PingGateway 2024.9

Edit and import routes

The following sections describe basic tasks for Edit and import routes in Studio:

Edit routes in editor mode

After creating a route in Studio, you can edit it by using the options offered in Studio, or by switching to editor mode and using the JSON editor.

Routes created only in the menus of structured editor have the icon . Routes created only in the menus of FreeForm Designer have the icon freeform. Imported routes and routes edited in editor mode have the icon { }.

When you go into editor mode, you can use the JSON editor to manually edit the route, but can no longer use the full Studio interface to add to or edit the configuration.

  1. In Studio, select ROUTES, and then select a route created with the structured editor (with the icon).

  2. Edit the route in Studio or manually:

    • To edit in Studio, select options offered in Studio.

    • To edit manually, select and Editor mode and use the JSON editor to edit the route.

    If the route status is Deployed, it changes to Changes pending.

  3. Deploy the route as described in Deploying and undeploying routes.

Import routes into Studio

When you import a route into Studio, it is imported in editor mode. You can use the JSON editor to manually edit the route, but can’t use the full Studio interface to add or edit filters.

Routes created only in the menus of structured editor have the icon . Routes created only in the menus of FreeForm Designer have the icon freeform. Imported routes and routes edited in editor mode have the icon { }.

  1. In Studio, select ROUTES and then Import a route.

  2. Click in the window to import a route, or drag a route from your filesystem.

    If the route has a name property, the name is automatically used for the Name and ID fields in Studio.

  3. If necessary, make the following changes, and then select Import:

    • If the Name and ID fields are empty, enter a unique name and ID for the route.

    • If the Name and ID fields are outlined in red, the route name or ID already exists in Studio. Change the name and ID to be unique.

    • If an error message is displayed, the route is not valid JSON. Fix the route and then try again to import it.

    The route is added to the list of routes on the ROUTES page.

  4. Deploy the route as described in Deploying and undeploying routes.

View and search for routes in your configuration

All of the routes that exist in your backend configuration are displayed on the ROUTES page, including imported routes and routes created outside Studio.

To search for a route, select ROUTES, and type part of the route name in the search box. Matching routes are displayed as you enter the search criteria.