Interface CreateApiOp

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public interface CreateApiOp extends APIOperation
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from interface org.identityconnectors.framework.api.operations.APIOperation

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    create(ObjectClass objectClass, Set<Attribute> createAttributes, OperationOptions options)
    Create a target object based on the specified attributes.
  • Method Details

    • create

      Uid create(ObjectClass objectClass, Set<Attribute> createAttributes, OperationOptions options)
      Create a target object based on the specified attributes. The Connector framework always requires attribute ObjectClass. The Connector itself may require additional attributes. The API will confirm that the set contains the ObjectClass attribute and that no two attributes in the set have the same name.
      objectClass - the type of object to create. Must not be null.
      createAttributes - includes all the attributes necessary to create the target object (including the ObjectClass attribute).
      options - additional options that impact the way this operation is run. May be null.
      the unique id for the object that is created. For instance in LDAP this would be the 'dn', for a database this would be the primary key, and for 'ActiveDirectory' this would be the GUID.
      IllegalArgumentException - if ObjectClass is missing or elements of the set produce duplicate values of Attribute.getName().
      NullPointerException - if the parameter createAttributes is null.
      RuntimeException - if the Connector SPI throws a native Exception.