Web Agents 5.10

Enable Invalidate Logout Session

A flag for the agent to invalidate the end user session in AM, when it redirects a request to the logout URL:

  • true: Invalidate the user session. Use when the value of Logout URL List is a page in your application, and your application does not handle the session invalidation process.

  • false. Do not invalidate the user session. Use when the value of Logout URL List is:

    • A single SAML v2.0 logout page in AM

    • A page of an AM end user

    • A page in your application, and your application does handle the session invalidation process

Default: true

Property name

  Introduced in Web Agent 5.6


Logout redirect


Boolean: true returns true; all other strings return false.

Bootstrap property


Required property


Restart required


AM console

Tab: AM Services (From AM 7)

Title: Enable Invalidate Logout Session