Interface IdentityService

public interface IdentityService
An identity service that allows performing updates to Identity instances.
  • Method Details

    • isActive

      boolean isActive(Identity identity) throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      If there is a status attribute configured, then verifies if the identity is active and returns true. This method is only valid for Identity objects of type User and Agent.
      true if the identity is active or if it is not configured for a status attribute, false otherwise
      IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid
    • setActiveStatus

      void setActiveStatus(Identity identity, boolean active) throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      If there is a status attribute configured, then set its status to true or activated state if the parameter active is true. This method is only valid for Identity objects of type User and Agent.
      identity - The identity to perform the update on.
      active - The state value to assign to status attribute. The actual value assigned to the status attribute will depend on what is configured for that particular plugin. If active is true, the status will be assigned the value corresponding to activated
      IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid
    • getBinaryAttributes

      Map<String,byte[][]> getBinaryAttributes(Identity identity, Set<String> attrNames) throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      Returns requested attributes and values of this object.

      This method is only valid for Identity objects of type User, Agent, Group, and Role.

      attrNames - Set of attribute names to be read
      Map of attribute-values
      IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid
    • updateAttributes

      Returns a builder which allows updating the attributes of the given identity.
      identity - The identity to perform the update on.
      the attribute updater
    • isMember

      boolean isMember(Identity identity, UniversalId universalId) throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      Verifies if this identity is a member of the identity being passed.

      This method is only valid for Identity objects of type Role, Group and User.

      universalId - UniversalId to check membership with
      true if this Identity is a member of the given Identity
      IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - if user's single sign on token is invalid
    • getMembers

      Set<AMIdentity> getMembers(Identity identity, IdType mtype) throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      Return all members of a given identity type of this identity as a Set of Identity objects.

      This method is only valid for Identity objects of type Group and User.

      mtype - Type of identity objects
      Set of AMIdentity objects that are members of this object
      IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - if user's single sign on token is invalid
    • getMemberships

      Set<AMIdentity> getMemberships(Identity identity, IdType mtype) throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      Returns the set of identities that this identity belongs to.

      This method is only valid for Identity objects of type User and Role.

      mtype - Type of member identity
      Set of AMIdentity objects of the given type that this identity belongs to
      IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - if user's single sign on token is invalid
    • addMember

      void addMember(Identity parent, UniversalId universalId) throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      Adds the passed identity as a member of this identity.
      parent - The identity to perform the update on.
      universalId - the identity to be added
      IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - if user's single sign on token is invalid
    • addMembers

      void addMembers(Identity parent, Set<UniversalId> identities) throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      Adds the passed identities as members of this identity.
      parent - The identity to perform the update on.
      identities - the identities to be added
      IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - if user's single sign on token is invalid
    • removeMember

      void removeMember(Identity parent, UniversalId universalId) throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      Removes the passed identity as a member of this identity.
      parent - The identity to perform the update on.
      universalId - the identity to be removed
      IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - if user's single sign on token is invalid
    • removeMembers

      void removeMembers(Identity parent, Set<UniversalId> identities) throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      Removes the passed identities as members of this identity.
      parent - The identity to perform the update on.
      identities - the identities to be removed
      IdRepoException - if there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - if user's single sign on token is invalid
    • changePassword

      void changePassword(Identity identity, String oldPassword, String newPassword) throws IdRepoException, SSOException
      Changes password for the identity.
      identity - The identity to perform the update on.
      oldPassword - old password
      newPassword - new password
      IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions
      SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid