Interface GenericOpenIdResolver<J extends Jwt>

Type Parameters:
J - the Jwt type supported by the implemented resolver
All Known Subinterfaces:
EncryptedOpenIdResolver, OpenIdResolver
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseOpenIdResolver, JWKOpenIdResolverImpl, PublicKeyOpenIdResolverImpl, SharedSecretOpenIdResolverImpl

public interface GenericOpenIdResolver<J extends Jwt>
Validation of Open ID Connect JWTs via verification of their internals (issuer, audience, signature, etc.). Each Resolver performs validation against a supplied Jwt, throwing an OpenIdConnectVerificationException if there are any issues which do not conform to the verification spec as per: More details on how the verification should be completed can be found at validateIdentity(Jwt) performs all individual checks.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The Jwt type this resolver supports.
    Validates the supplied Jwt against this OpenId Connect Idp.
  • Method Details

    • validateIdentity

      void validateIdentity(J idClaim) throws OpenIdConnectVerificationException
      Validates the supplied Jwt against this OpenId Connect Idp.
      idClaim - The Jwt to test is authenticated
      OpenIdConnectVerificationException - If the Jwt is unable to be verified
    • getExpectedJwtType

      Class<J> getExpectedJwtType()
      The Jwt type this resolver supports.
      the supported Jwt type