Uses of Class
Packages that use IdRepoException Package Description com.sun.identity.idm Provides classes for accessing the Identity Repository -
Uses of IdRepoException in com.sun.identity.idm
Subclasses of IdRepoException in com.sun.identity.idm Modifier and Type Class Description class
An exception type thrown when anIdRepo
is asked to create an object with a name that is already used.class
The exception class whose instance is thrown if there is any error during the operation of objects of thecom.sun.identity.sms
The exception class whose instance is thrown if there is any error during the operation of objects of thecom.sun.identity.sms
The exception class whose instance is thrown if there is any error related with password issue.Methods in com.sun.identity.idm that throw IdRepoException Modifier and Type Method Description abstract int
IdRepo. addListener(SSOToken token, IdRepoListener listener)
Adds a listener for changes in the repositoryvoid
AMIdentity. addMember(AMIdentity identity)
Adds the passed identity as a member of this identity.void
AMIdentity. addMembers(Set<AMIdentity> identities)
Adds the passed identities as members of this identity.void
AMIdentity. assignService(String serviceName, attributes)
Assigns the service and service related attributes to the identity.abstract void
IdRepo. assignService(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, String serviceName, SchemaType stype, Map<String,Set<String>> attrMap)
This method is used to assign a service to the given identity.boolean
IdRepo. authenticate(Callback[] credentials)
if the data store successfully authenticates the identity with the provided credentials.void
AMIdentity. changePassword(String oldPassword, String newPassword)
Changes password for the identity.void
IdRepo. changePassword(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, String attrName, String oldPassword, String newPassword)
Changes password of identity.abstract String
IdRepo. create(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, Map<String,Set<String>> attrMap)
Creates an identity.Set<AMIdentity>
AMIdentityRepository. createIdentities(IdType type, Map<String,Map<?,?>> identityNamesAndAttrs)
Create a set ofAMIdentity
AMIdentityRepository. createIdentity(IdType type, String idName, Map attrMap)
Create anAMIdentity
object.abstract void
IdRepo. delete(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name)
Deletes an identity.void
AMIdentityRepository. deleteIdentities(IdType type, Set identities)
Delete a set of identities byIdType
AMIdentityRepository. deleteIdentities(Set<AMIdentity> identities)
Delete a set ofAMIdentity
AMIdentityRepository. getAllowedIdOperations(IdType type)
Get allowed identity operations.Set<String>
AMIdentity. getAssignableServices()
Returns all services which can be assigned to this entity.Set<String>
AMIdentity. getAssignedServices()
Returns the set of services already assigned to this identity.abstract Set<String>
IdRepo. getAssignedServices(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, Map<String,Set<String>> mapOfServicesAndOCs)
Returns the set of services assigned to this identity.Set<String>
AMIdentity. getAttribute(String attrName)
Returns the values of the requested attribute.Map
AMIdentity. getAttributes()
Returns all attributes and values of this identity.Map
AMIdentity. getAttributes(Set<String> attrNames)
Returns requested attributes and values of this object.abstract Map<String,Set<String>>
IdRepo. getAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name)
Returns all attributes and values of name objectabstract Map<String,Set<String>>
IdRepo. getAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, Set<String> attrNames)
Returns requested attributes and values of name object.Map
AMIdentity. getBinaryAttributes(Set attrNames)
Returns requested attributes and values of this object.abstract Map<String,byte[][]>
IdRepo. getBinaryAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, Set<String> attrNames)
Returns requested binary attributes as an array of bytes.abstract Map<String,byte[][]>
IdRepo. getBinaryServiceAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, String serviceName, Set<String> attrNames)
Returns the requested binary attribute values of the service attributes as an array of bytes.String
IdRepo. getFullyQualifiedName(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name)
Returns the fully qualified name for the identity.static AMIdentity
IdUtils. getIdentity(SSOToken token)
static AMIdentity
IdUtils. getIdentity(SSOToken token, String univId)
AMIdentity. getMembers(IdType mtype)
Return all members of a given identity type of this identity as a Set of AMIdentity objects.abstract Set<String>
IdRepo. getMembers(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, IdType membersType)
Returns the memberships of an identity.Set<AMIdentity>
AMIdentity. getMemberships(IdType mtype)
Returns the set of identities that this identity belongs to.abstract Set<String>
IdRepo. getMemberships(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, IdType membershipType)
Returns the memberships of an identity.Optional<String>
IdRepo. getObjectId(IdType type, String name)
Returns an identifier for an identity which can be used as a reference in audit logs.AMIdentity
AMIdentityRepository. getRealmIdentity()
Get the realmAMIdentity
AMIdentity. getServiceAttributes(String serviceName)
Returns attributes related to a service, if the service is assigned to the identity.abstract Map<String,Set<String>>
IdRepo. getServiceAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, String serviceName, Set<String> attrNames)
Returns the attribute values of the service attributes.Map
AMIdentity. getServiceAttributesAscending(String serviceName)
Returns attributes related to a service, if the service is assigned to the identity.Set
AMIdentityRepository. getSupportedIdTypes()
Get supported identity types.void
IdRepo. initialize(Map<String,Set<String>> configParams)
Initialization paramters as configred for a given plugin.boolean
AMIdentity. isActive()
If there is a status attribute configured, then verifies if the identity is active and returns true.boolean
IdRepo. isActive(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name)
Returns true if thename
object is active.boolean
AMIdentity. isExists()
This method determines if the identity exists and returns true or false.abstract boolean
IdRepo. isExists(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name)
Returns true if thename
object exists in the data store.boolean
AMIdentity. isMember(UniversalId universalId)
Verifies if this identity is a member of the identity being passed.abstract void
IdRepo. modifyMemberShip(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, Set<String> members, IdType membersType, int operation)
Modify membership of the identity.void
AMIdentity. modifyService(String serviceName, attrMap)
Set attributes related to a specific service.abstract void
IdRepo. modifyService(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, String serviceName, SchemaType sType, Map<String,Set<String>> attrMap)
Modifies the attribute values of the service attributes.void
AMIdentity. removeAttributes(Set<String> attrNames)
Removes the attributes from the identity entry.abstract void
IdRepo. removeAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, Set<String> attrNames)
Removes the attributes from the identity.void
AMIdentity. removeMember(AMIdentity identity)
Removes the passed identity as a member of this identity.void
AMIdentity. removeMembers(Set<AMIdentity> identities)
Removes the passed identities as members of this identity.void
AMIdentity. removeServiceAttributes(String serviceName, Set<String> attrNames)
Removes attributes value related to a specific service by setting it to empty.abstract com.sun.identity.idm.RepoSearchResults
IdRepo. search(SSOToken token, IdType type, org.forgerock.openam.utils.CrestQuery crestQuery, int maxTime, int maxResults, Set<String> returnAttrs, boolean returnAllAttrs, int filterOp, Map<String,Set<String>> avPairs, boolean recursive)
Search for specific type of identities using a CrestQuery object instead of a string.IdSearchResults
AMIdentityRepository. searchIdentities(IdType type, String pattern, IdSearchControl ctrl)
Search for identities of certain types from each plugin and returns a combined result.void
AMIdentity. setActiveStatus(boolean active)
If there is a status attribute configured, then set its status to true or activated state if the parameter active is true.abstract void
IdRepo. setActiveStatus(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, boolean active)
Sets the object's status toactive
AMIdentity. setAttributes(Map attrMap)
Sets the values of attributes.abstract void
IdRepo. setAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, Map<String,Set<String>> attributes, boolean isAdd)
Set the values of attributes of the identity.void
AMIdentity. setBinaryAttributes(Map attrMap)
Set the values of binary attributes.abstract void
IdRepo. setBinaryAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, Map<String,byte[][]> attributes, boolean isAdd)
Set the values of binary attributes the identity.void
IdRepoListener. setServiceAttributes(String sName, Map attrs)
Stores service's dynamic attributes within the IdRepo plugin configuration.void
AMIdentity. store()
Stores the attributes of the object.void
AMIdentity. unassignService(String serviceName)
Removes a service from the identity.abstract void
IdRepo. unassignService(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, String serviceName, Map<String,Set<String>> attrMap)
If the service is already assigned to the identity then this method unassigns the service and removes the related attributes from the entry.Constructors in com.sun.identity.idm with parameters of type IdRepoException Constructor Description PasswordPolicyException(IdRepoException e)
Create a password policy exception from an id repo exception.PasswordPolicyException(IdRepoException e, Object[] args)
Create a password policy exception from an id repo exception.Constructors in com.sun.identity.idm that throw IdRepoException Constructor Description AMIdentity(SSOToken token)
Constructs a newAMIdentity
instance from the passed token.AMIdentity(SSOToken token, String universalId)
Constructs a newAMIdentity
instance from the passed universal ID.AMIdentityRepository(SSOToken ssoToken, String realmName)
Deprecated.Use the other constructorAMIdentityRepository(String, SSOToken)
Uses of IdRepoException in
Methods in that throw IdRepoException Modifier and Type Method Description void
IdentityService. addMember(Identity parent, UniversalId universalId)
Adds the passed identity as a member of this identity.void
IdentityService. addMembers(Identity parent, Set<UniversalId> identities)
Adds the passed identities as members of this identity.void
LegacyIdentityServiceStore. assignService(Identity identity, String serviceName, attributes)
Assigns the service and service related attributes to the identity.void
IdentityService. changePassword(Identity identity, String oldPassword, String newPassword)
Changes password for the identity.void
IdRepoService. deleteIdentity(Realm realm, SSOToken ssoToken, IdType idType, String resourceId)
Deletes an identity from the repository.Set<AMIdentity>
LegacyIdentityService. findActiveIdentities(Realm realm, IdType idType, Map<String,Set<String>> searchAttributes, IdSearchOpModifier searchModifier)
Searches for AM identities with the given attributes in the given realm.Optional<AMIdentity>
LegacyIdentityService. findActiveIdentity(Realm realm, IdType idType, Map<String,Set<String>> searchAttributes)
Searches for an AM identity with the given attributes in the given realm.AMIdentity
LegacyIdentityService. getAmIdentity(SSOToken token, String identityName, IdType idType, String realm)
Create anAMIdentity
using the specified information.Set<String>
LegacyIdentityServiceStore. getAssignableServices(Identity identity)
Returns all services which can be assigned to this entity.Set<String>
LegacyIdentityServiceStore. getAssignedServices(Identity identity)
Returns the set of services already assigned to this identity.Map<String,byte[][]>
IdentityService. getBinaryAttributes(Identity identity, Set<String> attrNames)
Returns requested attributes and values of this object.String
LegacyIdentityService. getIdentityUniversalId(String subject, String realmPath)
Convert an identity subject to anAMIdentity
universal id.Set<AMIdentity>
IdentityService. getMembers(Identity identity, IdType mtype)
Return all members of a given identity type of this identity as a Set of Identity objects.Set<AMIdentity>
IdentityService. getMemberships(Identity identity, IdType mtype)
Returns the set of identities that this identity belongs to.Map<String,Map<String,Set<String>>>
IdRepoService. getRepoSearchResultsAttributes(Realm realm, SSOToken ssoToken, IdType idType)
Gets a repository search results attributes.Map<String,Set<String>>
LegacyIdentityServiceStore. getServiceAttributes(Identity identity, String serviceName)
Returns attributes related to a service, if the service is assigned to the identity.Map<String,Set<String>>
LegacyIdentityServiceStore. getServiceAttributesAscending(Identity identity, String serviceName)
Returns attributes related to a service, if the service is assigned to the identity.IdType
IdTypeService. getType(String type)
Returns anIdType
given a type.String
LegacyIdentityService. getUniversalId(String identityName, IdType idType, String realm)
Determines the universal ID of the user based on the provided details.static String
UsernameExtractor. getUsername(String name)
Deprecated.Returns the username when given a string which may be a username, universal ID, or special user DN.boolean
IdentityService. isActive(Identity identity)
If there is a status attribute configured, then verifies if the identity is active and returns true.boolean
IdentityService. isMember(Identity identity, UniversalId universalId)
Verifies if this identity is a member of the identity being passed.void
LegacyIdentityServiceStore. modifyService(Identity identity, String serviceName, attrMap)
Set attributes related to a specific service.IdentityService.IdentityAttributeUpdater
IdentityService.IdentityAttributeUpdater. removeAttributes(Set<String> attrNames)
Removes the attributes from the identity entry.void
IdentityService. removeMember(Identity parent, UniversalId universalId)
Removes the passed identity as a member of this identity.void
IdentityService. removeMembers(Identity parent, Set<UniversalId> identities)
Removes the passed identities as members of this identity.void
LegacyIdentityServiceStore. removeServiceAttributes(Identity identity, String serviceName, Set<String> attrNames)
Removes attributes value related to a specific service by setting it to empty.void
IdentityService. setActiveStatus(Identity identity, boolean active)
If there is a status attribute configured, then set its status to true or activated state if the parameter active is true.IdentityService.IdentityAttributeUpdater
IdentityService.IdentityAttributeUpdater. setAttributes(Map attrMap)
Sets the values of attributes.IdentityService.IdentityAttributeUpdater
IdentityService.IdentityAttributeUpdater. setBinaryAttributes(Map attrMap)
Set the values of binary attributes.void
IdentityService.IdentityAttributeUpdater. store()
Stores the attributes of the object.void
LegacyIdentityServiceStore. unassignService(Identity identity, String serviceName)
Removes a service from the identity. -
Uses of IdRepoException in
Methods in that throw IdRepoException Modifier and Type Method Description Set<String>
Identity. getAttribute(String attrName)
Returns the values of the requested attribute.Map<String,Set<String>>
Identity. getAttributes()
Returns all attributes and values of this identity.Map<String,Set<String>>
Identity. getAttributes(Set<String> attrNames)
Returns requested attributes and values of this object.boolean
Identity. isExists()
This method determines if the identity exists and returns true or false.static boolean
UniversalId. isUniversalIdOrSpecialUserDn(Dn dn)
Check if dn is a universalId or a special user dn.static UniversalId
UniversalId. of(SSOToken token)
Creates a newUniversalId
instance based of the passed token.static UniversalId
UniversalId. of(String name, IdType type, Realm realm)
Creates a newUniversalId
instance based of the passed individual parts that represent a unique identity.static UniversalId
UniversalId. of(String name, IdType type, Dn realmDn)
Creates a newUniversalId
instance based of the passed individual parts that represent a unique identity.static UniversalId
UniversalId. of(Dn universalId)
Creates a newUniversalId
instance based of the passed universal ID. -
Uses of IdRepoException in
Methods in that throw IdRepoException Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
IdentityStore. authenticate(IdType idType, Callback[] credentials)
Non-javadoc, non-public methods Returnstrue
if the data store has successfully authenticated the identity with the provided credentials.boolean
IdentityStore. authenticate(Callback[] credentials)
Non-javadoc, non-public methods Returnstrue
if the data store has successfully authenticated the identity with the provided credentials.AMIdentity
IdentityStore. createIdentity(IdType type, String idName, Map<String,Set<String>> attrMap)
Create anAMIdentity
IdentityStore. createWithoutValidatingAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, Map<String,Set<String>> attrs, String orgName)
Create a new identity without validating the given attributes.void
IdentityStore. deleteIdentity(AMIdentity identity)
Delete anAMIdentity
IdentityStore. findIdentityByUsername(String username, IdType type)
Searches for the identity using the username.Optional<AMIdentity>
IdentityStore. findUserByUsernameOrAlias(String username, Set<String> userSearchAttributes)
Searches for the user using the username, then uses the search attributes if nothing is found.Set<IdOperation>
IdentityStore. getAllowedIdOperations(IdType type)
Get allowed identity operations.AMIdentity
IdentityStore. getRealmIdentity()
Get the realmAMIdentity
IdentityStore. getSpecialIdentities(SSOToken token, IdType type, String orgName)
Return the special identities for this realm for a given type.Set<IdType>
IdentityStore. getSupportedIdTypes()
Get supported identity types.IdSearchResults
IdentityStore. searchIdentities(IdType type, String pattern, IdSearchControl ctrl)
Search for identities of certain types from each plugin and returns a combined result.IdSearchResults
IdentityStore. searchIdentities(IdType type, org.forgerock.openam.utils.CrestQuery crestQuery, IdSearchControl ctrl)
Searches for identities of certain types from each plugin and returns a combined result Note: The AMIdentity objects representing IdType.REALM can be used for services related operations only.IdSearchResults
IdentityStore. searchIdentitiesByUsername(IdType type, String pattern, IdSearchControl ctrl)
Search for a single identity based on the identity of certain types from each plugin.