Uses of Interface

Packages that use Promise
Package contains the AuditService.
This package contains the default AuditEventHandlers.
This package contains the batch publisher and its various implementations.
This package contains the default AuditEventHandler implementations.
This package contains the Elasticsearch AuditEventHandler implementation.
This package contains a JDBC AuditEventHandler implementation.
This package contains a JMS AuditEventHandler implementation.
This package contains the JSON-file AuditEventHandler implementation.
This package contains the JSON-stdout AuditEventHandler implementation.
This package contains the audit handler implementation for Splunk.
This package contains a Syslog AuditEventHandler implementation.
Models and manages elements of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
Core Filter implementations.
Support for CORS.
Core Handler implementations.
This package provides APIs for OAuth 2.0 services implementations.
This package defines OpenAM specific logic needed to retrieve an AccessTokenInfo.
Models and manages elements of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
Provides routing functionality for HTTP requests.
Provides interfaces for managing and interacting with HTTP Sessions.
HTTP service provider API.
Classes to support OpenAPI API Descriptions using Swagger.
Provides an API for the traversal and manipulation of JSON object model structures in Java.
Classes and interfaces for JWT encryption and JWEs.
Classes and interfaces for creating and manipulating JWKs.
This package contains classes to manage a JWKs URI.
Classes and interfaces for JWT signing and JWS'.
Classes and interfaces for core types including connections, request handlers, resources, and their exceptions.
Identity Assertion handler.
Identity Assertion plugins.
Kerberos Identity Assertion plugin.
Service Provider interface for registering audit events.
Integrates with the Java Enterprise Edition Unified Expression Language API.
Filters the requests and/or responses of HTTP.
Filters the HTTP request using a declarative configuration model based on a chain of predicates to validate.
This package contains the components used to implement circuit breaking.
Support for financial APIs (Open Banking, PSD2, Berlin Group, ...).
This package contains the components used to implement some JWT related filter.
This package contains the OAuth2 Token validation filter that acts as an OAuth 2 Resource Server.
OAuth 2.0 Client filter implementation.
JWT confirmation key support for access tokens.
This package contains the components used to implement a throttling rate support.
Handles HTTP requests by generating responses.
Handles the tech preview identity assertion processing.
Contains components and APIs used to serve static resources.
Provides automated router capability that loads its configurations files (called routes) from a given directory.
Identity Gateway SAML support.
Integrates with the ForgeRock HTTP Framework.
Integration classes specifically for ForgeRock Access Management.
AM Session idle timeout tracking.
Contains every classes related to Ping's sideband API.
Contains proxy related heaplets.
Contains RxJava specific tools.
Scripting support.
Provides the Common Secrets API for accessing secrets of various kinds.
Manage the Identity Gateway session using an HTTP Cookie.
Provides SQL and JDBC support.
Common tools used in policy service.
Access Management Server.
AM authentication service.
HTTP-based authentication service.
Provides JWT capabilities to the Identity Gateway.
This package contains classes used to perform JWT validation.
AM notifications service.
Web socket notifications service implementation.
AM Links implementations.
This package contains classes to call AM to retrieve user's session info.
This package contains classes to call AM to retrieve user's profile info.
Defines a storage service to be used by the UI to persist its component model.
This package contains the UMA (User Managed Access) components used to support the Uma Resource Server role.
Miscellaneous utility classes.
Provides a unified API for accessing secrets of various kinds.
Contains secret credential related API objects.
Secret store backend for retrieving keys from a local or remote JWK Set.
Implementations of SecretStore for accessing keys stored in Java KeyStores, such as PKCS#11 Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) and PKCS#12 file-based encrypted key stores.
A Secrets API backend that can obtain OAuth 2 access tokens from a token endpoint, along with a collection of grant type handlers.
Provides a SecretStore implementation that loads secrets from a Common Configuration PropertyResolver and then decodes it with a SecretPropertyFormat.
Provides common interfaces and classes.
An implementation of the Promise API in Java.