Developer Resources

Developer Resources

Guides, white papers, articles, and videos that explore authentication standards and protocols for a technical audience.

Developer Guides

  • Application Integration Guide

    This guide walks you through considerations for application developers to enable SSO for their applications.

  • Federated SSO Primer

    Learn what developers need to consider before integrating SSO for applications.

  • JWT and JOSE

    JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and the JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) collection of standards provide a concise model for representing claims in a token and the signing and encryption of those tokens.

  • OAuth 2.0

    This guide highlights developer (application and API) issues when modifying code to support OAuth 2.0.

  • OpenID Connect 1.0

    A developer-focused overview of the OpenID Connect protocol.

  • SCIM 1.1

    This technical guide for the SCIM 1.1 protocol includes information about the SCIM components, schema, and operations.