Integrating Web Applications
Our first scenario involves analyzing a web application to determine the changes required to make the application behave in a federated model. We will first identify what a typical web application looks like and how it will look after it has been integrated. Then we will use the information we gained in the previous section and walk through the process needed to integrate a web application.
A user via their web browser access the application, when they visit a protected page the application wil prompt them for authentication. In a non-federated model this is typically an application login form where the user enters their username and password. The application will then validate these credentials against the user authentication store (an internal data store or maybe a networked directory). If the credentials are valid and the authenticated user is authorized to access the protected content, the user is provided an authenticated session and is allowed to continue.
The goal of application integration for a web application is to move the authentication flow to a federated browser SSO model. As we know with the browser SSO model, the authentication event is offloaded to the identity provider and replaced with a mechanism to validate the authentication token returned via the authentication process. When a user accesses protected content, the application will redirect the users browser to the federated sign-in process. The user authenticates at the identity provider, a security token is issued and provided to the service provider who creates a session in the application.
As we learned in the previous section, there are four items we will evaluate:
Authentication Event(s)
User Profile
Authorization Event(s)
Session Management
Authentication and Single Sign-On
The sign-on process may contain more than one location where a visitor can authenticate; the "front door", at an approval stage, if there are any APIs exposed by the application etc. It is important to identify the events in the application that require authentication and what authentication requirements each event has (ie an approval process may require a step-up to a stronger form of authentication such as a second factor).
Focusing on the "front-door" authentication, a general web application sign-on process will go through a simple workflow:
To change this workflow to support a federated authentication model, when an unauthenticated user appears the application will redirect the users browser to the SSO process. This will result in the user being challenged for authentication at the identity provider and (after a successful authentication) a token returned to the application sign-on process.
The sign-in process is now expecting three user states:
A known user already has an application session (if the user is authorized, the requested page will be rendered)
An unknown user is arriving with a federated security token (where the application will validate that token and if valid, create an application session - the user will then be in state #1)
An unknown user is arriving without a token (the application will redirect the user to the federated sign-in process - the user will re-appear to the application as state #2)
The results of the authentication request are a token containing proof of authentication and the additional attributes required by the application. The application can use these attributes to create the application session and personalize the application for the user.
User Profile
More than likely, an application requires more information about the user during authentication (i.e. a list of groups to use for authorization decisions or the user’s preferred language to personalize the application) these additional attributes can be provided by the authentication provider during the authentication event or through an out-of-band process (i.e. federated provisioning (SCIM) or via an API call like the OpenID Connect UserInfo API).
An application may have an application data store that contains application-specific information about the incoming user. For some applications the only information the application needs from the authentication provider is the username. It can then map that user to their application profile to associate the user with their application profile and authorizations.
Authorization and Access Control
Once we have an authenticated user (and their user profile), the next event is the authorization and access control stage. The application can use the attributes defined in the user profile (whether that information was received during the authentication or was provided in an alternate method) to make authorization decisions and determine the appropriate level of access to the user.
Session Management
The authentication process is generally a one-time event. So when the application receives the authentication token and signs that user in, the application will generally create an application session. Once that session expires it will send the user through the sign-in process again to reauthenticate. This process may be aligned with the authentication provider to provide a seamless session extension - if the application session is shorter than the authentication provider session, then the user will automatically be logged back into the application when the session expires. Products such as PingAccess provide session management out of the box.
Terminating the session can be achieved via single log out or by just killing the application session and redirecting the user / instructing them to close their browser. Single log-out is supported across federation protocols however can be trickly to implement due to differing authentication methods provided by authentication providers. It is best to provide options to the federation partner on how to handle the sign-out event. Generally asking the partner to supply a log-out URL during configuration would be sufficient, then the application can log the user out of the application, then redirect to the URL specified by the partner.