
Backup and restore using DS utilities

The DS operator supports two DS utilities that back up directory data:

To back up directory data using one of these DS utilities, update the DS operator’s configuration to create a backup job. The backup job:

  • Takes a snapshot of the directory data volume.

  • Copies the data from the snapshot to an ephemeral persistent volume.

  • Runs the dsbackup or export-ldif utility on the data on the ephemeral volume. The DS utility writes the utility’s output to another persistent volume.

You then archive the backup to cloud storage, where you can maintain it for as long as you need to.

ForgeOps Backup with DS utilities.

The next sections include example steps to back up and restore the ds-idrepo directory. To back up and restore the ds-cts directory, follow similar steps.

Back up the ds-idrepo directory

To back up the ds-idrepo directory using the dsbackup or export-ldif utility:

  1. In a browser window, log in to the Identity Platform admin UI, and then create an example identity using the Identities > Manage option.

    You’ll use this identity later to verify that backup and restore were successful.

  2. Log out of the Identity Platform admin UI.

  3. Set the active namespace in your local Kubernetes context to the namespace in which the CDM is deployed.

  4. Run the kubectl get pvc command to get the size of the volume that holds the ds-idrepo directory’s data. The CAPACITY column contains the volume size:

    $ kubectl get pvc
    NAME               STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY  ...
    data-ds-idrepo-0   Bound    pvc-04293c38-05a8-44b0-b137-0db259854971   100Gi     ...
    data-ds-idrepo-1   Bound    pvc-04ab2617-a9a2-4f71-9094-6d3a4b7c0082   100Gi     ...
    data-ds-idrepo-2   Bound    pvc-19a9915e-46f4-4ba5-b3fa-7d1ff83f38aa   100Gi     ...
  5. Update the /path/to/forgeops/etc/backup/ds-backup-restore-ds-operator/ds-backup.yaml file, which contains a default configuration for backing a CDM directory:

    1. Set volumeClaimSpec/resources/requests/storage to the size of the volume that holds the ds-idrepo directory’s data.

    2. Set env/value to tar,ldif (for an LDIF backup) or to tar,dsbackup (for a standard DS backup).

    3. Set the value of claimToBackup to data-ds-idrepo-1.

  6. Apply your changes to the DS operator’s backup configuration. Changing this configuration initiates the backup process:

    $ cd /path/to/forgeops/etc
    $ kubectl apply -f backup/ds-backup-restore-ds-operator/ds-backup.yaml created
  7. Verify that the backup process started:

    1. Run the kubectl get jobs command. You should see a job named ds-backup.

    2. Run the kubectl get pods command. You should see a pod whose name starts with the string, ds-backup-.

    3. Run the kubectl get volumesnapshot command. You should see that the temp-ds-backup snapshot has been created. This snapshot is ephemeral, used only during the backup process.

    4. Run the kubectl get pvc command. You should see that two new PVCs have been created:

      • The temp-ds-backup PVC, which is an ephemeral PVC, is used as input to the DS backup utility that you’re running.

      • The ds-backup PVC, which is created from the temp-ds-backup PVC, contains the output from the backup. This PVC should be archived to cloud storage after the backup process has completed.

  8. Verify that the backup process completed:

    1. Review the value in the COMPLETIONS column of the kubectl get jobs ds-backup command output:

      $ kubectl get jobs ds-backup
      ds-backup   1/1           3m13s      3m40s
    2. Review the ds-backup pod’s log, which contains the output from the DS utility—either dsbackup or export-ldif.

      The text done in the last line of the log indicates that the backup completed.

With the backup job completed, you’re ready to archive the ds-backup PVC to cloud storage.


After you’ve backed up your data using one of the DS utilities, move the data to cloud storage.

Archive your backup data by using a tool from your cloud provider or a third-party product. The CDM does not include a data archival tool.

Restore the ds-idrepo directory

To test restoring DS instances using DS utility backups:

  1. Set the active namespace in your local Kubernetes context to the namespace in which the CDM is deployed.

  2. Delete your CDM deployment. Be sure to reply N when you’re prompted to delete PVCs, volume snapshots, and secrets:

    $ cd /path/to/forgeops/bin
    $ ./forgeops delete
    "small" platform detected in namespace: "my-namespace".
    Uninstalling component(s): ['all'] from namespace: "my-namespace".
    OK to delete components? [Y/N] Y
    OK to delete PVCs? [Y/N] N
    OK to delete volume snapshots? [Y/N] N
    OK to delete secrets? [Y/N] N
    service "admin-ui" deleted
  3. Delete the ds-idrepo PVCs:

    $ kubectl delete pvc data-ds-idrepo-0 data-ds-idrepo-1 data-ds-idrepo-2
    persistentvolumeclaim "data-ds-idrepo-0" deleted
    persistentvolumeclaim "data-ds-idrepo-1" deleted
    persistentvolumeclaim "data-ds-idrepo-2" deleted
  4. Transfer your archived backup data from cloud storage to a persistent volume using a tool from your cloud provider, or a third-party product.

    Note that the CDM does not include a tool to transfer data from cloud storage to a persistent volume.

  5. Update the /path/to/forgeops/etc/backup/ds-backup-restore-ds-operator/ds-restore.yaml file, which contains a default configuration for restoring a CDM directory:

    1. Set volumeClaimSpec/resources/requests/storage to the size of the volume that holds the ds-idrepo directory’s data.

    2. Set env/value to tar,ldif (for an LDIF restore) or to tar,dsbackup (for a standard DS restore). Use the same value that you used when you backed up the DS instance.

    3. Set the value of sourcePvcName to the name of the PVC that contains the backup that you transferred from cloud storage.

  6. Apply your changes to the DS operator’s restore configuration:

    $ cd /path/to/forgeops/etc
    $ kubectl apply -f backup/ds-backup-restore-ds-operator/ds-restore.yaml created
  7. Verify that the restore process started:

    1. Run the kubectl get jobs command. You should see a job named ds-restore.

    2. Run the kubectl get pods command. You should see a pod whose name starts with the string, ds-restore-.

    3. Run the kubectl get volumesnapshots command. You should see a snapshot named temp-ds-restore:

      • The DS operator creates this snapshot from your backup PVC.

      • The temp-ds-restore snapshot will be used to initialize the ds-idrepo directory service’s PVCs.

  8. Verify that the restore process completed:

    1. Review the value in the COMPLETIONS column of the kubectl get jobs ds-restore command output:

      $ kubectl get jobs ds-restore
      ds-restore  1/1           3m13s      3m40s
    2. Review the ds-restore pod’s log, which contains the output from the DS utility—either dsbackup or export-ldif.

    3. Review output from the kubectl get volumesnapshots command. For the temp-ds-restore volume snapshot, verify that the value in the READYTOUSE column is true:

      $ kubectl get volumesnapshots
      NAME             READYTOUSE   SOURCEPVC          RESTORESIZE   ...
      temp-ds-restore  true         temp-ds-restore    100Gi         ...
      temp-ds-backup   true         data-ds-idrepo-1   100Gi         ...

      Do not proceed to the next step until the temp-ds-restore volume snapshot is ready to use.

  9. Update the ds-idrepo overlay file for your deployment. Specify that the source of the ds-idrepo PVC should be the temp-ds-restore snapshot:

    1. Determine the path to the ds-idrepo overlay file for your deployment. For example, the overlay file for a small CDM deployment is at the path, /path/to/forgeops/kustomize/overlay/small/ds-idrepo.yaml.

    2. Add the following dataSource key to the podTemplate/volumeClaimSpec section of the overlay file:

        name: temp-ds-restore
        kind: VolumeSnapshot
      Example of an updated overlay file for a small CDM deployment
      # Sample DirectoryService deployment
      kind: DirectoryService
        name: ds-idrepo
        # The number of DS servers in the topology
        replicas: 3
        # The resources assigned to each DS pod
              memory: 4Gi
              cpu: 1500m
              memory: 6Gi
            storageClassName: fast
                storage: 100Gi
            # The following triggers restoring from a snapshot:
              name: temp-ds-restore
              kind: VolumeSnapshot

      The values in the dataSource key tell the CDM which snapshot to use when restoring the ds-idrepo PVC. The PVC is restored from a snapshot if:

      • The PVC does not exist.

      • The snapshot backup configured in the dataSource section exists.

  10. Reinstall the CDM using the forgeops install command you had used when you deployed the CDM, for example:

    $ ./bin/forgeops install --small --fqdn
  11. Run the kubectl describe pvc data-ds-idrepo-0 command and review the output under the label, DataSource:

      Kind:      VolumeSnapshot
      Name:      temp-ds-restore

    The Kind field should have a value of VolumeSnapshot, indicating that the source of the PVC was the ephemeral volume snapshot created by the restore job.

    The value in the Name field should be temp-ds-restore, which is the name of the ephemeral snapshot.

  12. Run the kubectl describe pvc data-ds-idrepo-1 and kubectl describe pvc data-ds-idrepo-2 commands. The output should be similar to what you observed in the previous step.

  13. Log back in to the Identity Platform admin UI, and then select the Identities > Manage option.

    You should see the example identity you created before you took a backup.