Class AMIdentity

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AMIdentity
    extends UniversalId
    implements Identity
    This class represents an Identity which needs to be managed by Access Manager. This identity could exist in multiple repositories, which are configured for a given realm or organization. When any operation is performed from this class, it executes all plugins that are configured for performing that operation. For eg: getAttributes. The application gets access to constructing AMIdentity objects by using AMIdentityRepository interfaces. For example:


    AMIdentityRepository idrepo = new AMIdentityRepository(org); AMIdentity id = idrepo.getRealmIdentity();

    The id returned above is the AMIdentity object of the user's single sign-on token passed above. The results obtained from search performed using AMIdentityRepository also return AMIdentity objects. The type of an object can be determined by doing the following:


    IdType type = identity.getType();

    The name of an object can be determined by:


    String name = identity.getName();

    • Constructor Detail

      • AMIdentity

        public AMIdentity​(SSOToken token,
                          String universalId)
                   throws IdRepoException
        Constructs a new AMIdentity instance from the passed universal ID.
        token - token used to authenticate the use of any service calls
        universalId - the universal ID from which to create an identity instance
        IdRepoException - should an identity repo error occur
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public IdType getType()
        Returns the Type of the Identity.
        getType in class UniversalId
        IdType representing the type of this object.
      • getRealm

        public String getRealm()
        Returns the realm for this identity.
        String representing realm name.
      • getUniversalId

        public String getUniversalId()
        Returns the universal identifier of this object.
        getUniversalId in class UniversalId
        String representing the universal identifier of this object.
      • isActive

        public boolean isActive()
                         throws IdRepoException,
        If there is a status attribute configured, then verifies if the identity is active and returns true. This method is only valid for AMIdentity objects of type User and Agent.
        true if the identity is active or if it is not configured for a status attribute, false otherwise.
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • setActiveStatus

        public void setActiveStatus​(boolean active)
                             throws IdRepoException,
        If there is a status attribute configured, then set its status to true or activated state if the parameter active is true. This method is only valid for AMIdentity objects of type User and Agent.
        active - The state value to assign to status attribute. The actual value assigned to the status attribute will depend on what is configured for that particular plugin. If active is true, the status will be assigned the value corresponding to activated.
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • getAttributes

        public Map getAttributes()
                          throws IdRepoException,
        Returns all attributes and values of this identity. This method is only valid for AMIdentity objects of type User, Agent, Group, and Role.
        Specified by:
        getAttributes in interface Identity
        Map of attribute-values
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • getAttributes

        public Map getAttributes​(Set<String> attrNames)
                          throws IdRepoException,
        Returns requested attributes and values of this object.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity object of type User, Agent, Group, and Role.

        Specified by:
        getAttributes in interface Identity
        attrNames - Set of attribute names to be read
        Map of attribute-values.
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • getBinaryAttributes

        public Map getBinaryAttributes​(Set attrNames)
                                throws IdRepoException,
        Returns requested attributes and values of this object.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity objects of type User, Agent, Group, and Role.

        attrNames - Set of attribute names to be read
        Map of attribute-values.
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • getAttribute

        public Set<String> getAttribute​(String attrName)
                                 throws IdRepoException,
        Returns the values of the requested attribute. Returns an empty set, if the attribute is not set in the object.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity objects of type User, Agent, Group, and Role.

        Specified by:
        getAttribute in interface Identity
        attrName - Name of attribute
        Set of attribute values.
        IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • setAttributes

        public void setAttributes​(Map attrMap)
                           throws IdRepoException,
        Sets the values of attributes. This method should be followed by the method "store" to commit the changes to the Repository. This method is only valid for AMIdentity objects of type User and Agent.
        attrMap - is a map of attribute name (String) to a Set of attribute values (String). It is arranged as: Map::attrMap --> Key: String::AttributeName Value: Set::AttributeValues (Set of String)
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • setBinaryAttributes

        public void setBinaryAttributes​(Map attrMap)
                                 throws IdRepoException,
        Set the values of binary attributes. This method should be followed by the method "store" to commit the changes to the Repository

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity objects of type User and Agent.

        attrMap - Map of attribute-values to be set in the repository or repositories (if multiple plugins are configured for "edit").
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • removeAttributes

        public void removeAttributes​(Set<String> attrNames)
                              throws IdRepoException,
        Removes the attributes from the identity entry. This method should be followed by a "store" to commit the changes to the Repository.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity objects of type User and Agent.

        attrNames - Set of attribute names to be removed
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If the user's single sign on token is invalid
      • store

        public void store()
                   throws IdRepoException,
        Stores the attributes of the object.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity objects of type User and Agent.

        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • getAssignedServices

        public Set<String> getAssignedServices()
                                        throws IdRepoException,
        Returns the set of services already assigned to this identity.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity object of type User.

        Set of serviceNames
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • getAssignableServices

        public Set<String> getAssignableServices()
                                          throws IdRepoException,
        Returns all services which can be assigned to this entity.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity object of type User.

        Set of service names
        IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • assignService

        public void assignService​(String serviceName,
                           throws IdRepoException,
        Assigns the service and service related attributes to the identity.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity object of type User.

        serviceName - Name of service to be assigned.
        attributes - Map of attribute-values
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • unassignService

        public void unassignService​(String serviceName)
                             throws IdRepoException,
        Removes a service from the identity.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity object of type User.

        serviceName - Name of service to be removed.
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • getServiceAttributes

        public Map<String,​Set<String>> getServiceAttributes​(String serviceName)
                                                           throws IdRepoException,
        Returns attributes related to a service, if the service is assigned to the identity.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity object of type User.

        serviceName - Name of the service.
        Map of attribute-values.
        IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • getServiceAttributesAscending

        public Map getServiceAttributesAscending​(String serviceName)
                                          throws IdRepoException,
        Returns attributes related to a service, if the service is assigned to the identity.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity object of type User.

        serviceName - Name of the service.
        Map of attribute-values.
        IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • modifyService

        public void modifyService​(String serviceName,
                           throws IdRepoException,
        Set attributes related to a specific service. The assumption is that the service is already assigned to the identity. The attributes for the service are validated against the service schema.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity object of type User.

        serviceName - Name of the service.
        attrMap - Map of attribute-values.
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • removeServiceAttributes

        public void removeServiceAttributes​(String serviceName,
                                            Set<String> attrNames)
                                     throws IdRepoException,
        Removes attributes value related to a specific service by setting it to empty. The assumption is that the service is already assigned to the identity. The attributes for the service are validated against the service schema.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity object of type User.

        serviceName - Name of the service.
        attrNames - Set of attributes name.
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • isMember

        public boolean isMember​(UniversalId universalId)
                         throws IdRepoException,
        Verifies if this identity is a member of the identity being passed.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity objects of type Role, Group and User.

        universalId - AMIdentity to check membership with
        true if this Identity is a member of the given Identity
        IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - if user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • getMembers

        public Set<AMIdentity> getMembers​(IdType mtype)
                                   throws IdRepoException,
        Return all members of a given identity type of this identity as a Set of AMIdentity objects.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity objects of type Group and User.

        mtype - Type of identity objects
        Set of AMIdentity objects that are members of this object.
        IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - if user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • getMemberships

        public Set<AMIdentity> getMemberships​(IdType mtype)
                                       throws IdRepoException,
        Returns the set of identities that this identity belongs to.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity objects of type User and Role.

        mtype - Type of member identity.
        Set of AMIdentity objects of the given type that this identity belongs to.
        IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - if user's single sign on token is invalid.
      • isExists

        public boolean isExists()
                         throws IdRepoException,
        This method determines if the identity exists and returns true or false.

        This method is only valid for AMIdentity objects of type User and Agent.

        Specified by:
        isExists in interface Identity
        true if the identity exists or false otherwise.
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions.
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid.