If you installed the Ping Access agent using the standard installation process, you can uninstall it with the command.

sudo yum remove pingaccess-agent*.x86_64

If you installed the Ping Access agent manually with an IBM HTTP Server, you can uninstall it with the following procedure.

  1. Remove the $APACHE/conf/agent.properties file.
    rm $APACHE/conf/agent.properties
  2. Remove the following directive from the Apache configuration file, $APACHE/conf/httpd.conf.
    Include conf/paa.conf
  3. Remove paa.conf from the $APACHE/modules directory.
    rm $APACHE/modules/paa.conf
  4. Remove all .so files from the $APACHE/modules directory.
    rm $APACHE/modules/*.so*
  5. Restart the Apache service with the apachectl restart command.