Interface Context

All Known Subinterfaces:
MessageContext, MessageInfoContext
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractContext, AdviceContext, ApiVersionRouterContext, AttributesContext, ClientContext, MessageContextImpl, OAuth2Context, RequestAuditContext, RootContext, SecurityContext, SelfServiceContext, SessionContext, TransactionIdContext, UriRouterContext

public interface Context
Type-safe contextual information associated with the processing of a request in an application. Contexts are linked together in a stack with a RootContext at the bottom of the stack. Each context maintains a reference to its parent context which can be accessed using the getParent()} method. Context implementations may provide information about the client, the end-user, auditing information, routing decisions, etc. While contexts are arranged in a stack, application code will usually access contexts using the asContext(Class) method:
     Context context = ...; // Opaque reference to the context stack

     String remoteHost = context.asContext(ClientContext.class).getRemoteHost();
     context.asContext(AttributesContext.class).getAttributes().put("key", "value");
Alternatively, scripted applications will usually access contexts by name:
     var remoteHost = context.client.remoteHost;
     context.attributes.key = "value";
Context implementations should inherit from AbstractContext and ensure that they can be serialized to and from JSON.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default <T extends Context>
    as(Class<T> clazz)
    Returns an @{link Optional} which contains the first context in the chain whose type is a sub-type of the provided Context class if one exists, or an empty optional if none is present.
    <T extends Context>
    asContext(Class<T> clazz)
    Returns the first context in the chain whose type is a sub-type of the provided Context class.
    containsContext(Class<? extends Context> clazz)
    Returns true if there is a context in the chain whose type is a sub-type of the provided Context class.
    containsContext(String contextName)
    Returns true if there is a context in the chain whose name matches the provided context name.
    default Optional<Context>
    get(String contextName)
    Returns an Optional containing the first context in the chain whose context name matches the provided name, or an empty Optional if none is present.
    getContext(String contextName)
    Returns the first context in the chain whose context name matches the provided name.
    Get this Context's name.
    Returns the unique ID identifying this context, usually a UUID.
    Returns the parent of this context.
    Returns the unique ID of the root context, usually a UUID.
    Returns true if this context is a root context.
    Return this Context as a JsonValue (for persistence).
  • Method Details

    • getContextName

      String getContextName()
      Get this Context's name.
      this object's name
    • asContext

      <T extends Context> T asContext(Class<T> clazz)
      Returns the first context in the chain whose type is a sub-type of the provided Context class. The method first checks this context to see if it has the required type, before proceeding to the parent context, and then continuing up the chain of parents until the root context is reached.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The context type.
      clazz - The class of context to be returned.
      The first context in the chain whose type is a sub-type of the provided Context class.
      IllegalArgumentException - If no matching context was found in this context's parent chain.
    • as

      default <T extends Context> Optional<T> as(Class<T> clazz)
      Returns an @{link Optional} which contains the first context in the chain whose type is a sub-type of the provided Context class if one exists, or an empty optional if none is present. The method first checks this context to see if it has the required type, before proceeding to the parent context, and then continuing up the chain of parents until the root context is reached.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The context type.
      clazz - The class of context to be returned.
      An Optional containing the first context in the chain whose type is a sub-type of the provided Context class, or an empty optional if no such Context exists in the chain.
    • getContext

      Context getContext(String contextName)
      Returns the first context in the chain whose context name matches the provided name.
      contextName - The name of the context to be returned.
      The first context in the chain whose name matches the provided context name.
      IllegalArgumentException - If no matching context was found in this context's parent chain.
    • get

      default Optional<Context> get(String contextName)
      Returns an Optional containing the first context in the chain whose context name matches the provided name, or an empty Optional if none is present.
      contextName - The name of the context to be returned.
      An Optional containing the first context in the chain whose name matches the provided context name, an empty optional if none is present.
    • containsContext

      boolean containsContext(Class<? extends Context> clazz)
      Returns true if there is a context in the chain whose type is a sub-type of the provided Context class. The method first checks this context to see if it has the required type, before proceeding to the parent context, and then continuing up the chain of parents until the root context is reached.
      clazz - The class of context to be checked.
      true if there is a context in the chain whose type is a sub-type of the provided Context class.
    • containsContext

      boolean containsContext(String contextName)
      Returns true if there is a context in the chain whose name matches the provided context name.
      contextName - The name of the context to locate.
      true if there is a context in the chain whose context name matches contextName.
    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns the unique ID identifying this context, usually a UUID. If no ID has been defined then the ID of the parent context will be returned.
      The unique ID identifying this context. If no ID has been defined then the ID of the parent context will be returned.
    • getRootId

      String getRootId()
      Returns the unique ID of the root context, usually a UUID.
      The unique ID of the root context.
    • getParent

      Context getParent()
      Returns the parent of this context.
      The parent of this context, or null if this context is a root context.
    • isRootContext

      boolean isRootContext()
      Returns true if this context is a root context.
      true if this context is a root context.
    • toJsonValue

      JsonValue toJsonValue()
      Return this Context as a JsonValue (for persistence).
      the Context data as a JsonValue.