Interface ConnectorInfo

public interface ConnectorInfo
The connector meta-data for a given connector.
  • Method Details

    • getConnectorDisplayName

      String getConnectorDisplayName()
      Returns a friendly name suitable for display in the UI. The name will be localized using the CurrentLocale.
      The friendly name
    • getMessages

      ConnectorMessages getMessages()
      Returns the connector messages for this connector.
      The connector messages for this connector.
    • getConnectorCategory

      String getConnectorCategory()
      Get the category this connector belongs to.
      category name.
    • getConnectorKey

      ConnectorKey getConnectorKey()
      Uniquely identifies this connector in a given installation.
      The connector key
    • createDefaultAPIConfiguration

      APIConfiguration createDefaultAPIConfiguration()
      Loads the Connector and Configuration class in order to determine the proper default configuration parameters.