Class Router

    • Constructor Detail

      • Router

        public Router()
        Creates a new router with no routes defined.
      • Router

        public Router​(AbstractRouter<Router,​Request,​RequestHandler,​org.forgerock.api.models.ApiDescription> router)
        Creates a new router containing the same routes and default route as the provided router. Changes to the returned router's routing table will not impact the provided router.
        router - The router to be copied.
    • Method Detail

      • addRoute

        public RouteMatcher<Request> addRoute​(Router.UriTemplate uriTemplate,
                                              CollectionResourceProvider provider)
        Adds a new route to this router for the provided collection resource provider. New routes may be added while this router is processing requests.

        The provided URI template must match the resource collection itself, not resource instances. For example:

         CollectionResourceProvider users = ...;
         Router router = new Router();
         // This is valid usage: the template matches the resource collection.
         router.addRoute(Router.uriTemplate("users"), users);
         // This is invalid usage: the template matches resource instances.
         router.addRoute(Router.uriTemplate("users/{userId}"), users);
        uriTemplate - The URI template which request resource names must match.
        provider - The collection resource provider to which matching requests will be routed.
        The RouteMatcher for the route that can be used to remove the route at a later point.
      • addRoute

        public RouteMatcher<Request> addRoute​(Router.UriTemplate uriTemplate,
                                              SingletonResourceProvider provider)
        Adds a new route to this router for the provided singleton resource provider. New routes may be added while this router is processing requests.
        uriTemplate - The URI template which request resource names must match.
        provider - The singleton resource provider to which matching requests will be routed.
        The RouteMatcher for the route that can be used to remove the route at a later point.
      • addRoute

        public RouteMatcher<Request> addRoute​(RoutingMode mode,
                                              Router.UriTemplate uriTemplate,
                                              RequestHandler handler)
        Adds a new route to this router for the provided request handler. New routes may be added while this router is processing requests.
        mode - Indicates how the URI template should be matched against resource names.
        uriTemplate - The URI template which request resource names must match.
        handler - The request handler to which matching requests will be routed.
        The RouteMatcher for the route that can be used to remove the route at a later point.
      • uriTemplate

        public static Router.UriTemplate uriTemplate​(String template)
        Creates a Router.UriTemplate from a URI template string that will be used to match and route incoming requests.
        template - The URI template.
        A UriTemplate instance.
      • addRoute

        public RouteMatcher<Request> addRoute​(Version version,
                                              CollectionResourceProvider provider)
        Adds a new route to this router for the provided collection resource provider. New routes may be added while this router is processing requests.
        version - The resource API version the the request must match.
        provider - The collection resource provider to which matching requests will be routed.
        The RouteMatcher for the route that can be used to remove the route at a later point.
      • addRoute

        public RouteMatcher<Request> addRoute​(Version version,
                                              SingletonResourceProvider provider)
        Adds a new route to this router for the provided singleton resource provider. New routes may be added while this router is processing requests.
        version - The resource API version the the request must match.
        provider - The singleton resource provider to which matching requests will be routed.
        The RouteMatcher for the route that can be used to remove the route at a later point.
      • addRoute

        public RouteMatcher<Request> addRoute​(Version version,
                                              RequestHandler handler)
        Adds a new route to this router for the provided request handler. New routes may be added while this router is processing requests.
        version - The resource API version the the request must match.
        handler - The request handler to which matching requests will be routed.
        The RouteMatcher for the route that can be used to remove the route at a later point.
      • handleAction

        public Promise<ActionResponse,​ResourceException> handleAction​(Context context,
                                                                            ActionRequest request)
        Description copied from interface: RequestHandler
        Handles performing an action on a resource, and optionally returns an associated result. The execution of an action is allowed to incur side effects.

        Actions are parametric; a set of named parameters is provided as input to the action. The action result is a JSON object structure composed of basic Java types; its overall structure is defined by a specific implementation.

        On completion, the action result (or null) must be used to complete the returned Promise. On failure, the returned Promise must be completed with the exception.

        Action expects failure exceptions as follows: ForbiddenException if access to the resource is forbidden. NotSupportedException if the requested functionality is not implemented/supported BadRequestException if the passed identifier, parameters or filter is invalid NotFoundException if the specified resource could not be found.

        Specified by:
        handleAction in interface RequestHandler
        context - The request server context, such as associated principal.
        request - The action request.
        A Promise containing the result of the operation.
      • handleCreate

        public Promise<ResourceResponse,​ResourceException> handleCreate​(Context context,
                                                                              CreateRequest request)
        Description copied from interface: RequestHandler
        Adds a new JSON resource, returning a Promise that will be completed when the resource has been added.

        Create expects failure exceptions as follows:

        • CreateNotSupportedException if create is not implemented or supported by the RequestHandler.
        • ForbiddenException if access to the resource is forbidden.
        • NotSupportedException if the requested functionality is not implemented/supported
        • PreconditionFailedException if a resource with the same ID already exists
        • BadRequestException if the passed identifier or value is invalid
        • NotFoundException if the specified id could not be resolved, for example when an intermediate resource in the hierarchy does not exist.
        Specified by:
        handleCreate in interface RequestHandler
        context - The request server context, such as associated principal.
        request - The create request.
        A Promise containing the result of the operation.
      • handleDelete

        public Promise<ResourceResponse,​ResourceException> handleDelete​(Context context,
                                                                              DeleteRequest request)
        Description copied from interface: RequestHandler
        Deletes a JSON resource, returning a Promise that will be completed when the resource has been deleted.

        Delete expects failure exceptions as follows:

        • ForbiddenException if access to the resource is forbidden
        • NotSupportedException if the requested functionality is not implemented/supported
        • BadRequestException if the passed identifier is invalid
        • NotFoundException if the specified resource could not be found
        • PreconditionRequiredException if version is required, but is null
        • PreconditionFailedException if version did not match the existing resource.
        Specified by:
        handleDelete in interface RequestHandler
        context - The request server context, such as associated principal.
        request - The delete request.
        A Promise containing the result of the operation.
      • handlePatch

        public Promise<ResourceResponse,​ResourceException> handlePatch​(Context context,
                                                                             PatchRequest request)
        Description copied from interface: RequestHandler
        Updates a JSON resource by applying a set of changes to its existing content, returning a Promise that will be completed when the resource has been updated.

        Patch expects failure exceptions as follows:

        • ForbiddenException if access to the resource is forbidden
        • NotSupportedException if the requested functionality is not implemented/supported
        • PreconditionRequiredException if version is required, but is null
        • PreconditionFailedException if version did not match the existing resource
        • BadRequestException if the passed identifier or filter is invalid
        • NotFoundException if the specified resource could not be found
        • ConflictException if patch could not be applied for the given resource state.
        Specified by:
        handlePatch in interface RequestHandler
        context - The request server context, such as associated principal.
        request - The patch request.
        A Promise containing the result of the operation.
      • handleQuery

        public Promise<QueryResponse,​ResourceException> handleQuery​(Context context,
                                                                          QueryRequest request,
                                                                          QueryResourceHandler handler)
        Description copied from interface: RequestHandler
        Searches for all JSON resources matching a user specified set of criteria, returning a Promise that will be completed when the search has completed.

        Implementations must invoke QueryResourceHandler.handleResource(ResourceResponse) for each resource which matches the query criteria. Once all matching resources have been returned implementations are required to return either a QueryResponse if the query has completed successfully, or ResourceException if the query did not complete successfully (even if some matching resources were returned).

        Query expects failure exceptions as follows:

        • ForbiddenException if access to the resource is forbidden
        • NotSupportedException if the requested functionality is not implemented/supported
        • BadRequestException if the passed identifier, parameters or filter is invalid
        • NotFoundException if the specified resource could not be found
        Specified by:
        handleQuery in interface RequestHandler
        context - The request server context, such as associated principal.
        request - The query request.
        handler - The query resource handler to be notified for each matching resource.
        A Promise containing the result of the operation.
      • handleRead

        public Promise<ResourceResponse,​ResourceException> handleRead​(Context context,
                                                                            ReadRequest request)
        Description copied from interface: RequestHandler
        Reads a JSON resource, returning a Promise that will be completed when the resource has been read.

        Read expects failure exceptions as follows:

        • ForbiddenException if access to the resource is forbidden.
        • NotSupportedException if the requested functionality is not implemented/supported
        • BadRequestException if the passed identifier or filter is invalid
        • NotFoundException if the specified resource could not be found.
        Specified by:
        handleRead in interface RequestHandler
        context - The request server context, such as associated principal.
        request - The read request.
        A Promise containing the result of the operation.
      • handleUpdate

        public Promise<ResourceResponse,​ResourceException> handleUpdate​(Context context,
                                                                              UpdateRequest request)
        Description copied from interface: RequestHandler
        Updates a JSON resource by replacing its existing content with new content, returning a Promise that will be completed when the resource has been updated.

        Update expects failure the following failure exceptions:

        • ForbiddenException if access to the resource is forbidden
        • NotSupportedException if the requested functionality is not implemented/supported
        • PreconditionRequiredException if version is required, but is null
        • PreconditionFailedException if version did not match the existing resource
        • BadRequestException if the passed identifier or filter is invalid
        • NotFoundException if the specified resource could not be found.
        Specified by:
        handleUpdate in interface RequestHandler
        context - The request server context, such as associated principal.
        request - The update request.
        A Promise containing the result of the operation.
      • handleApiRequest

        public org.forgerock.api.models.ApiDescription handleApiRequest​(Context context,
                                                                        Request request)
        Description copied from interface: Describable
        Handle a request for the API Descriptor. This method should not do any computation, but should return the already computed descriptor.
        Specified by:
        handleApiRequest in interface Describable<org.forgerock.api.models.ApiDescription,​Request>
        handleApiRequest in class AbstractRouter<Router,​Request,​RequestHandler,​org.forgerock.api.models.ApiDescription>
        context - The request context.
        request - The request.
        The descriptor.