header with the mapped name does not exist, the agent creates it.
If an HTTP cookie with the mapped name already exists, the agent does not recreates it, it simply appends information to the header.
If the profile attribute name (key) does not exist, the agent does not create the response header.
Underscores in header names can cause errors in some web containers. Either don’t use underscores in header names, or see your web container documentation for information about how they are managed.
When an HTTP header name is used in a request header, it is prefixed by
. The agents automatically changes lower case letters to upper case, and hyphens (-
) to underscores (_
). For example,CUSTOM-userid
Format: response attribute = HEADER-NAME(S)
In the following example, the AM response attribute uid
is mapped to CUSTOM-User-Name
: com.sun.identity.agents.config.response.attribute.mapping[uid]=Custom-User-Name
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Attribute processing |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Response Attribute Fetch Mode
Map response attributes to HTTP headers or HTTP cookies:
: Map to HTTP cookies
: Map to HTTP headers
Default: NONE
Property name |
Function |
Attribute processing |
Type |
Constrained Values: "http_header", "http_cookie", "none" |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Session Attribute Fetch Mode
Map session attributes to HTTP headers or HTTP cookies:
: Map to HTTP cookies
: Map to HTTP headers
Default: NONE
Property name |
Function |
Attribute processing |
Type |
Constrained Values: "http_header", "http_cookie", "none" |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Profile Attribute Map
Map the value of a specified profile attribute to one or more HTTP headers or HTTP cookies, depending on the value of Profile Attribute Fetch Mode.
Map key: The name of an existing profile attribute for the currently authenticated user.
Map value: The name of one or more HTTP headers or HTTP cookies.
If the HTTP header or HTTP cookie name does not exist, the agent creates it. If the profile attribute name (key) does not exist, the agent does not create the HTTP header or HTTP cookie.
Underscores in header names can cause errors in some web containers. Either don’t use underscores in header names, or see your web container documentation for information about how they are managed. |
To populate the value of profile attribute CN under CUSTOM-Common-Name
, configure com.sun.identity.agents.config.profile.attribute.mapping[CN]=CUSTOM-Common-Name
Make sure the case of your LDAP attribute name matches the case of the LDAP schema, otherwise you may see an error similar to the following: do_header_set(): SM_LOGIN (UiD) is not available in profile attributes |
In most cases, in a destination application where an HTTP header name shows up as a request header, it is prefixed by HTTP_
, lower case letters become upper case, and hyphens (-
) become underscores (_
). For example, CUSTOM-userid
Format: profile attribute = HEADER-NAME(S)
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Attribute processing |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Audit Access Types
The type of audit events to log:
: Disable audit logging. -
: Log access allowed events. -
: Log access denied events. -
: Log access allowed and access denied events.
Default: LOG_NONE
Property name |
Function |
Audit |
Type |
Constrained Values: "local", "remote", "both" |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Audit Log Location
The location where the agent logs audit messages:
: Log audit event messages to the audit event handler configured in the AM realm where the web agent is configured. -
: Log audit event messages locally to the agent installation. -
: Log audit event messages to the audit event handler configured in the AM realm and locally to the agent installation.
Default: REMOTE
Property name |
Function |
Audit |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Audit Path as Full URL
Use this property to manage how the HTTP request path is audited
: Log only the path component of the HTTP request. -
: Log the full URL of the HTTP request.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Audit |
Type |
Unused |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Local Agent Audit File Name
If Audit Log Location is LOCAL
or ALL
, this property gives the name of the local file that contains agent audit messages.
Default: /web_agents/agent_type/instances/agent_nnn/logs/audit/audit.log
Property name |
Function |
Audit |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Anonymous User
Enable or disable REMOTE_USER processing for anonymous users.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Client identification |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Client Hostname Header
Name of the HTTP header that holds the hostname of the client.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Client identification |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Client IP Address Header
Name of the HTTP header that holds the IP address of the client.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Client identification |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Connection Pooling
When true
, the agent uses connection pooling.
Use connection pooling to improve performance when AM is available over low bandwidth connections, or to throttle the maximum number of connections made by the agent.
When AM is available over high bandwidth connections, connection pooling can reduce performance.
Default: true
Property name |
Function |
Connection pooling |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Continuous Security Cookie Map
Map of cookie name to entry in the environmental conditions map, used during policy evaluation:
Map key: Cookie name in the inbound request
Map value: Name of the entry in the environmental conditions map that contains the value of
This property has the format [cookie_name]=map_entry_name
, where:
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Continuous Security |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Continuous Security Header Map
Map of header name to entry in the environmental conditions map, used during policy evaluation:
Map key: Header name in the inbound request
Map value: Name of the entry in the environmental conditions map that contains the value of the header name
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Continuous Security |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Accept SSO Token
A flag for whether the agent accepts SSO tokens and ID tokens as session cookies:
. The agent does not accept SSO tokens as session cookies. -
. The agent accepts both SSO tokens and ID tokens as session tokens during the login flow, and afterwards. SSO tokens are not converted to ID tokens. Set this property to1
only for environments migrating from earlier versions of the agent, in the following scenarios:-
Your custom login pages use SSO tokens as session tokens, and Enable Custom Login Mode is set to
. -
Your applications, for example, REST or JavaScript clients, can only set SSO tokens.
The SSO token name is given by Cookie Name.
If the agent receives a request with both an SSO token and an ID token, it checks the ID token first. If invalid, it checks the SSO token. If both are invalid, the agent redirects the user for authentication.
The agent caches session information for SSO tokens.
Configure this property with Enable Custom Login Mode, as described in Login redirect configuration options in the User Guide.
Default: 0
Property name |
Function |
Cookies |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Persist JWT Cookie
A flag to persist JWT cookies. If true
the JWT cookie is not set as a Session Cookie.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Cookies |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Cookie Security
When true
, the agent marks cookies as secure, sending them only if the communication channel is secure. Set to true
when agent connections are over SSL.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Cookies |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
SameSite Cookie Attribute
Sets the SameSite
attribute on all the cookies that it creates. The value of the SameSite
attribute is what you configure in this property.
For example, to add the SameSite
attribute with the value of Lax
to the cookies, set this property to Lax
The attribute is not set for some browsers and circumstances, as described in
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Cookies |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Cookie Reset List
List of cookies to reset. For example:
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Cookies |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Encode Special Characters in Cookies
When true
, use URL encoding for special characters in cookies. This is useful when profile, session, and response attributes contain special characters, and the attributes fetch mode is set to HTTP_COOKIE
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Cookies |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Multivalue for Pre-Authn Cookie
Web agent uses the pre-authentication cookie agent-authn-tx
to track the progress of authentication with AM and protect the request from replay attacks.
When this property is true
, the agent creates a single cookie containing records to identify all concurrent authentication requests to AM.
In environments with lots of concurrent requests, or where the protected URLs are long, the cookie can reach the maximum size supported by the browser. When this happens, new authentication requests fail and the agent issues a 403 HTTP message to the user.
When this property is false
, the agent creates a pre-authentication cookie for each authentication request to AM, with the name of agent-authn-tx-string
In some environments, this will create a large number of cookies. If you have tests in your environment that make multiple requests to AM from the same browser, you may find intermittent 403 HTTP messages; browsers and have a limit of how many cookies they can handle.
Something similar happens to web servers; they have a limit of how many headers (cookies) they can manage at one time. Set the property to true
if you find that creating too many cookies is having an impact on your environment.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Cookies |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Profile Attribute Cookie Prefix
A prefix for the cookie attributes headers.
Default: HTTP_
Property name |
Function |
Cookies |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Cookie Name
Name of the SSO token cookie used for authentication with AM. If empty, the agent retrieves the cookie name from the AM server.
Default: iPlanetDirectoryPro
Property name |
Function |
Cookies |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Profile Attributes Cookie Maxage
Number of seconds before expiration of custom cookies or the pre-authentication cookie, agent-authn-tx
Pre-authentication cookies expire when the first of the following events occurs:
Authentication completes successfully
They reach the age configured by this property
If POST data preservation is enabled, the request expires after the time specified in POST Data Entries Cache Period, which is by default 10 minutes. In this case, consider increasing the value of this property to at least 600 seconds.
Default: 300
Property name |
Function |
Cookies |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable HTTP Only Mode
When true
, mark cookies as HttpOnly
to prevent scripts and third-party software from accessing them.
Default: true
Property name |
Function |
Cookies |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Cookie Reset
When true
, the agent resets (blanks) cookies in the response before redirecting to authentication by issuing a Set-Cookie header to the client. An example header could be similar to this:
Set-Cookie myCookie= ; Max-Age=0; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT;
If FQDN Default is set, the agent sets the cookie domain to the domain specified by the property. Otherwise, the agent leaves the cookie domain blank.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Cookies |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Session Cookie Reset After Authentication Redirect
Flag to reset the session cookie after an authentication redirect:
: The agent does not reset the session cookie if a policy advice is present.
: The agent resets the session cookie in all configured domains on every authentication redirect when a policy advice is present.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Cross-domain single sign-on |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
CDSSO Redirect URI
Renames the endpoint the agent uses to process CDSSO requests. The name you choose for a production environment should not give away its purpose to end users.
The agent uses this endpoint during the default login redirection flow, but not during the custom login redirection flow.
Default: agent/cdsso-oauth2
Property name |
Function |
Cross-domain single sign-on |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Cookie Domain List
List of domains, such as
, in which cookies have to be set in CDSSO. If this property empty, then the fully qualified domain name of the cookie for the agent server is used to set the cookie domain, meaning that a host cookie rather than a domain cookie is set.
To set the list to
, and
using the configuration file property, include the following:
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Cross-domain single sign-on |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Custom Properties
Additional properties to augment the set of properties supported by agent. Custom properties can be specified as follows:
Add any property that is not yet in the AM console as a custom property.
Property name |
Function |
Custom |
Type |
Unused |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Agent Debug Level
Debug level. Set to one of the constrained values.
Default: Error
Property name |
Function |
Debug |
Type |
Constrained Values: "info", "warning", "error", "debug", "all" |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Agent Debug File Size
File size in bytes at which the debug log file is rotated.
Default: 0
, debug log file is never rotated
Property name |
Function |
Debug |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Server Certificate Trust
A flag to validate the certificate presented during SSL handshakes by the container where AM runs:
: The agent trusts any server certificate. By default, to facilitate integration and testing the agent is configured to trust any server certificate. -
: The agent trusts AM’s certificate only if found to be correct and valid.
In production environments, set this property to false .
If the agent cannot connect to AM, it does not allow access to any protected resource. Ensure the agent is properly configured before setting this property to false .
Default: true
Property name |
Function |
Encryption |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Private Client Certificate File Name
When AM is configured for client-side certificate verification, set this property to the file that contains the client certificate private key.
Agents using OpenSSL must specify the private key as a PEM file. For example: com.forgerock.agents.config.cert.key = /opt/certificates/client_key.pem
Agents using the Windows built-in Secure Channel API should not configure this property.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Encryption |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Supported Cipher List
A colon separated list of one or more ciphers to support, as defined in
Property name |
Function |
Encryption |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Accept Secure Cookies From AM Over HTTP
A flag to accept secure cookies.
When true
, the agent accepts secure cookies from AM over HTTP. When false
, the agent rejects them.
For requests that arrive over a secure channel, by default, AM upgrades cookies to secure. However, during internal communication with the agent, AM can send these secure cookies over HTTP.
It is best practice to use HTTPS for all connections to AM. |
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Encryption |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Disable Caching of Agent Profile Password Encryption Key
By default, the encryption key for the agent profile password is cached. Set this property to true
to disable caching and require the agent to read the encryption key every time it is needed.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Encryption |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Public Client Certificate File Name
When AM is configured to perform client certificate validation, set this property to the name of the file that contains the client certificate chain.
Agents using OpenSSL libraries must specify the certificate chain as a PEM file. For example: com.forgerock.agents.config.cert.file = /opt/certificates/pub_client.pem
Agents using the Windows built-in Secure Channel API must choose one of the following options:
Store the certificate chain and its private key as a Personal Information Exchange Format (PFX) file, then configure it in the agent property. You must also configure Private Key Password.
Store the certificate locally in the Windows certificate store and configure the friendly name of the client certificate as it shows in Windows, in the agent property.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Encryption |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
CA Certificate File Name
When the agent is configured to validate server certificates (Server Certificate Trust is false
), set this property to the file name that contains a certificate or chain of certificates.
The file should be PEM encoded. For example: = /opt/certificates/am_ca.pem = false
Set this property only when the agent is using OpenSSL libraries. For agent using the Windows built-in Secure Channel API, add the appropriate certificates to the Windows certificate store.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Encryption |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Private Key Password
When AM is configured for client-side certificate verification and the PEM file containing the client certificate private key is password-protected, set this property to the encrypted password.
This property is provided in the agent-password.conf
Encrypt the password by using agentadmin --p
command. For example:
$ /web_agents/agent-type/bin> ./agentadmin --p "key" $(< /tmp/pwd.txt)
Encrypted password value: zck…tc=
Where key
is the value of Agent Profile Password Encryption Key and /tmp/pwd.txt
is a text file containing the certificate password.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Encryption |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Enable OpenSSL to Secure Internal Communications
Flag for whether Windows-based agents use the Windows built-in Secure Channel API or OpenSSL to secure internal communication with AM:
: The agent uses OpenSSL. -
: The agent uses the Windows built-in Secure Channel API.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Encryption |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
OpenSSL Certificate Verification Depth
(OpenSSL only) Specifies how deeply the agent verifies AM’s server certificate before deciding the certificate is not valid.
The depth is the maximum number of CA certificates that are followed while verifying the server certificate. If the certificate chain is longer than allowed, the certificates above the limit are ignored.
The property accepts the following values:
: Only self-signed certificates are accepted. -
: Client certificates can be self-signed or must be signed by a CA which is directly known to the agent container. -
or more: A chain of the specified number of certificates, including the previous ones. For example, the value5
allows certificates from level0
to level5
This property is relevant only when server certificates are validated (Server Certificate Trust is false
Default: 9
Property name |
Function |
Encryption |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
FQDN Virtual Host Map
Key:Value maps of incoming hostname to outgoing domain. The map key must be set; the map value can contain one or more *
wildcards. Map keys and values are case insensitive.
This property requires Enable FQDN Check to be true
, and FQDN Default to be set to suitable default FQDN.
For more information, refer to FQDN checks in the User Guide.
Property name |
Function |
FQDN check |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable FQDN Check
When true
, the agent checks whether request URLs match values in FQDN Default and FQDN Virtual Host Map.
Use this property to prevent the redirect of requests in the following scenarios:
Where resource URLs differ from the FQDNs in AM policies, for example, in load balanced and virtual host environments.
Where hostnames are virtual, allocated dynamically, or match a pattern, for example in a Kubernetes deployment.
Where hostnames are partial.
If FQDN Default is not set, this property is automatically set to false
Default: false
For more information, refer to FQDN checks in the User Guide.
Property name |
Function |
FQDN check |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
FQDN Default
The default FQDN to access resources. Set this property during agent installation, and change it only if necessary. Without this value, the web server can fail to start.
This property requires Enable FQDN Check to be true
If you specify an FQDN in this property, also add it to the Agent Root URL for CDSSO. |
For more information, refer to FQDN checks in the User Guide.
Property name |
Function |
FQDN check |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Proxy Server Password
The password to use when AM and the agent communicate through a web proxy server configured in forward proxy mode and the proxy server has the agent authenticate using Basic Authentication.
The password is provided in the agent-password.conf
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Forward proxy |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Proxy Server Port
When AM and the agent communicate through a web proxy server configured in forward proxy mode, set this property to the proxy server port number.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Forward proxy |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Proxy Server User
When AM and the agent communicate through a web proxy server configured in forward proxy mode, and the proxy server has the agent authenticate using Basic Authentication, set this property to the agent’s user name.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Forward proxy |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Proxy Server Host Name
When AM and the agent communicate through a web proxy server configured in forward proxy mode, set this property to the proxy server host name.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Forward proxy |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Enable Fragment Redirect
A flag to manage the browser’s URL fragment during authentication, as follows:
: Remove the browser’s URL fragment during authentication. For example, a request to
is authenticated and redirected to
. The fragment#chapter-1
is lost. -
: Save the browser’s URL fragment during authentication. For example, a request to
is authenticated and redirected to the same URL. The fragment is not lost.
An extra redirect is incurred for all unauthenticated requests, to capture and process the URL fragment.
Fragment redirect is not possible for request URLs marked for JSON responses, usually for non-browser clients, such as JavaScript or other coded clients.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Fragment redirect |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable SSO Only Mode
A flag to enable SSO only mode:
: The agent manages only user authentication. The filter invokes the AM Authentication Service to verify the identity of the user. If the user’s identity is verified, the user is issued a session token through AM’s Session Service. -
: The agent manages user authorization, by using the policy engine in AM.
In SSO-only mode, consider configuring Reset Idle Timeout. |
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
General |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Reset Idle Timeout
A flag for whether an agent configured in SSO-only mode should refresh the user’s session idle time when the user accesses a protected resource.
AM sessions have an idle timeout after which they expire. When users access protected resources through an agent, the agent requests a policy decision on behalf of that user, which resets the idle timeout.
If the agent is configured in SSO-only mode, the session may unexpectedly expire in AM due to idle timeout before the user has finished accessing the application.
Set this property to true
to refresh the timeout when the user performs an action.
When set to true
, the agent makes an additional call to AM; this may cause a performance impact. Configure this property only if:
The agent is configured in SSO-only mode
User’s sessions are timing out in AM because they are unexpectedly reaching the maximum idle timeout value.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
General |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Hostname to IP Address Map
Map of hostname to an IP address. The mapped hostname is automatically resolved to the IP address.
Map key: Hostname
Map value: IP address
Configure this property in agent.conf
or in the Advanced
tab of the XUI.
Format: com.forgerock.agents.config.hostmap[0]=<Hostname>|<IP>
Example: com.forgerock.agents.config.hostmap[0]|
Property name |
Function |
General |
Type |
String List |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Resources Access Denied URL
The URL of the customized access denied page. If empty, the agent returns an HTTP status of 403 (Forbidden). The URL can be absolute or relative.
The following values are not permitted:
directory specifier -
directory specifier
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
General |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Goto Parameter Name
Renames the goto
parameter. The agent appends the requested URL to the renamed parameter during redirection, after logout or after reaching an access denied page. Rename the parameter when your application requires a parameter other than goto
Consider the following example: com.sun.identity.agents.config.redirect.param=goto2
A valid redirection URL using the goto2
parameter may look similar to the following:
The URL appended to the goto2
parameter is the URL that the user tried to access when the agent redirected the request to the accessDenied.html
page. Note that you configure the access denied page using Resources Access Denied URL.
This property also affects AM Logout URL.
Default: goto
Property name |
Function |
Goto parameter |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
MIME-Encode HTTP Header Values
MIME-encoding of HTTP header values:
Empty or
: The agent MIME-encodes the value of HTTP headers if said value is a multi-byte Unicode string. -
: The agent MIME-encodes the value of every HTTP header. -
: The agent does not MIME-encode the value of any HTTP header.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Headers |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Add Cache-Control Headers
When true
, enables the use of Cache-Control headers to prevent proxies from caching resources accessed by unauthenticated users.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Headers |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Ignore Path Info in Request URLs
Not for ISAPI or NGINX Plus Web Agent. |
When true
, while doing the not-enforced list check and URL policy evaluation, strip path info from the request URL. Use this property to match to the URL without PATHINFO, as defined by the apache or IIS servers.
If Not-Enforced URL List includes
, then stripping path info from the request URI prevents access tohttp://host/index.html
by usinghttp://host/index.html?hack.gif
However, when a web server is configured as a reverse proxy for a Java application server, the path info is interpreted to map a resource on the proxy server rather than the application server. This prevents the not-enforced list or the policy from being applied to the part of the URI below the application server path if a wildcard character is used.
If Not-Enforced URL List includes
and the request URL ishttp://host/webapp/servcontext/example.jsp
, the path info is/servcontext/example.jsp
. When the path info stripped is, the resulting request URL ishttp://host/webapp/
, which does not match the not-enforced list. Therefore, when this property is enabled, path info is not stripped from the request URL even if there is a wildcard in the not-enforced list or policy.
When this property is true
, make sure that nothing follows a wildcard in the not-enforced list or policy.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Ignore path info |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
List of URLs to Receive JSON-Formatted Responses
A list of resource URLs that trigger a JSON-formatted response from the agent, and, optionally, override the default HTTP status code.
Use this property for non-browser-based, or AJAX applications, that do not want to redirect users to the AM user interface for authentication.
Set the HTTP Return Code for JSON-Formatted Responses property to a supported HTTP code, for example 202 , to prevent applications that do not support redirects, for example, from displaying a default error page.
Performing a GET operation that matches the example triggers an HTTP result code 202 Accepted
, and a JSON response containing 302 Found
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
JSON-formatted response |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Invert Properties That Receive JSON-Formatted Responses
When true
, the values specified in the following properties do not trigger JSON-formatted responses:
Only non-specified values trigger JSON-formatted responses.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
JSON-formatted response |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Headers and Values to Receive JSON-Formatted Responses
Specify HTTP headers and associated values that trigger JSON-formatted errors to be returned.
Use with HTTP Return Code for JSON-Formatted Responses, as follows:
Performing a GET operation that matches the example triggers an HTTP result code 202 Accepted
, and a JSON response containing 302 Found
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
JSON-formatted response |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
HTTP Return Code for JSON-Formatted Responses
An HTTP response code to return when a JSON-formatted error is triggered.
To prevent user agents displaying their default error pages, set to a non-error HTTP code, for example 202 .
Performing a GET operation that matches the example triggers an HTTP result code 202 Accepted
, and a JSON response containing 302 Found
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
JSON-formatted response |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Disable Override Request URL Port, Host, or Protocol
Map of request host header to overrides set by Enable Override Request URL Port, Enable Override Request URL Host, and Enable Override Request URL Protocol:
Map key: Regular expression to be matched against the host header of the request
Map value: One or more overrides to disable in the format
In most load balanced deployments, X-Forwarded-*
headers provide the load balancer protocol, port, and host to the agent. The agent returns a URL that points to the load-balancer instead of to the agent.
To access the agent directly, bypassing the load balancer, disable overrides with this property. When you access the agent directly, authentication flows bypass the load balancer.
Configuration with disabled overrides isn’t recommended. If you disable overrides, make sure that when bypassing the load balancer you meet the security requirements of your application deployment. Other access controls might be required to ensure that only authorized users have direct access to the application. |
The agent disables overrides when all of the following circumstances are met:
The request host header matches the key.
The load balancer uses the agent IP address instead of hostname.
headers are not defined on the proxy or load-balancer;X-Forwarded-
override this property.
Example: When the request host header matches*
, overrides for the protocol and host are disabled:
Default: Don’t disable overrides
Property name |
Function |
Load balancing |
Type |
Unused |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Enable Override Request URL Host
Enable if the agent is behind a SSL/TLS off-loader, load balancer, or proxy, where the users and the agent use a different host. When true
, the host is overridden with the value from Agent Deployment URI Prefix.
When the following headers are defined on the proxy or load-balancer, they override the value of Agent Deployment URI Prefix:
If you are using these headers, do not configure this property.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Load balancing |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Override Request URL Port
Enable if the agent is behind a SSL/TLS off-loader, load balancer, or proxy, where the users and the agent use a different port. When true
, the port is overridden with the value from Agent Deployment URI Prefix.
When the following headers are defined on the proxy or load-balancer, they override the value of Agent Deployment URI Prefix:
If you are using these headers, do not configure this property.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Load balancing |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Override Request URL Protocol
Enable if the agent is behind a SSL/TLS off-loader, load balancer, or proxy, where the users and the agent use a different protocol. When true
, the protocol is overridden with the value from Agent Deployment URI Prefix.
When the following headers are defined on the proxy or load-balancer, they override the value of Agent Deployment URI Prefix:
If you are using these headers, do not configure this property.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Load balancing |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
POST Data Sticky Load Balancing Value
A key-value pair separated by the equals (=) character that the agent creates when evaluating POST Data Sticky Load Balancing Mode.
For example, a setting of lb=myserver
either sets an lb
cookie with myserver
value, or adds lb=myserver
to the URL query string.
If this property is defined in agent.conf , it overrides the property in the AM configuration.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Load balancing |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable AM Load Balancer Cookie
When true
, the agent passes the hardcoded amlbcookie
to AM.
Use this property to improve performance. Load balancer cookies can reduce the number of calls that different AM instances make to the Core Token Service (CTS).
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Load balancing |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
POST Data Sticky Load Balancing Mode
Whether to create a cookie, or to append a query string to the URL to assist with sticky load balancing:
: The agent creates a cookie with the value specified in POST Data Sticky Load Balancing Value. -
: The agent appends the value specified in POST Data Sticky Load Balancing Value to the URL query string.
If this property is defined in agent.conf , it overrides the property in the AM configuration.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Load balancing |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Public AM URL
The full URL of AM when it is behind a proxy during the custom login flow. For example, protocol://public_am_fqdn:port/am
Use this property when both of the following points are true:
Your environment uses custom login pages (non-OIDC-compliant flows), and the custom login pages are in a different domain than the agent.
Your custom login pages are in a network that can only access AM using a proxy, a firewall, or any other technology that remaps the AM URL to one accessible by the custom login pages.
Consider an example where the traffic between AM and the agent happens through the domain, but the custom login pages are on the domain. The traffic between the custom pages and AM translates into You would configure as the public AM URL.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Login URL |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
AM Conditional Login URL
Conditionally redirect users based on the incoming request URL.
If the incoming request URL matches a domain name in this list, the agent redirects the unauthenticated request to the specified URL for login. The URL can be an AM instance, site, or a different website.
Format, with no spaces between values:
[String]|[URL, URL…][?realm=value&module=value2&service=value3]
- [String]
Incoming login request URLs, with the following values:
: Agents match both the domain and its subdomains. For example,
. To combine domain and path, provide the port
. -
: For example,
. To combine subdomain and path, provide the port
. -
: For example,/myapp
. -
Anything in the request URL: For example, a port, such as
. -
No value: Nothing is specified before the pipe (
) character. Conditional rules that do not specify the incoming request’s domain apply to every incoming request.
To specify the string as a regular expression, configure the following properties instead: Regular Expression Conditional Login Pattern and Regular Expression Conditional Login URL.
- [URL, URL…]
The URL to which incoming login requests are redirected. The URL can be the following:
AM instance or site: Specify the URL of an AM instance or site in the format
, where the port is optional if it is80
. For example,
. -
Website other than AM: Specify a URL in the format
, where the port is optional if it is80 or `443
. For example,
. -
List of AM instances or sites, or websites other than AM: If the redirection URL is not specified, the agent redirects the request to the AM instance or site specified by AM Connection URL.
- ?realm=/value
The AM realm to where the agent should log the users. For example,
. You do not need to specify the realm in the login URL if any of the following conditions is true:-
The custom login page sets the realm parameter, for example, because it lets the user chose it. In this case, ensure the custom login page always appends a realm parameter to the goto URL.
The realm where the agent must log the user to has DNS aliases configured in AM. AM logs the user in to the realm whose DNS alias matches the incoming request URL. For example, an inbound request from
URL logs into the marketplace realm if the realm alias is set
. -
The users should always log in to the top level realm.
If you specify the realm by default, this parameter can be overwritten by the custom login page if, for example, the user can chose the realm for authentication.
- &module=value2&service=value3
Parameters that can be added to the URL(s), such as:
: The authentication module the user authenticates against. For example,?module=myAuthModule
. -
: An authentication chain or tree the user authenticates against. For example,?service=myAuthChain
. -
Any other parameters your custom login pages require.
Chain parameters with an ampersand (
) character, for example,realm=value&service=value
When configuring conditional login with multiple URLs, set up the parameters for each URL.
For more information, refer to Login redirect in the User Guide.
Property name |
Function |
Login redirect |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Authorization flow for applications using Javascript
This feature is in Technology Preview, for use only with assistance from Ping Identity. This feature is not for ISAPI Web Agent. |
This property provides support for single page applications (SPAs) that use embedded login or authorization dialogs within iframe
or embed
Provide a JavaScript reference to a callback function, relative to the iframe
or embed
used for authentication dialogs with AM.
Use this property to enable callbacks into JavaScript applications after an authentication or transactional authorization journey.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Login redirect |
Type |
Unused |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Regular Expression Conditional Login URL
If the incoming request URL matches a pattern specified in Regular Expression Conditional Login Pattern, the agent redirects the request to the specified URL.
The specific URL can be an AM instance, site, or a different website.
In the following example, when the request matches the regular expression .*shop
, the agent redirects it to the sales
realm for authentication:
org.forgerock.agents.config.conditional.login.pattern[0] = .*shop
org.forgerock.agents.config.conditional.login.url[0] =
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Login redirect |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
AM Login URL
The URL of a custom login page to which the agent redirects users for authentication.
When redirecting incoming login requests to a custom login page, add the login page to Not-Enforced IP List or Not-Enforced URL List. |
The login URL has the format URL[?realm=realm_name¶meter1=value1&…]
, where:
is the custom SSO-token-compliant login page to where the agent redirects the unauthenticated users. -
specifies optional parameters that the agent will pass to the custom login page, for example, the AM realm which the user should log into.
Specify as many parameters as your custom login pages require:¶m1=value1
You do not need to specify the realm in the login URL if any of the following conditions is true:
The custom login page itself sets the
parameter, for example, because it lets the user chose it. In this case, you must ensure the custom login page always appends arealm
parameter to thegoto
URL. -
The realm where the agent must log the user to has DNS aliases configured in AM. AM will log in the user to the realm whose DNS alias matches the incoming request URL. For example, an inbound request from the
URL logs into themarketplace
realm if the realm alias is set
. -
Users should always log in to the Top Level Realm.
Even if you specify the realm by default, this parameter can be overwritten by the custom login page if, for example, the user can chose the realm for authentication.
Default: AMURL/am/UI/Login
Property name |
Function |
Login redirect |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Regular Expression Conditional Login Pattern
Property name |
Function |
Login redirect |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Custom Login Mode
Sets the login redirection mode, as follows:
: Disabled; default login redirection mode enabled. -
: Enabled; non-OIDC compliant login flow, standard flow, where the agent does the following:-
Tracks user authentication.
Converts the SSO token into an ID token at the end of the authentication flow.
Redirects the user to the originally requested resource.
The SSO token name is given by Cookie Name.
: (For environments migrating from earlier versions of the agent) Enabled; non-OIDC compliant login flow, non-standard flow, where the agent does the following:-
Does not track user authentication.
Redirects the user with a
query parameter to the originally requested resource. -
Configure this property with Accept SSO Token, as described in Login redirect configuration options in the User Guide.
Default: 0
Property name |
Function |
Login redirect |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Disable Logout Redirection
During the logout flow and after logging out the user, this property specifies whether the agent should redirect the end user to another page. For example, to the landing page of the application, or to a login page:
: Logout redirection is disabled - the agent does not perform the last redirection, and the web client is left on the logout page.
: Logout redirection is enabled - the agent appends a goto
parameter to the logout URL with the value of the Logout Redirect URL.
When this property is true
, consider setting Enable Invalidate Logout Session to true
Default: true
Property name |
Function |
Logout redirect |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Logout URL List
An expression that resolves to one or more application logout URLs. When the end user accesses a logout URL, the agent triggers a logout flow. Note that your web server must be able to handle the logout URLs.
Expressions can be wildcard expressions, Perl-compatible regular expressions, or ECMAScript-compatible (IIS) regular expressions.
For more information about the logout flow and properties to manage logout, refer to Trigger logout with a URL in the User Guide.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Logout redirect |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Regex for Logout URL List
A flag to evaluate expressions in Logout URL List:
: Evaluate expressions as Perl-compatible or ECMAScript-compatible (IIS) regular expressions. -
: Evaluate expressions as wildcard expressions.
For more information about the logout flow and properties to manage logout, refer to Trigger logout with a URL in the User Guide.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Logout redirect |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Invalidate Logout Session
A flag for the agent to invalidate the end user session in AM when it redirects a request to the logout URL:
: Invalidate the user session. The agent deletes its own JWT cookie and invalidates the AM session. Use when the value of Logout URL List is a page in your application, and your application does not handle the session invalidation process. -
: Do not invalidate the user session. The agent deletes its own JWT cookie but doesn’t invalidate the AM session. Use when the value of Logout URL List is:-
A single SAML v2.0 logout page in AM
A page of an AM end user
A page in your application, and your application does handle the session invalidation process
When Disable Logout Redirection is true
, consider setting this property to true
Default: true
Property name |
Function |
Logout redirect |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Agent Logout URL Regular Expression (deprecated)
d: 2023.9
A Perl-compatible or ECMAScript-compatible (IIS) regular expression that resolves to one or more application logout URLs.
This property is deprecated; use Agent Logout URL Regular Expression (deprecated) instead.
If this property is used, it is evaluated before Enable Regex for Logout URL List.
For more information about the logout flow and properties to manage logout, refer to Trigger logout with a URL in the User Guide.
Example: com.forgerock.agents.agent.logout.url.regex=https:\/\/\/(protectedA|protectedB)\?(.\&)*op=logout(\&.)*$
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Logout redirect |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
AM Logout URL
The page to which the agent redirects the end user on log out. It can be a page in AM, such as
, or a page in the application.
The AM logout page invalidates the user session in AM, but pages in an application might not invalidate the user session in AM. See Enable Invalidate Logout Session for configuration options.
Default: AM_URL/am/UI/Logout
By default, a realm is not included in the logout URL, and the user is redirected to the root realm on logout. Take care to include a realm if required. |
Property name |
Function |
Logout redirect |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Reset Cookies on Logout List
A list of cookies to be reset upon logout in the format: name[=value][;Domain=value]
For example, Cookie2=value;
equates to: com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.cookie.reset[0]=Cookie2=value;
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Logout redirect |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Logout Redirect URL
The page to which the agent redirects the end user on log out if Disable Logout Redirection is false
. Configure with Logout URL List.
This URL must be available in your web server. |
Depending on the redirect URL, perform this additional configuration:
Add the URL to the Not-Enforced URL List.
If the URL doesn’t perform a REST logout to AM, set Enable Invalidate Logout Session to
. -
If the URL isn’t relative to AM, or in the same scheme, FQDN, and port, add it to the AM validation service.
For more information, refer to Logout in the User Guide.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Logout redirect |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Local Audit Log Rotation Size
The maximum size in bytes of the local audit log files. The agent rotates audit log files when they reach this size, and stores rotated files with a timestamp.
Default: 52428800
Property name |
Function |
Logs |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Local Agent Debug File Name
The local file in which the agent writes debug log messages after startup.
During agent startup the location of the logs can be based on the container which is being used, or defined in the site configuration file for the server. For example, bootstrap logs for NGINX Plus Web Agent can be written to /var/log/nginx/error.log
Default: /web_agents/agent_type/instances/agent_nnn/logs/debug/debug.log
Property name |
Function |
Logs |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Maximum Number of Debug Log Files
The maximum number of debug log files to store after log rotation.
If this property is 10
, the agent stores the current debug log file and up to 9 rotated log files. When logs are rotated again and a new log file is generated, the agent deletes the oldest of the stored log files and keeps the new log file.
To store no rotated logfiles, set Agent Debug File Size to zero.
Default: 0
, store all rotated log files
Property name |
Function |
Logs |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Show Password in HTTP Header
Set to true
if encrypted password should be set in HTTP header AUTH_PASSWORD
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Microsoft IIS server |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Logon and Impersonation
When true
, the agent does Windows Logon and User Impersonation.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Microsoft IIS server |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Remove IIS HTTP Server Header
When true
, the IIS agent will remove the Server header
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Microsoft IIS server |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Replay Password Key
DES key for decrypting the basic authentication password in the session.
(From AM 7.5) Setting this property in the AM admin UI is deprecated; any values set in the AM admin UI are ignored. The value of the DES key is inherited from the secret mapped to the AM secret label am.authentication.replaypassword.key
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Microsoft IIS server |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
TCP Receive Timeout
The number of seconds to wait for a response from AM before timing out and dropping the connection. Applies to TCP receive
Default: 4
Property name |
Function |
Miscellaneous |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM Connection URL
A space-delimited list of AM URLs to which the agent connects. Set this property to the URL of the load balancer in front of the AM instances (or load balancers, in case of disaster-recovery configurations).
When the agent cannot connect to the first URL in the list, it automatically connects to the next available URL. The agent stays connected to the new URL until the URL fails, or the agent is restarted.
Default: AM_URL/am/
Property name |
Function |
Miscellaneous |
Type |
String List |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Connection Timeout
The number of seconds to wait for a connection to AM before timing out and cancelling the connection. Applies to TCP connect operations.
Default: 4
Property name |
Function |
Miscellaneous |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Security Protocol List
A space-separated list of security protocols preceded by a dash (-) that are not used when connecting to AM. The following protocols are supported:
(Enabled) -
SSLv2 and SSLv3 are always disabled, regardless of the setting.
This property is relevant to all Web Agents using OpenSSL libraries.
To change the default value, set an environment variable, AM_SSL_OPTIONS
Default: -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1
Property name |
Function |
Miscellaneous |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Use Built-in Apache HTTPD Authentication Directives
A regular expression pattern to specify which not-enforced URLs can use built-in Apache authentication directives, such as AuthName
, FilesMatch
, and Require
, for basic authentication.
Requests with not-enforced URLs that match the expression can use built-in Apache authentication directives.
Default: No requests can use built-in Apache authentication directives.
Property name |
Function |
Miscellaneous |
Type |
Unused |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Ignore Path Info in Not-Enforced URLs
When true
, strip path info and query from the request URL before comparing it with the URLs in Not-Enforced URL List for those URLs containing a wildcard character. This prevents a user from accessing http://host/index.html
by requesting http://host/index.html/hack.gif
when the not-enforced list includes http://host/*.gif
The NGINX Plus web agent does not support this setting. |
Default: true
Property name |
Function |
Not-enforced |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Regular Expressions for Not-Enforced URLs
Regular expressions are evaluated differently by different engines. When you use regular expressions in not-enforced lists, make sure that the expressions are evaluated in the way you expect. Double check that the correct URLs are enforced and not enforced. |
When true
, allow the use of Perl-compatible or ECMAScript-compatible (IIS) regular expressions in Not-Enforced URL List settings.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Not-enforced |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Regular Expressions for Not-Enforced IPs
Regular expressions are evaluated differently by different engines. When you use regular expressions in not-enforced lists, make sure that the expressions are evaluated in the way you expect. Double check that the correct URLs are enforced and not enforced. |
A flag to enable Perl-compatible regular expressions or ECMAScript-compatible (IIS) in Not-Enforced URL from IP Processing List.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Not-enforced |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Not-Enforced Fallback Mode
A flag to specify whether the agent allows traffic to resources specified in the not-enforced lists when AM is not available:
: While AM is unavailable, the agent reads the cached agent profile configuration until it expires. After the cache expires, reads the local configuration file (agent.conf
). If not-enforced properties are configured inagent.conf
, the agent allows access to the not-enforced resources. However, response attributes for not-enforced resources are not available until AM is accessible. -
: When AM is unavailable, the web agent prevents access to all resources, including any not-enforced resources.
Configure the following properties in agent.conf
, even if the agent profile is in centralized configuration:
com.forgerock.agents.config.fallback.mode = true
com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.url.attributes.enable = true
com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.url.invert = false
com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.url[0] =
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Not-enforced |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Client IP Validation
When true
, check that the IP address of an authenticated request originates from the IP address used for authentication.
If the IP addresses do not match, respond as defined by Client IP Validation Failure Response.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Not-enforced |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Invert Not-Enforced URLs
When true
, enforce policy for the URLs and patterns specified in Not-Enforced URL List, instead of allowing access to them without authentication. Consider the following points when configuring this property:
If Not-Enforced URL List is empty, all URLs are enforced
At least one URL must be enforced. To allow access to any URL without authentication, consider disabling the agent.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Not-enforced |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Not-Enforced URL List
A space-delimited list of URIs for which the agent does not enforce authentication or request policy evaluations.
For information about configuring not-enforced lists, refer to Not-enforced rules in the User Guide.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Not-enforced |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Fetch Attributes for Not-Enforced URLs
When true
, the agent fetches profile, response, and session attributes that are mapped by policy evaluations, and forwards these attributes to not-enforced URLs.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Not-enforced |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Not-Enforced IP List
A space-delimited list of IP addresses or network CIDR notation addresses for which the agent does not enforce authentication or request policy evaluations.
Supported values are IPV4 and IPV6 addresses, IPV4 and IPV6 ranges of addresses delimited by the - character, and network ranges specified in CIDR notation.
This property can apply to methods. The following example does not enforce GET requests in the specified IP range: com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.ip[1,GET]=iprange
For information about configuring not-enforced lists, refer to Not-enforced rules in the User Guide.
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Not-enforced |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Client IP Validation Failure Response
Manages the response when Client IP Validation is true
and the IP address of an authenticated request does not originate from the IP address used for authentication.
: Terminate the session and prompt the user to reauthenticate. The authentication mode is managed as described in Login redirect configuration options in the User Guide. -
: Return an HTTP 403 Forbidden.
When Client IP Validation is false
, this property has no effect.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Not-enforced |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Not-Enforced URL from IP Processing List
A space-delimited list of IP addresses or network CIDR notation addresses for which the agent does not enforce authentication or request policy evaluations.
When |
and a list of IP addresses is used, the request is not enforced if it comes from one of the IP ranges AND it is asking for one of the URLs.
In the following example, the agent does not enforce HTTP requests from the IP addresses to any file in /public, or any files or directories that start with the string login in the directory /free_access URI:
org.forgerock.agents.config.notenforced.ipurl[1]=|* /free_access/login
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Not-enforced |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable POST Data Preservation
A flag to enable HTTP POST data preservation.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
POST data preservation |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
POST Data Entries Cache Period
Number of minutes before expiry of the Post Data Preservation cache.
Consider setting Profile Attributes Cookie Maxage to at least the value of this property.
Default: 10
Property name |
Function |
POST data preservation |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
POST Data Storage Directory
The local directory where the agent writes preserved POST data while it requests authorization from AM.
If you change this directory, make sure the new directory has the correct read/write permissions for the ID that the server uses.
Default: /web_agents/agent_type/pdp-cache
Property name |
Function |
POST data preservation |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
URLs Ignored by the POST Data Inspector
A list of URLs that are not be processed by the agent POST data inspector. Other modules on the same server can access the POST data directly.
The following example uses wildcards to add a file named postreader.jsp
in the root of any protected website to the list of URLs that will not have their POST data inspected:[0]=http*://:/postreader.jsp
URLs added to this property should also be added to Not-Enforced URL List. |
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
POST data preservation |
Type |
String Map |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Submit POST Data using JavaScript
When true
, preserved POST data is resubmitted to the destination server after authentication by using JavaScript.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
POST data preservation |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
User ID Parameter
The User ID passed in the session from AM to the REMOTE_USER
server variable.
Default: UserToken
Property name |
Function |
Policy client service |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Policy Cache Polling Period
Polling interval in minutes during which an entry remains valid after being added to the agent cache.
Default: 3
Property name |
Function |
Policy client service |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Policy Clock Skew
Number of seconds to allow for time difference between agent system and AM. Clock skew in seconds = AgentTime - AMServerTime.
Use this property to adjust for small time differences encountered despite use of a time-synchronization service. When this property is not set and agent time is greater than AM server time, the agent can make policy calls to the AM server before the policy subject cache has expired, or you can see infinite redirection occur.
Default: 0
Property name |
Function |
Policy client service |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Policy Evaluation Realm
In AM 6.5, this property was named Realm.
The realm where AM evaluates polices for policy decision requests from the agent. This property is recognized by AM, not the agent.
The policy set configured by Policy Set must exist in the realm configured by this property. Otherwise, policy evaluation produces DENY
results without writing warnings to the logs.
The default policy set exists only in the top-level realm. If you are using a different realm for policy evaluation, do one of the following:
Create the
policy set in that realm. -
Create a different policy set in that realm, and configure Policy Set to use it.
Default: (/) top-level realm
Property name |
Function |
Policy client service |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Fetch Policies From The Root Resource
When true
, the agent caches the policy decision of the resource and all resources from the root of the resource down.
For example, if the resource is http://host/a/b/c
, then the root of the resource is http://host/
Use this property when a client is expected to access multiple resources on the same path. However, caching can be expensive if very many policies are defined for the root resource.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Policy client service |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Retrieve Client Hostname
When true
, get the client hostname through DNS reverse lookup for use in policy evaluation. This setting can impact performance.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Policy client service |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
SSO Cache Polling Period
Polling interval in minutes during which an SSO entry remains valid after being added to the agent cache.
Default: 3
Property name |
Function |
Policy client service |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
User ID Parameter Type
Fetch user ID from SESSION
Default: SESSION
Property name |
Function |
Policy client service |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Policy Set
In AM 6.5, this property was named Application.
The name of the policy set where AM evaluates polices for policy decision requests from the agent.
By default, AM evaluates policies in iPlanetAMWebAgentService
. Set this property to cause AM to use a different policy set. This property is recognized by AM, not the agent.
The policy set configured by this property must exist in the realm configured by Policy Evaluation Realm. Otherwise, policy evaluation produces DENY
results without writing warnings to the logs.
The default policy set exists only in the top-level realm. If you are using a different realm for policy evaluation, do one of the following:
Create the
policy set in that realm. -
Create a different policy set in that realm, and configure this property to use it.
Default: iPlanetAMWebAgentService
Property name |
Function |
Policy client service |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Accept SSO token cookie (deprecated)
Use Accept SSO Token instead of this property.
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Agent Profile ID Allow List
A comma-separated list of profile IDs that the agent considers as valid values for the aud
claim. This claim is represented in the ID token containing the end user’s session.
When several agents are configured with different agent profiles to protect the same application, set this property to a list of the agent profiles that are protecting the same application.
With the following setting, the agent considers agentprofile1
and agentprofile2
to be valid, and does not validate them: com.forgerock.agents.jwt.aud.whitelist=agentprofile1,agentprofile2
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Web Socket Connection Interval
The time in minutes before WebSockets to AM are killed and reopened. Use this property to balance the distribution of connections across the AM servers on the site.
Default: 30
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Notifications of Agent Configuration Change
A flag to specify whether AM sends a notification to the agent to reread the agent profile after a change to a hot-swappable property. This property applies only when you store the agent profile in AM’s configuration data store.
Default: true
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
Unused |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Configuration Reload Interval
Time in minutes after which the agent fetches the configuration from AM. Used if notifications are disabled.
Default: 60
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Agent Root URL for CDSSO
The agent root URLs for CDSSO. The valid value is in the format protocol://hostname:port/
, where protocol represents the protocol used, such as http
or https
, hostname represents the host name of the system where the agent resides, and port represents the port number on which the agent is installed. The slash following the port number is required.
If your agent system has virtual host names, add URLs with the virtual host names to this list. AM checks that the goto
URLs match one of the agent root URLs for CDSSO.
Default: agent-root-URL
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
Unused |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Disable Audience Claim Validation
The claims to validate in the ID token containing the end user’s session:
: Validate theaud
claim. -
: Validate thenonce
claim; don’t validate theaud
During an authentication request, AM creates an ID token that contains, among others, the end user’s session, and the aud
claim. The aud
claim is set to the agent profile of the agent that made the request. When AM returns the ID token to the end user’s user-agent, it appends a nonce
parameter to the request, which is a one-time-usable random string that is understood by both AM and the agent that made the authentication request.
When the agent receives a request to access a protected resource, the agent checks that the audience (the aud
claim) of the ID token and the value of the nonce
are appropriate. For example, it checks that the value of the aud
claim is the name of its own agent profile.
In environments where several agents protect the same application, this validation poses a problem; even if the ID token is valid and contains a valid session, an agent cannot validate a ID token created for a different agent because the audience would not match. Therefore, the agent redirects the end user to authenticate again.
For security reasons, agents should validate as many claims in the ID token as possible. |
Default: 0
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
Integer |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
JWT Cookie Name
The name of the cookie that holds the OpenID Connect ID token on the user’s browser. Before changing the name of this cookie, consider the following points:
The cookie is only used by the agent and is never presented to AM.
The cookie name must be unique across the set of cookies the user’s browser receives, since some browsers behave in unexpected ways when receiving several cookies with the same name. For example, you should not set the session ID token cookie name to
, which is the default name of AM’s session cookie.
Default: am-auth-jwt
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
The agent password used when creating agent-password.conf
and when installing the agent.
If you change the password, manually update the password in Agent Profile Password.
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
Unused |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
Location of Agent Configuration Repository
The management mode for the agent configuration:
: The configuration is managed through AM. -
: The configuration is managed locally in the agent configuration file. In local configuration, you cannot manage the agent configuration through the AM console.
Default: centralized
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Retain Session Cache After Configuration Change
Use this property to manage how the session cache is used after a change to the agent configuration:
: Purge the session cache, and re-read the user session data. -
: Do not purge the session cache, and do not re-read the user session data. Use this value to prevent the agent from flooding AM instances with requests, when the agent configuration changes regularly, and the changes do not affect the agent authorisation decisions.
Default: 0
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Agent Deployment URI Prefix
Overrides the request URL given by the agent, when the agent is configured behind a load balancer or proxy. Use this property when the protocol, hostname, or port of the load balancer or proxy differ from those of the agent.
At least one of the following properties must be enabled:
Use these properties only if you are not using x-forwarded
headers from the load balancer or proxy to override the agent’s protocol, hostname, and port values.
Default: agent-root-URL
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Use Cached Configuration After Update
Use this property only on recommendation from support, to reduce unnecessary concurrent authentication requests to AM. |
When the agent receives requests after the agent config has been updated in AM, a single request thread calls AM to download the new configuration. This property manages the response for the concurrent request threads, as follows:
: Concurrent request threads wait for the time specified by TCP Receive Timeout for the retrieving request thread to complete, and then they use the new configuration. -
: Concurrent request threads that can use the out-of-date, cached configuration do so, without waiting for the new configuration.
Set this property according to the value of Location of Agent Configuration Repository:
: In the local configuration fileagent.conf
: In the AM console. The value in the AM console takes precedence overagent.conf
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable Notifications
When true
, AM can sent notifications to the agent to:
Refresh the session cache when a session times out or a client logs out from AM.
Refresh the policy cache when the administrator changes a policy.
Default: true
Property name |
Function |
Profile |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
Yes |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Encode Special Characters in URLs
When true
, encode the URL a URL with special characters before doing policy evaluation.
Default: false
Property name |
Function |
URL handling |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Enable URL Comparison Case Sensitivity Check
When true
, enforce case insensitivity in policy evaluation and not-enforced URL evaluation.
Default: true
Property name |
Function |
URL handling |
Type |
Boolean: |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |
Invalid URL Regular Expression
A Perl-compatible or ECMAScript-compatible (IIS) regular expression to parse valid request URLs. The agent rejects requests to invalid URLs with HTTP 403 Forbidden status without further processing.
For example, to filter out URLs containing a list of characters and words such as … %00-%1f, %7f-%ff, %25, %2B, %2C, %7E
, configure the following regular expression:
Default: Empty
Property name |
Function |
URL handling |
Type |
String |
Bootstrap property |
No |
Required property |
No |
Restart required |
No |
AM console |
Tab: Title: |