Developer Resources

Validate the Token

For an API developer to integrate with OAuth 2.0, the resource must accept and validate the OAuth 2.0 access token (step 1 below). Once the token has been received, the resource can then validate the access token against the PingFederate authorization server (step 2). The response from the access token validation will include attributes that the resource can use for authorization decisions.

Oauth use a token
  • This section will demonstrate the manual method of validating an access token through code. This effort could also be handled by an API gateway / service bus architecture or by the API validating a JWT formatted token internally.

  • The OAuth 2.0 specifications do not define a standard mechanism for access token validation. The process described in this section is specific to a PingFederate implementation.

Sample Client Configuration

For the access token validation example below, the following client information will be used:

Admin Label OAuth2 Parameter Example Value

Redirect URIs



Scope Settings



Refresh Token



Client ID



Client Authentication



Allowed Grant Types


Access Token Validation (Client is a Resource Server)

  • grant_type of ""

Validating the Token

The API first needs to receive the access token from the client as it was provided per the "Use a Token" section of this guide.

A request from a client would look similar to the following:

Authorization: Bearer AAA...ZZZ

In order to fulfill the request, the API first extracts the access token from the authorization header, then queries the token endpoint of the PingFederate AS to validate the token:

POST https://localhost:9031/as/token.oauth2 HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Authorization: Basic cnNfY2xpZW50OjJGZWRlcmF0ZQ==

A successful response to this message will result in a 200 OK HTTP response and a JSON structure in the body of the response similar to the following:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

  "access_token": { "role":"all_access" },

The resource server can then use this information to make an authorization decision and allow or deny the web request.